Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I Have Great Friends

Last night, I came home after work and out of my car.

Now the funny thing is, separating my car park lot and the lift up to my apartment is a cement 'railing'.

So rather than walking one big round to the elevator I just made it quick and snappy and jumped over the railing.

Last night just as I got out of the car, I got a call from a very important person.

I was talking on the phone when I decided to make my jump across.

Just as I was about to jump, I stumbled a little bit and only made it half the distance... meaning I landed with each leg on either side of the railing and the railing right on my balls.I felt my balls crunch against the cement and the thought of me having children 5 years from now flew past very very quickly.

I immediately hung up the phone to scream in pain

But no one was around to hear me.

So while lying on the floor to wait for the pain in my groin to subside, I sent a shoutout from my phone on Pacmee.
"AUGH!!! I was trying to jump over a railing but stumbled and landed with the railing on my balls. AUGH!!! Somebody call an ambulance! QUICK!!!'
I waited for a few seconds for someone to come save me.

Now you would think my dear friends who receive my Pacmee Shoutout or read about it on my blog will straight away SMS me and say
"Dude... are you okay?"


"Dude... where do I ask the ambulance to go?"


"Hang in there dude... I'm coming to get you.".

or even a solution on what to do
"Put your nuts on ice dude... that'll stop the swelling."

But noooo.. the replies I got were






I have great friends.

They all love me.. and will come help me in time of need.


SaeWei said...

ALAMAK!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! What do you expect wor?? Maybe they thought you were joking mah..Hahahahaa..

Luckily they tarak reply this --> There goes your balls!! Hahahahaha

The moral of the stroty is... In case of emergency, please call them instead of PacMee Shoutout ;)

Anyway, are "they" okay now? :P

eyries said...

haha! though i think its not as bad as my friend having a paintball shot point blank at his... erm yeah,... he gave out a silent scream and stayed on the floor for a few minutes... stagnant.

pee-ing hurt like hell after that. hope yours isnt till that extent.

Boss Stewie said...

sae: yah... what if i am too weak from the pain to make a call.

eries: hahahaha.. ermm.. no ler i think pain from peeing is prob from something else.

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

Hahaha.... i'm soo a dog person... not a fantastic one but i love dogs!!!

and in response to this post....


but really... are your balls ok??? lol

Boss Stewie said...

aronil: no they are not okay.. sniff

Cutie said...

So will there still be Father's Day for you? Hmm, wouldn't you scare all the girls away from you if you post this up. They might think that you no longer are capable. hehe...

Boss Stewie said...

cutie: hahahaa... more the reason why i'm going to lose my bet huh! nehmind wan lar...

Daren said...

This is so hilarious!
Jumping over the railing?
Its so thick you are lucky your balls didnt left you for good!
You can celebrate Mother's day already.

kimfei said...

phew...tats so hurt..our boss stewie almost become bossy stewie..but it is really pain ler..do u ever kena when u play badminton..i mean when smashing time..damn hurt..

Boss Stewie said...

da garbage: sigh.. you know i how sad :( SNIFF

kimfei: yah..... luckily.. i was quite close to becoming boss sharon already

meow said...


be more careful next time...

your friends are so cool! HAHAHAHAHA...

No, I'm not laughing at you, hehe...


Boss Stewie said...

serena: HMPH!!!

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Bossy!
Are u sure???
Very very sure!
Confirm sure?
That u 'ball' are ok! Exame it carefully....it is perfectly bean shape? Sure no pain wan??? Does it 'move' around freely? After u play ur ball doest it firm up???No??? How about letting ur gf 'play' with it?? Still not 'firm' up??? Ok one more 'test' to comfirm that ur ball is OK!
Go & shoot some bullet!!!
See I am so consent about ur health!
Have a nice day!

Jacquelyn Ho said...



Observer said...

Ur balls should b ok la...u blog it today at noon, 4pm still can reply means no problemo la

pinksterz said...




get well soon balls.

Jess said...

OMG OMG OMG!!! so funny!!

Get well soon k *smiles*

Anonymous said...

walaoeh!!! boss!! ok not?! sure damn pain leh!! hope boss wore some good underwear tht day =P

princessladyjane said...

awwww... that must hurt bad!

So, i guess the next time when u go home, u dont dare to jump the railings anymore... heehheee...

take care... we all still wanna see junior boss stewie in the future... hehehee...

JC Yee said...

lol... get a check up just to make sure la boss

Boss Stewie said...

hor ny: i'm pretty sure my balls are ok now dude

jac: sayang more pls?

freethinker: yah feeling better now me

pink: laugh at my misery some more.. sniff

jess: HMPH!

cbb: haih... underwear not good enuf wor

princess: yes.. i wanna see boss stewie junior too

jun: how to check up? go see doctor and tell him what happeend? dowan ler.. paiseh

iwan c.m.n. said...

no worries boss. my footballer friends got that more often, summore a min. of 50 yards, 30km/h right at that ballsies. They have babies.

Boss Stewie said...

iwan: wah.... balls of steel indeed

David said...

Ball...of Fury!?

Moral of the story, always wear triple layer of underwear+ steel pad to protect your tools before taking risky move aka jump over railing


§pinzer said...

mr butters, u know i come to check up on you now and then but now i'm really worried!

dun damage ur most important asset please k. think twice before you put any sort of danger to your balls!

Nicholas said...

Make sure you wear ball guard before jumping the railing next time. If got smashed like egg means how ah. Forget about kids, your sex life is on the line.

Faster go get urself a strong ball guard.

pinkpau said...

boss why you so lousy wan. eh but nvm if you cannot have kids as a result of this ... cos..... you have your Adopt-A-Child program. hehehehehehee

Jasemaine said...

Hehe! Now you know how Eason Chan felt when he fell on the stage during one of his concert. He has a daughter by the way so don't worry, you'll have your kids in 5 years time. :) No harm no harm.

kyliemc said...

lol..ur frens r really funny..but i guess d next time they meet u,they'll check on u...

bout having kids in 5yrs' time..u still hv d time...dun hv 2 worry much...

***cinDee*** said...

lol i think its farnie too muahahaa....

Jackson said...

Poor poor boss...

But still, everyone knows you shouldn't talk on the phone and do something that can potentially destroy your balls at the same time, right? :)

Hui Yi said...

Boss, pity on u. But u r 'humour' enough to post the msg on Pacmee at such EMERGENCY time...

Anonymous said...

People have spaces in between railings for a reason you know.

For you to walk through.

Michelle said...

erm.. so are ur precious jewels now "safe"?? hahahHAhhahhHAHaha...
if not.. bet u cant meet ur 31st dec deadline.. lol...

Twinkle said...

Ehemm.. Ok Song for you Boss:

" Bola oh bola.. kenapa engkau senget? Macam mana aku tak senget, Boss lompat salah target, lalu sangkut atas pagar... aduhhhh.... TIDAK! TIDAK!!! "

*Adaption from iklan from TV about environment.. you know.. iklan ikan kekek mak iloi.. iloi...