Friday, October 03, 2008

How Some Successful Internet Entrepreneurs Spend Their Money

One of my readers Chu King forwarded me this entry on about this internet entrepreneur named Terence who runs the web hosting company

The article went on about his whole story and how at age 36 drives his very own BMW 5-series.

Read the full article here.
It's just inspiring to see internet entrepreneurs make it, giving us all a glimpse of hope that maybe we could all make it someday too.

I've been lucky to meet Terence a couple of times and hear his story. If anything, his road to success was one with ups and downs but his determination pulled him through.

Once you hear how they made it, it's interesting to see how they spend their money to reward themselves for all their hard work. The successful ones like Terence buy expensive cars.

All I can afford to reward myself with is a weekly scoop of New Zealand Natural.



Nicki said...

and whole tubs of Haagen Dazs! haha.. patience boss.. you'll be driving your own merc/beemer soon enough!

a n n n a said...

anoh.. the whole big tub of Haagen Dazs..

Hardwork pays. ;P

Wayne K. said...

boss stewie, i believe u can also ;)

therevolutionaryrebel said...

ahem. and dont you drive a ... as well?

Kay said...

Boss Stewie CAN do it! go go!! =D

Terrence Cheang said...

you're just way too humble man :)

Mt. said...

BMW aside, I have switched all my clients from others to Shinjiru last year and so far still doing ok. Shinjiru isn't exactly world class and as it grows, a lot of newbies are pretty rotten ... but still ok for now :D

Yap Chee Hong said...

kambate boss .... now is new zealand natural... next time its caviar ...XD

Boss Stewie said...

nicki: haha no lah long time from now

anna: hahaha yeah although that purchase was really uncalled for

wayne: hahah thank u

kitmey: haha it's a loong story

kay: haha okok i will

chu king: no lah where gottt....

jason: aihh... i'm not far from there dude

michael: ohh great to know they wrok fine

yap chee hong: hahahaha no larr... i'm happy with my NZN

retardedly_cute said...

Eh! It seems that in order to be a successful web entrepreneur you've to have certain physical qualities also from what I noted from the other article & they're:

1. The HUGE Face Mole
2. The Glasses

You're on the way la Timmay Boy. On the track :).

venetiaahwong said...

wad is nuffnang?
mind explaining?

The inquisitive said...

u spell the "" wrong
shouldn't it be "" ?

ahlost said...

Maybe I don't earn enough, I've never thought of HOW TO SPEND more money @.@

Vlioxo said...

in order to succeed, One must have huge mole on their face.

Timothy and Terence both have one.

It shows the truth, that i'm never going to be rich as them.

hyuk ! hyuk ! hyuk !

just maybe richer. !! the toto 20million riggint draw !! hehehe

therevolutionaryrebel said...

hehehe im sure it is :b
indulge in a weekly scoop of haagen daaz sometime!

love how down to earth you are :)

Cutie said...

Eh, I remember seeing you drive one too... If you as boss no money, than we all nuffnangers even poorer lor... Hehe...

SaeWei said...

ooh.. A mole on the face can make one successful? Darn, I will never be successful then.. tsk tsk XD

TK said...

shinjiru has got to be the most clueless web hosting provider i've ever dealt with. their servers are so misconfigured and their tech support are so clueless that after a heated debate over email, we resorted to giving one of our clients free webhosting on our servers just so that we didn't have to install whatever we built on their shinjiru hosting account.

wan hafiz said...

good luck for ya 1st merz or bmw!