Thursday, July 09, 2009

Stop Parking at the Handicap Spot!!!

Nuffnang's really active. There's always some activity or some contest going on.

Recently there's this DiGi MMS contest that encouraged us to snap a picture of anything that would make Malaysia a better place and hope for that change. I'm probably not eligible to win the contest anyway since I work permanently at Nuffnang but last night I saw something that INSPIRED ME to take a picture and send it over.

I was at Midvalley looking for a parking spot when I saw this group of middle aged people park their car on a "handicap spot".  

You can't see the spot so clearly in this picture but it was CLEARLY MARKED HANDICAP... so big that you could probably even see it from space.

I was driving past when I saw them get out of the car and I shot a stare at the driver. She was a woman somewhere in her 40s or so. Once she saw me staring at her with burning annoyance she pretended to limp while walking away from the car.  

Even if I gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed that she really was limping genuinely from an injury or a cramp, you're only supposed to park on that spot if you have that STICKER on your car. That sticker is proof that people deem you disabled enough to park there. If you're limping, that's a lot better off than the person whose spot you're taking. Plus there were so many more parking spaces out there! Sure none of them were as close to the exit but still...

I don't think it's as small a thing as some of us may think it is. If you've been doing that in the past, please stop.

Make Malaysia a better place. Let us start by being considerate especially to the people who have been less lucky than us.


Anonymous said...

haha tim i've seen people who do worse than that lar... cutting lines of old woman who can't defend for herself, sitting in the seats which are reserved for the disabled... whole lot more... its just the malaysian spirit is still there

lets hope the PM can really do something about this ideology and hope that the citizens can think at times, not only for themselves~

nyak nyak~~

TianChad田七摄影 said...

Ask your lovely Princess to join the contest for you :)

blurblurpiggy said...

When I had a broken leg my family was entitled to park there with me in the car. Reason was because I can't walk far with those sticks and you need to be as near to the door as possible so you don't need a sticker actually.

~Elaine Tam~ said...

Don't be so angry Tim. I also agreed with you! They shouldn't take this for granted!

And their car should be clamped and asked to pay RM50 for unlock the clamp, since they do not have the "handicap" sticker on their car...Grrr~~ gerammya!

~Elaine Tam~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

lol.. she tried to cover by pretending to limp.. later betul2 limp adi baru tahu..

ch3ryl said...

yes, i know what u mean! there was once i was rounding the car park for dunn-how-many-rounds already, i kept telling myself that i can't park in that handicap spot nor that one for the family w kids. very tempting... but i m glad i passed the test. :)

pinkpau said...

ei how you know that you're gonna be working permanently in nuffnang? what if you get fired!

Anonymous said...

who knows, maybe she is either handicapped "up there". or handicapped "down there" ;)

ShaolinTiger said...

It's not the problem with the people, the general problem in Malaysia is lack of enforcement.

There are PLENTY of rules, regulations and laws. They are just extremely flexible.

If the shopping malls were strict about clamping people without stickers and did it EVERY time someone parked there.

Trust me, no one would park there.

Donna Bong said...

good job good job!! i would of just called mall security to get it towed. hahah

Ken Wooi said...

Malaysia Boleh! =D

Anonymous said...

Hi Timothy, I understand that you just set up an office in Melbourne, and I would like to know if I can help you out in Melbourne as I plan to move there :). Email me at if you're interested. Thanks :)

KY said...

enforcement is key, yah, and look at how tock's car was "clamped" on facebook

Mellissa said...

"Once she saw me staring at her with burning annoyance she pretended to limp while walking away from the car." <-- LOL! Should've just rolled down your window and educated them -_-"

yuetmui said...

She's admitting she's CACAT.

i will never park at a disable car park nor use the disable toilet. doing that means you ARE disable lor..

Yoon Kit said...

Hi Tim,

This was from a while ago, but needs to highlighted. I caught the driver and the car which stradled TWO handicapped parking bays:


Hayley said...

totally agree with ST.
most of the people will not be terrified with just a note like that. strict action must be taken in order to make everyone obeys.

Jwxwei said...

the other day, one of my friends told me that her DAD always parks in the handicap spot! I was like WTF?!

Accyee said...

LOL! reminds me of Gaby in Desperate housewives!

reddaisie said...

this reminds of something that happened at work yesterday.
I was at the counter attending to some customer just cut the queue and requested the priority number...
he was wearing his sunglasses and was touching the table as if he can't see...
I thought he was i gave him a priority number and told him that..we will call his name when his number comes (instead of just calling the number)
He did not say anything and walked off..
And guess wat..when he was out...he was walking like normal..without a walking stick..and even looked at the time on his watch....
I really can't believe such ppl exist!!!

Theeggyolks said...

i like ur speak up