Monday, July 06, 2009

Our First Couple T's

Princess and I went shopping last weekend and we bought our first Couple T's.

What do you guys think?



Susan Lee said...

That's pretty cute!

Jia Hui said...

Cute!! I was thinking of buying a pair too for my bf's bday pressie! Any idea where to find witty ones?

Boss Stewie said...

susan: heheh thank u

jia hui: well i know this shop in sungai wang near teppanyaki junction

cHuey said...

that's meaningful :)

paowao said...

not cheesy enuff!! XD

Joshualaw said...

So sweet! =D

pinkpau said...

since there hve been 6 comments so far, and no one has said it yet, clearly i need to get my mind out of the gutter.


Accyee said...

its cute, and good its not cheesy!!

~~haha~~ said...
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~~haha~~ said...

awww, so cute...wished that I have a gf to bring to my Uni's ball last saturday

Melanie said...

awwwww so schwwwweet! =D

Ken Wooi said...

woots! nice =)

~Elaine Tam~ said...

Awww....really sweet.....but abit plain..........and must really put in sequence...

"Happy Ending" and not "Ending Happy(sounds weird right?)"

JD said...

Nice shirt, but normally their sizes so small....

Suet Li said...

aww happy ending! so cute! where u buy one i also want. but i dont think barry will want T_T

pinkpaperplane said...

That's very cute!

KY said...

lol so dodgy

Hayley said...

happy ending!! nice one! where u get it?
its hard to find a guy who will wear this kinda tee nowadays :(

Donna said...

so sweet.
my bf wouldn't wear it even though i force him T_T

sj =) said...

its something she can wear without you there cause hers is 'happy' whilst yours isnt something you can wear on your own because its 'ending?' hehehe but sweet nonetheless! and the whole purpose is to wear it together anyway. hehehe

jess~ said...

very cute la!
where u buy! n how much! =)

Ji@ EiK said...

really sweet eh!!!

Just E said...

I agree with KY it is indeed dodgy......

Boss Stewie said...

hahahaha glad you guys like it

we got it from this nice shop in sungai wang, near teppanyaki junction

was about rm50 per shirt

Constance Ant said...

that's sweeet!

Anonymous said...

nobody knows what happy ending means?
pinkpau, i think you and i think alike.

So you got your happy ending that night?

kailin said...

eh super cute!:)