Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Applications For Boss Stewie's Girlfriend

So I think it's about time I closed the applications for Boss Stewie's girlfriend.

Here are some interesting things about the results.

31 were the number of people who applied to be my girlfriend.

4 of which were guys

27 of which were girls

1 of them was my client

9 was the highest number when asked "How many sexual partners have you had?"

7 of them said they wanted to go out with me so I will "give them more ads"

14 of which said they wanted to go out with me because they thought I had a sense of humour

1 of which answered "69, missionary, doggie, filthy sanchez, hot carl, wheelbarrow, u name it i do it" when asked the question "List any special skills you have that might be relevant to this position."

29 of which claimed to be virgins

27 of which probably lied about being virgins



YT said...
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Sharon said...

lol, so will you be interested in older girls *raise eyebrows* haha

Boss Stewie said...

yii toong: hahahaha duno wor

sharon: hahaha of course.. i like ladies with experience

Nicole said...

What makes you think the TWO were not lying about being virgins. :D

ZB said...
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ZB said...

how did you know that they were lying about being virgins???

Anonymous said...

Tim why you like that. So fascinated with virgins

ZB said...

good to know that so many applied. How much did you expected to apply?

btw, is it too late for me to apply now since you've already posted up the results?

coz honestly, i think it's still NOT late to apply since you haven't pick ONE.

YT said...

Suggestion: date all valid applicants one by one. How's that?

Michelle said...

so what's ur verdict??
u go for skills or virgins? LOL..

cHooEE said...

Great response got there. How many (or few) you are going to shortlist to? :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I feel so honored that a tech enterprenuer like you would comment on my blog.

Congratulations for setting up Innit. I am starting to get some traffic after just two postings.

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

so next few posts is going to be the interviews with the ladies/guys now?

Cutie said...

You seriously going to choose one of the 27 chicks? Or is it one of the 4 'handsome chicks'?? I should apply too earlier... hehe....

Cheng Chun said...

Wow boss. You can make guys turn on eh. Bagus nyerrrrrrr. :P Hahahaha.

Boss Stewie said...

hahahaha pls lar!! it's just for fun lar guys!!!

and michelle.. i go for skill :P

whisperingshout said...

Some replies could be coming from adv you placed in porno and gay magazines. Did you? haha

[fong88] said...

no bad..there is 4 hot guys 4 u..hahaha..

Marilyn said...

But Tim, you are sooOOOoooo Cute!!

rockdandy said...

Hey tim, you should post the video before you posted the "be my girlfriend" thingy. Then you may get more applications. You're so cute!!

Geli Tifa said...

nicocoa: cos I'm one of them... :p

Anonymous said...

apalah. ask ppl 2 apply then potong stim by no follow-up with the excuse "only for fun-lar" :P