Monday, October 20, 2008

Morning Scare in the Office

So it was a usual grumpy Monday morning for me. Parked my car, took the crowded elevator up and then opened the door into our office. The minute I opened the door, I got a big shock.

Staring at me from the front door was this.
I let out a

And I heard all the Nuffies laughing. Even our latest Nuffie Chee Ching.

The office was decorated with Halloween props everywhere, something Robb had put together when he secretly came to the office yesterday to put everything up.

Then this morning he waited to watch everyone's reaction when they walked in.

We had all sorts of different reactions but unfortunately most involved some form of cursing. People curse when they are shocked.

Yee Hou for example walked in and shouted

Pinky who is the nicest girl you would ever meet walked in and screamed
"FUCKING SHIT!!!!"And shortly after I walked in, we heard the door beep again, indicating that someone else was coming in.

It was Nicholas, and when he walked in and saw the prop he went
"WOAHH!!! What the hell?!" ... the most polite response we've had all day.

Our office is so Halloween-ny now.

Robb thought it would be fun, to put the office in the mood for our upcoming Nuffnang Nokia Silent Halloween party and I guess he's right.We have everything from these little guys hanging around from our closets,

to heads hanging from the ceiling.

Sometimes I really wonder how we get any work done around here.


KY said...

I didn't think Pinky is capable of being scared!

TenthOfMarch said...

Nice! Now, they have a good reason not to work late.

a n n n a said...

wah.. nice props! U guys are so in the mood for Halloween. So best lar..

Terrence Cheang said...

wuarhhh !!

Where did Robb get them from?

Nice working environment. Not that dull :)

Kuching Remisier Blog said...

wah so many scary things haha

Jannah said...

Cun cun jek the office is in bright orange kan? Someone get some pumpkins to add more effect :)

test said...


ling ling said...

so scary...i dare to not to step in ur office...i wil scream my lungs out then 'pengsan' front of ur door...hehe...dun forget to get me an ambulance k?

-JoJo- said...

Man! It's so cool! It's not a WORK place. :)

Pinky Tham said...

morning scare man.. and boss can post nicer picture of me ah? saham jatuh man..

Chee Ching said...

I look retarded as well.

Andrew said...

haha... that's very interesting to know... nuffnang office haunted by halloween decos!! courtesy of robbie!! LOL =D

§pinzer said...

pinky is definitely faking it. like how she fakes everything. yeah. even that :P

limcyam said...

.... from today onwards... everyone will be going home early!!

shah said...

thats scary

bryanlyt said...

waaahahahah! xD

Mayz said...

semangatnya!! i wish i could work in companies like this in the near future!! SYOK BETUL!

Simon Seow said...

Now Firdaus can't stay until late in the night for work. Kesian.

ahlost said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha !!!!

nicole said...


Greg Wee said...

Those are lame monsters. Too western. You know what would be the scariest thing, the kind that'd make you shit in your pants? Try putting a long black straight haired mannequin in white gown & sit her facing the corner far from everybody else.