So I went to Haagen Dazs with some friends for a breather.

The Hemsem waiter came over to take our order and I decided that it was only appropriate I have the maximum... the triple scoop.

3 scoops of yummy delicious Haagen Dazs ice-cream wasn't going to make my day any better so I pondered...
and pondered....
and pondered....
and then I finally decided
"AH FUK IT!!! I'll just buy it".
I left Haagen Dazs suspiciously carrying a bucket with me (nobody was looking).

I got... quite a few

But the best part came when I went home and opened up by bucket to see my loveeely coffee flavoured ice-cream hiding inside.


But no... enough for the day!
I put it to bed.

Sleep my dear precious...
Shoooooot! That's an awful lot of ice cream! What happened to Lecka Lecka? = P
how much ah???
You craziiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
I want to know did you strike any luck on the promotion???
me ge hai, AGAIN ar?????? with that much coffee, u no need to sleep for a year edi.
With 11 vouchers, should be more than RM550 edi lor. Bastardooo~!!!
lol. now THAT is what i call living the good life!
walao.. the ice cream damn big!
I haven't bought so big ice-cream b4 although i always went to hagen-daze too.
oh ma god~!!! I've a sudden urge to go Haagen Dazs now..
Thats alot of ice cream u got there...Can share some? lolz~
I wander how long will that i-cream last???
doreen: penang no lecka lecka... so i make do with what we have :P
jason: about RM500 something i think
vicky: hehe no ler.. won this extra free scoop if i eat in.. but i wun need to go for a long time now :P
william: ermm i dunno wor.. can't remember.. dun forget that we dine in also
kristin: or a sad life... ice cream is comfort food... sad people eat ice cream
chee hsien: hehehe
vegemaster: can can.. come we share
hor ny ang moh: i think it'll last me about a month.
one word...
"you are craze"
Sorry, it is 3 words...
Pengkhianat Lecka Lecka!
You crazy. You crazy man. Again? You have no self control.
comfort food?
hmm. yeah. explains how why i have been indulging in ice cream lately.
but still.
big tub of ice cream on a sad crappy day still sums up to living a good life.
and it DOES give you that little tint of satisfaction.. even if its just for a while.. its all worth it in the end.
true not?
that smile in the 3rd last photo looks perversely sadistic.. like you have some really insane plans for the ice cream.
but crazy? I like! fatty (going to border on obesity)?? i like even more... hehehe :p
So, are you going to share it with me this Friday?
not again? oh my.. i once wen to queensbay's haagen-dazs to find my fren. she was working der. so i jes kaypo ask.. can i hav this whole thing? how much is it? she say sorry la.. we don sell. mayb dey oni sell to boss stewie nia cos he looks like he can afford to but we ppl knot. haih...
hye boss... share share la.. don so kedekut.. haha..
And yeah, pengkhianat lecka lecka, i mean, gelatio fruity.
Would your love for Haagen-Daz lead you into naming your child Haagen Tiah? :P
mae: EH NOOooo... no choice mahh
hasan: hahaha
kristin: haahah ok ok... there's no arguing with a woman.. when she's right she's right!
pc: come come sharE!
jason: NOooo i am notttttt
If I counted correctly, it's over RM550 you spent on ice cream!
No wonder everyone is calling you Boss lah! Hahah...
I'm resisting the urge to curse you now! Wah people wanna buy one scoop oso thinking ten times but you simply simply go n get one whole bucket when the fancy strikes you!
I can't stand looking at that huuuuuuuuuuuuuge bucket of ice cream. It makes me sad that it's soooo far away n it's not for me :(
must... give... big.. slap.. when.. see.. Boss Stewie....
(wasting so much on Haagen Dazs)! You did it again! I think your name already appear in Ice Cream Shop's Urban Legend - "There was a Penangite who would buy a bucket of ice cream when he stopped at a shop...any shops that didn't carry 'em when he stopped by will suffer..."
dont bluff boss!
i counted 12!!!
there's another piece of voucher hiding behind one, u purposely take picture like that right?
12 x rm50 = rm600!
i dont even have 600 ringgit for myself u spend on ice cream
or william, i say for u, BOSS U BASTARDO!!!!! :| :| :|
waraooo boss!! YOur next business venture, ice cream shop is it?
bryan: hahah no lar.. i buy the ice cream but i eat roti for the next few days
nicholas: okok come come my house.. i spare u a scoop of my bucket :P
maniacz: HAAHAHAH
chapree: lol.. if only that were true
