I said RM5,000.
And just recently, another reader (William) recently made an entry on his blog to start a fund collecting RM5,000 from everyone to see if they could get me to Belly Dance.
The bastardo William even photoshopped a preview of how the dance might look like if I were to really go through with it.
Now this is how I look like in person (Just taken yesterday. Not my best picture, I know)

And this is what William photoshopped me to look like if I were to really do a belly dance.

Will someone please go over to William's blog and tell him what a SILLY SILLY idea this is and how NOBODY is going to pay money to see Boss Stewie Belly Dance with his BIG TUMMY.
PS: But okay, in the miracle that William really manages to gather the RM5,000. I will keep to my word and do the belly dance. But I won't keep the money. I can't bear spending such HARD EARNED money on myself. I'll give it all to charity :p
hahaha its so cool
hey at least he gave you a hard rock body with abs! and not to mention a little hairy too hehe
bwahahahaaa!!! he should have used my tummy instead! that belly is too muscular!
awwwwwww so cute!!!
i'm so surprised by ur muscular body. LOL///when you wear your dress make sure it's pink! :D
I will look forward to that!! Have a nice day.
long live the boss~!!!!!
hor ny, come come, faster chip in.
5000 is not a big number nor is a small one... Depends how much Nuffnang pay us la...
I mean if NN pay more...we pay Boss.. Boss Dance... $$ to charity..
Good idea !
sharon: yes i don't actually hve that much hair on my body :P
ah pek: why not u dance with me leh? then we can both donate to charity
vicky: Lol...don't keep your hopes up.. i doubt the RM5000 will come about
hor ny :lol :P
william: hhehe you bastardo!
freethinker: wahh.. so are u expecting Nuffnang to pay you RM5,000 by the end of this week.. die lor liddat
nyahahahhahaha..boss stewie belly dancing!!
boss such a good sport~ Better start practicing now...heheh
woohoO! that's a darned good idea la jason! i'll start work on it immediately. meanwhile everyone puh-leeze puh-leeze puh-leeze go will's blog and support hIM! such a genius at work there. hehehe :p
btw don't u just adore me for coming up with such a fantastic idea boss? no hard feelings hor, HOR? hehehe
Haha! My first paycheck from Nuffnang shall go to charity.. I love this idea so much!! Hey, if you want the shirt designed I'm willing to lend a hand :D
Boss Stewie: Boss don't be pessimistic la.. You have no idea what extents your readers are willing to go to for charity and also to see your belly jiggle in sync with the music! Who has a hindi/ lebanese song track? *evil grin*
Jason, if u manage to make the tshirt... and if the design's not half bad, i'd be the 1st to buy 2 from you, one size L, one M. Can be a couple-shirt.
William: Wooooooo :D
Jason: I SAPPOTTTT!!!!
I love you william!
and i'm not gay. =)
Boss, don't worry, I don't worry I don't expect in lum sum 1... u can pay by installment.. interest free... HAHAHA
its ok lance, i think i've got more than enough love from my baby.
and jason's plan is a great plan.
i'll work on this once my midterms are over.
i will write a few payperpost, donate it to the fund!
2nd to buy the t-shirt.
RM50 for each of it! hahahahaha!!
jason: BAHHGERRRR.... now u're giving people ideas
her feiness: it's such an awful thought isn't it
eve: hah... i'm guessing u belly dance?
suicidal: IT ALL BEGAN WITH U!!!
mae: what what? so i'm supposed to perform in front of a live audience??
lance: lol dude
freethinker: wahh... how many years installment ? :P
william: nooo dun waste ur time... study for ur exams!!!
I support!! LOL!! come on BOSS.. DANCE DANCE!!
i go to his blog...
,....nd tell him what a
anyway, i can give a good arabic tune. easy to get one from egypt bwahahaha!
jason, i was thinking of white base, then the logo will follow back the original nuffnang logo. then the website address at the back.
and since the base is already white, we only need 2 colors, blue and black. so production will be cheaper = more profit.
hmmm, or actually baby blue base for the shirt also can, then use a darker hue of blue for the logo. baby blue looks more attractive than white.
Following Sir Richard Branson's footsteps eh?
I say DONATE!!!
anything to see my boss dancing, as usual my offer to top off the last RM100 :P
question is will i be back in malaysia on time
i'm sooo with jason..
oh. so we're actually using the original nuffnang logo here is it??? wasey man fantasticos! i think baby blue is nice on t-shirts but if u're thinking of having polo-ts i think white should be better, no?
Boss: C'mon la I started it for CHARITY! bwahahahahhaa you get free publicity for nuffnang AND good karma for doing your part for charity too! and yes i do think you're supposed to shake that booty in front of a live audience. :P
eh boss, liddat la..ask your sponsors whether they want walking advertisements anot, then if they do, we put their ad on the shirt oso..yu earn money, we get free shirt..
ho boh?
Me and Willy willing to work on T-Shirt designs :D Baby blue is more attractive and pleasing to the eye.. White is conventional lo. So depending on what you all looking for loh. And also budget. :P
Boss: Aiya, why shyshy la, show everyone la! Kaki lang ma.. XD
Mae, baby blue is a nice colour! This is for a good cause anyway, the 5k goes to charity =)
pc: nooo dun support!!!
jason: ehh dun waste ur time.. spend that precious time bringing down mille crepe for me instead :P
pink: how.... could... u.... go with them!!!
william: oioi!! dun count ur chickens before they hatch
giovoni: hahaha no no no dude.. richard branson's case was different.. he had to do it to make a point... i don't have to do anything cuz they're not gonna reach RM 5K
boss leptoN: HAH!
shireen: how... could.. u...?
suicidal: eh like i said.. dun count ur chickens before they hatch
her feiness: i don't think any company would like to sponsor an ugly man doing a belly dance
mae: dun waste ur time maee.... u're not gonna have the 5K to print the t-shirts anyway :P
baby: hahahah so cliche for u to say that
Boss Stewie: Ya la, why don't you do it for 1min, 1k? That's very not impossible :P It already has become a charity thing anyways so why not boss? Don't let us down please... *full blown big sad puppy eyes* Pweaaaaseeee...
Sha: Hahaha! I know la you like babyblue.. Dahlah name BABYBLUEgurl.. Its blaringly obvious you want the shirt to be of that color :P
all bloggers post this on your blog and get more ppl to donate..
yea, like CH said, if u want the same thing post as the one in my blog, jz email me, i send the html codes to u right away. no editting needed. just copy and paste.. and i wont charge you for copyrights ;)
too bad la boss.. sudah support!! 2 thumbs up! LOL!
Boss I've found a perfect place for you to go learn
Let's dance!
Come on boss, plus u get to know joo nee who is hot!!
ooh yes yes boss lepton is right joo nee is not only hot, she's enterprising! just like you! i bet you'd have a LOT to learn from each other, no? hehehe
Anyway, name us a charity organisation already will you? and if some company REALLY decides to sponsor the t-shirts, is there anything in for them? say maybe discounted advertising rates on nuffnang for a month or so?
jason: ehh??? who said the dance was for 5 minutes? and either ways.. it's RM5,000 minimum... i must maintain my market rate for belly dancing rite?
mae: 1,000 would be tooo eaassyy
chee hsien: HAH! not gonna happen weii
william: eh that's... cheating!
pc: HMPH
boss: yeah.. based in penang some more rite
suicidal: yeah yeah that's something we could work out
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