Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nuffnang Australia Takes Off

In the past few months while I have been working on putting together Nuffnang Philippines, Ming has been keeping himself really busy too with another installment of our Nuffnang expansion plans.

We've always dreamed of making Nuffnang a regional blog advertising network and regional to us doesn't mean we start announcing that we accept bloggers from all over the world and call ourselves an international player, anyone can do that. It means we actually set up physical offices in the respective offices with staff there to better service the market in that country.

So since a few months ago Ming has been working together with two very experienced digital marketing Australians (Martyn and David) to set up the team and operations in Nuffnang Australia. After months of preparation, setting up a team and looking for people to add to our office in Melbourne, at 12.00AM today we finally launched Nuffnang Australia.

Among some of the first few bloggers to join us in Nuffnang Australia is someone pretty familiar to some of us here closer to home... Karen Cheng.

Here are some pictures of the Nuffnang office in Australia that I managed to steal off Ming's blog.

It's housed in this nice 3 storey building along with the offices of Frank Media.

and here are some pictures of how it looks on the inside.

Dammit I wanna go work there some day too.

There's even a nice chillout area or their version of the "Nuffie's Corner".

I'm really excited by all this.

Less than 2 years since Nuffnang started off in a small Penang office, today we have grown to have offices in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Manila and now Melbourne. It's exciting being at the front seat of a company that is growing so fast.

Now that Nuffnang Philippines seems to be picking up and growing really quick too, I can't wait to face all the challenges we'll have in our operations in a 4th country: Australia.

Thank you for having us Australia!


KOKahKOK said...

congratz on the expansion! nuffnang rox~

ku E said...

kewl!!! :~)

3POINT8 said...

Will be awaiting for an event in australia

Boss Stewie said...

Haha thanks guys!

Getting started is just the first step of a string of challenges that lie ahead.

It's going to be a lot of fun!

Ron Jerem Lee said...

do they have a decent door bell? :-P

Boss Stewie said...

ron: hahaha no.. we like our privacy!

Will CK Teoh said...

gratz dude... =) nuffnang looking good~!

Cheng Chun said...

Congrats. When do you want to start your office in Vancouver leh?

Michael said...

what a great joy to see this =) one day I wanna work for nuffnang.. can or not boss?

Cobalt Paladin said...

Wow! Congratulations! This is indeed happy news! Today, Australia; tomorrow, the world! ;)

shah said...

congrats - Australia......after this Vegas... :)

TenthOfMarch said...

Karen Cheng! Karen Cheng! Karen Cheng!

Oh btw, CONGRATS! :-)

immi said...

congrats timmy! =D

CLF said...

wah so fast the 4th regional office?

you guys really geng!

Terrence Cheang said...

DUDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHA WELL DONE !!!!! WHEN I SAW KAREN CHENG I THOUGHT IT WAS IN PERTH !!! DAMMMMMNNNNNNN !!!!!! FANTASTIC DUDE !!

rumtum tigger said...

congrats!! but why not in PERTH?!! *heartbroken*

Brenda B said...

Hey, congrats!

vvens said...

congratulations! :)

Patchay said...

looking forward to a gathering of bloggers in AUstralia hahaha
anyway warm regards from brisbane, aus

estherlauderlyn said...

Congratulations Tim! Coming over to Melbourne anytime ? :D

Aaron Lee said...

Hey Tim,

Congrats on Nuffnang Australia!
Cant wait to hear stories from it! congrats again!

It proves that with hardworking, dedication, SWEAT, bloooooood! we can do it! any Malaysians can!

me. said...

wow. congratulations! xD you guys are really great, aren't you? hahaha.

Jeffery Lim said...

tim, you hiring people in melbourne?

where is the stores anyway

Eximius said...


Boss Stewie said...

Guys.. thank you all so much for your kind words of congrats. It's still early days for us there though and there are going to be a lot of ups and downs building up Nuffnang Australia but I'm thankful for all the support we've got.

Thanks guys!

Ruionkoh said...

wow you guys make wonders XD

Twinkle said...

Melbourne OK what? Hehehehehehe congrats Tim... So, next yeaR.. u WILL be able to afford hmmmm apa ur dream car??? Jaguar ke.. or Porshe ke?? Heheheh

KY said...

congrats, way to go!

Anonymous said...

congrats boss stewieeeeeee!
: )

Cassie said...

congratulations =D

Firdauz takes five said...

man, im so proud of u



eisabainyo said...

Hi Tim and Ming,

Congratulations and All the best in growing the Nuffnang community in Australia.

PS: I have signed up for it just then for my web development blog at http://eisabainyo.net/weblog :)

Simon Seow said...

Boss, later venture into Nuffnang Cafe & Bistro and starts to sell merchandise like Nuffnang KL, Nuffnang Manila, Nuffnang Singapore just like Hard Rock Cafe. lol

Christine said...

Congrats and all the best!!! Take care

jlshyang said...

a big congrats to the nuffnang team!

- m i c h e l l e - said...

I tried logging in to the australia nuffnang page, but can't get in. Do I have to register separately for it?

- m i c h e l l e - said...

Oh, and on another note, from www.nuffnang.com.my, when i tried to navigate to the Nuffnang Australia though those countries' flag buttons, the link to the Nuffnang Australia ends with .com.ay instead of .com.au. :)

Weird Dan said...

Woots 2 years and you guys achieved something impressive...

been awhile ehh..

mykie said...

Nuffnang rocks! Keep going on!

So proud of you T-T
From a small little Penang...



Unknown said...

that's a really huge effort. no easy task. i will wait for one in newcastle, uk. hehe.

jenn said...

wooots!!! exciting stuff yo!! more nuffnang-ers!! congrats guys!! awesome effort on your part!! well done!! :D

marcusan said...

Hip Hip Hooray!

Nuffnang deserves a huge pat on the back! Expansion of empire only means new job openings..

*hint hint*

hehe. Gambateh Nuffnang! You do us proud! XD

ahlost said...

Wow.. Congratsssss :))

kent chan. said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations on the opening of Nuffnang Australia.

Boss Stewie said...

Thanks again for the support and the well wishes guys!

Dave said...

Thanks for your support guys!!

I feel privileged that Tim and Ming have decided to let me run Nuffnang Australia... :)

Very exciting times!

Nuffnang Australia

Ysmm said...

Congratulations!!I'm amazed by what you guys have done over the past 2 years.It shows that everything is possible.You guys have setup a very good role model for those young enterpreneurs.

RealGunners said...

now you can really call yourself a MNC, multi national company, hahahaha

Andrew said...

hello boss!! =D congrats again ya to Nuffnang!! gosh.. i'm looking forward to the next 5 years of Nuffnang =D

Eri Peng said...

congratz tim :) keep it up

my.firstSkizze said...


congraz on your success. first heard of nuffnang from my fren, then, i check on your blog. really cool, man.

got quite impressed with your office environment. really inspired by your success in this 2 years time.

you have really proved yourself as a successful entrepreneur. as for me, i'm really interested in design work but still don't have any chance yet. hopefully, 1 day i will be just like you. be able to achieve my dream.

chia yo!! :P

Val said...

I have a question for you now. If I am permanently staying in Australia (Melb) and I have signed up for Nuffnang Malaysia (long time ago) is it possible to transfer my account to Nuffnang Australia?

Sapphira said...

This must be your 5th billionth congratulations but all the same, it's sincere and heartfelt. :) It's brilliant how far you guys have come!

Sapphira said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
frances.♣ GING! said...

WOW; in 2 years Nuffnang has grown so much. Huge congrats ^___^