Since it's discovery in 1 December 1981, the World Health Organisation estimates that HIV has killed over 25 million people worldwide.
Governments all around the world have in the past decade been working very hard to curb the spread of HIV which has taken its toll especially in places like Africa.

Some governments provide free condoms to its people to prevent the spread of AIDS (although there was one country that stupidly STAPLED condom instructions TO the condom effectively punching a hole through the condom before it's even used).
and some countries even go to the extent of putting on giant-sized condoms on their historical monuments to remind their people to do the same before they get into bed.

The solution is simple...

The US Government yesterday announced that through some testing, they have found that circumcising adult men may cut in half their risk of getting the AIDS virus through heterosexual intercourse.
Hence since our government has already made the effort to curb HIV in our beloved country in the past decades... it is now our turn to do our part.
So my fellow men... you all know what to do...
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHahahahha.... u feel the joy of being MUNBER ONE!!
boss:omg, must u phrase it that way..
potong...when i read it i straightaway thought "but no more wee wee how to get kids?" instead of circumcision.
If potong, the chances of u getting infected with AIDS will be even more drastically reduced :P
By potong I mean chop the whole thing ah
We all restecpa the leader one, since u Boss ma.... you POTONG 1st... then WE will support boss by... visiting Boss and give moral support!!!
You tiok, we syiok
go make boss stewie proud? then boss cut already?
tasha: LOL
e-fei: lol at ur message to tasha.. haha u guys ar
nicholas: u're right... or.. we could just NOT have sex...
william: boss sudah potong... now ur turn
smash: sudah sudah
pelik sial la these researchers. first call us wear fully protected condom when having sex. now call us chop the skin away. haish.
you know the main reason why a "sudah-potong-mia" kukujiao can reduce the rish of hiv? cause all circumsized kukujiao willllose its sensitivity ...
its this sensitivity on ur kukujiao's forehead which makes u so bloody song and hence u get hamsappall the time ...
so those who potong edy, no longer has that feeling, hence their interest rowards sex diminished oover time ...
so less sex = less risk of hiv ...
unlike those who has got the original-uncut kukujiao ... is always hamsap and want to hump every women they see ... coz their kukujiao remain sensitive all the time ...
wakakkakakakakakkakaka amacam my theory?
benjamin: chop only lar benjamin! then maybe no need use :P
earl: are u saying that a person who kena potong already doesn't feel anything during sex.. wah... i'm sure some men would detest to that
earl: since no skin edi, shouldn't it heighten the guy's sensitivity instead?
(or so my bio teacher said la. how would I know.)
earl: since no skin edi, shouldn't it heighten the guy's sensitivity instead?
(or so my bio teacher said la. how would I know.)
not that its not feeling anything ... just that it loses sensitivity on the forehead over time, the bloody foreskin was designed by him up there to cover up the the bloody dickhead, you fellas pandai pandai go cut it off ... so god forbids and gave them ED and HIV ...
when the kukujiao is not covered and the prolong contact with yur jeans, underwears ... will somehow make ur kukujiao go blunt ... hahahaha
eh me kukujiao expert k ... dont argue, just listen ... and cancel that cicumsision appointment with ur doctor ...
earl: since no skin edi, shouldn't it heighten the guy's sensitivity instead?
(or so my bio teacher said la. how would I know.)
Do I need to "potong" too?? =(
e-fei: your bio teacher was talking to u about potong'ing?
earl: that is not really true is it?
lance: yes lance.. potong.. for the sake of HIV prevention.. potong!
Potong-ed.... FooOooooooo~~!!!! *happily shakes crotch*
*happily shakes along too*
haha. this is a disgusting conversation. hahaha. but its so funny!
anyone care to shed light, though, on the REAL reason why circumcision is thought to reduce chances of getting HIV?
i thought and thought, but it doesn't make sense.
only thing is that circumcision makes the penis cleaner, doesn't it?
william/lance : LOL.. u hard gay fans!
daphne: according to the article i read, they say the foreskin of a penis is especially sensitive to infection of HIV.... didn't really explain much more further than that
tak nak potong larrrr takut sakit...
*merajuks* muahahahah :p
lol suicidal
boss: thn i guess the journalist reporting it didn't really know what was going on either. sigh. that's always the case. they make us interested and curious, thn don't give enough information to feed that interest or curiosity.
daphne : lol... u don't like journalists very much do u
haha erm. i was once the editor of a uni newspaper. most of my journs were ... like this. they just don't bother to find out enough answers. otherwise they write it in a way that just leaves u hanging. n i have to call them in the middle of the night to find out what they mean. other than that, yes i've read some REALLY stupid articles by some REALLY stupid journalists and which are edited by some REALLY stupid editor who let it pass. i don't know. i don't like the media much. esp not in Singapore.
boss, i made u proud on the 28th July of 2005 ;)
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