andrew: eh it's not that expensive.. i can't even remember if it's RM50 per voucher or less.. i just know it's not until RM600 wor!!! oh but maybe with the dine in.... it could be
lance: LOL.. ur silence says it all
jlshyang: hahahaha yes that would be my dream business
jed: haagen tiah..... great name!!!
Eh? ice cream venture??
hmmmm can consider boss, now go learn how to make ice cream u fatty
he's spent so much on ice cream but doesn't even know exactly how much. this goes to show how insignificant the tub/bucket of ice cream is to him, both in terms of price and fatty content. bwahahahahaahahahaha careful your bones don't become tub-shaped in future huh boss. *evil laugh*
Okay, heres the plan.
1. Make millions with online business.
2. Open Hagen-Das Franchise
...But heres the key to the plan
Open it in your house!
Man, imagine. Wake up every morning, take a shower, go downstairs and BAM - Hagen Das for breakfast.
The fat Timmy's dream.
hey.. i counted 12 oso.. there is 1 hiden at the bek in the middle.. look properly...
my god spent 600+ for ice cream. tats my 1 mth salary!!!
oo.. now i see the hidden one. haha.
omg... u are nuts! spent 500 for icecream?! *salute!*
no arguing with a woman, hey?
you wanna know why i so pro you on this one?..
because when i was in uni, i bought that exact same tub.. only it was chocolate.
eh look so hiao in the 3rd last pic of yours. ahahahaa!
boss lepton: aww i dowan. can i just eat and not learn how to make it
suicidal: no lar i remember its 500 something mah
hasan: FANTASTIC IDEA!!! working on it as we speak
pc: eh no... eh... mebe they gave me extra
chee: hehehee... spot the hidden voucher
cincailah: not nutz... just... greedy hehehe
kristin: HAAH SHAME ON U!!!!
al: yes i do :PP
very shameful it is. that tub was so huge it took us ages to finish it!
i think it lasted us [me+3 housemates+ppl who crashed & sleptover+guests+study groups+friends] a good semester to actually finish the whole thing to the very last scoop.
and even that, we 4housemates had to literally force ourselves to finish the last bits all off before anyone of us could leave the country.
a lesson was learnt there: never buy something on impulse no matter how tempting it looks.
Boss Stewie's attitude towards ice-cream: Chiak beh pa
Gerenti you buy another bucket once this one is done.. And give and take, you already spent RM1000 on ice-cream! With that kind of money, I can buy at least 400 pandan cakes from tesco liao. YUMM..
kristin: what??? no no no buying things on impulse are good!! how else can do retailers make all those extra bucks
mae: but pandan cakes are not as nice to eat as ice cream :P
kristin: You're my idol...
that tub would probably last me.. a week. haha! i've never seen anyone buy a tub that big (and omg must have cost a bomb) before! isnt that like the same size of the tubs they put on display and serve customers with? shite i cant stop staring at it!! grrr..
oh and nuffnang sounds wicked! its a great idea and it shows that us msians can definitely keep up with the times and come up with tech-savvy business ideas! good luck!
boss: lol. well.. sure, impulse buying is good. if i had to sum up the amount i spent on my ralph lauren collection, i'd most prolly go on a retail therapy fast. haha. but gee.. i sure ain't buying that huge tub again, thats for sure! seriously ya, i don't think i've touched chocolate ice cream ever since then.. and this happened like what.. approx. 2years back?
lance: umm.. thanks?
jen: thanks dude!!! hehehe
kristin: so u're bored of chocolate ice cream for the rest of your life? pooor youuu
gosh...this insanity in HD Ice cream really shocking...
the pic which shows all the vouchers one is funny and impressive....
(duno how many calories will put on the Boss tis time...)
owh SHEET.
im going all the way to penang to pick open your door lock and steal the whole tub in the fridge. MUAAHAHA.
eh how much ah.
planning to buy 1 also. :P
bluey here btw. changed my name lalala.
not another bucket ehhhh!
i heard bout the last.. green t one... this coffee one looks too nice to be emptied.. u sure u wanna finish up 'your precious'? :P
dont forget the rest of us here... scoop scoop, Boss!
dang, if i buy that one tub, i can forget bout my new tennis racquet.
mic: ahahaha!!! plenty of calories i'm sure
nalini: yes.. i shall finish up my preciouss
choco: okok come come we share lar
what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! green tea the last time??????????????????
green tea ice cream rocks to the max!
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