Friday, July 17, 2009

The Nuffies Scream!!!

I can’t believe I’ve missed out on the Heineken Walk-In Fridge ad for so long. Apparently this ad has been out for a while and gone viral all over the internet and as for me… I had just found out about it when Heineken started running this “Walk-In Fridge” campaign on my blog.

Too funny to not share

Heineken always comes up with such great ads which probably had some psychological effect on me. Like when I was sitting on the beach in Phuket with Princess a month ago, I couldn’t stop thinking about how badly I needed a Heineken. I think it was because of that earlier campaign they ran for the EUFA Champions League where you could win a free trip to Krabi.

So I started associating a relaxing beach holiday with a nice bottle of Heineken.

Soon though I might start associating Heineken with Princess “sayanging” me.

All of it… good times.

Back to my story, I was watching this ad in the office the other day a few times and it didn’t take long for the hard working Nuffies to perk up their ears and ask

“What’s all that screaming? What are you watching?”

I showed them the video and all of them burst out laughing… except for one or two of our female Nuffies (BAH!!!)! 

The ad also highlights one thing that girls like to do for some reason far beyond my understanding: Screaming together when they’re excited about something.
I think the reason why we all found it funny apart from the big fridge filled with beer was because of the group of guys doing something you’d normally think only girls do.

See? We guys can scream too!

There was also another follow-up Heineken ad to the first one they did.Found it on their official YouTube page 

And these two ads sparked off a whole viral thing online led by a few spoof videos.

I wanted to do a spoof video on my own so I sought the help of my fellow colleagues.

So after work one day we all stopped work and went over to our neighbouring office to tell them that we’ll be doing some screaming so please don’t mind us. Then we took out my little digi cam and ended up doing this video.

The result was something probably easy to beat considering how good the official Heineken ads were but we all had so much fun filming it. Maybe I’ll upload a separate video for the bloopers. 

We all couldn’t stop laughing at each others’ reaction. Some of us had such bad acting you’d be glad that we all had day jobs. The video turned out to be really silly but the fun laughter we got out of making it made it all worth it.

Ahh good times…


KY said...

your youtube video iz a bit too big for the blog template :D

Janice Phua said...

well done! XD

Ken Wooi said...

i saw that original ad at the cenimas.. simply LOL..
and yours...LOL too! XD

Ken Wooi said...

I rewatched and still LOLLLL!!

Gypsy On The Move said...

Oh my...FREAKING FUNNY lar... =D

Boss Stewie said...

ky: yeah i can't seem to fix it... given up now

janice: haha thank u!

kenwooi: glad you like it dude

gypsy: hahaha ... thank u

blurblurpiggy said...

boss...your acting very bad lah..can see so fake!

Jessying said...

ya boss acting very lausy... hahaha , anyway very funny and creative ... really happening in your office ah...!!!

my office here, i cant hear a sound at all... so quiettttt

JD said...

But seriously, the heineken ad is one of the best ad that I have ever watch. Hahaha...will watch yours later.

Boss Stewie said...

starletz: hahaha yes... fortunately I'm keeping my day job as a non-actor haha

jess: hahah yeah we have a lot of fun

jd: love that ad!

choco said...


anne_jo520 said...

hahahaha. funny pun........

JD said...

Wahahahaha......boss stewie, yours is equally hilarious, good stuffs!

yinkoon said...

i would say a funny and stress relieving blog and advert all wrap into one. (cant stop laughing when reading this post)

Hayley said...

lol.. so creative la you guys...

§oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...

hahaha...I can see you smile and scream at the same time..hahaha...

~~haha~~ said...

saw the ad 2 weeks ago in the cinema while watching transformers 2. damn pharking funny. your was damn pharking funny too!

Cindy Khor said...

omg...your office's version is damn wicked too, and you looks really natural on video... made me laugh so hard... must be really nice to get your staff to do it together with you...

ahlost said...