Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Cute Princess

Hi Everyone!

We're back in Malaysia now. After a whole week working in Melbourne. Will blog about the trip more in time to come but in the mean time let me share a really cute picture with you.

This morning we were at the Melbourne airport waiting to get a flight back home. I was tired from carrying all the bags so I collapsed on some seats while Princess filled in our Departure Card. You know the card where you have to fill in your name, address, which Aussie state you spent the most time in etc etc....

I looked up only to see this view of Princess. I quickly took out my camera to grab a shot.

Notice how the counter was so high that Princess literally had to reach up to her chin level just to write on the cards?

Hehehehe so adorable.

She shot a look at me after I took the first picture, so I took another one.

Hehee... I'm convinced that I'm going out with one of the cutest girls in the world.


teejay said...

definitely very cute.. xD
she kinda looks like a woman with a long messy hair that takes lots of stuffs back from the pasar, u know those aunties... :P

Elaynne said...

Haha Boss! She looks so cute.. omg!

Jessying said...

hahahaha , look so adorable !!! take good care of yr baby

XeRoZ aka Marshall said...

lucky you, tim~

Anonymous said...

she looks really adorable in the first picture where she is concentrating on the form...haha...she looks like she just barely able to look and write and the form...

her look in the second picture looks so suspicious...maybe she will have revenge on you later...

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced that I'm going out with one of the cutest girls in the world.
Girl, not girls. After Princess read and angry arr. :P

hidayah | salim said...

OMG..she's cute..

skol said...

@Bee : Girls is correct ler. Hehe. Cause only one among all those girlS ma.

Lucky mine tall. Haha. So need to look elsewhere for candid shots lo. Haihz. Thats the difference...

Vy said...

Oppss...with that look on her face on the second pic, Boss, I think you are in for trouble...

Run Boss, run!!!
MuaHahahahhaa lol!

Nic said...

teejay, u so damn bad.. 2nd photo a bit like 'i will cut ur balls off"

Unknown said...

indeed she is ^^

Joshualaw said...

Owh~ So cute and sweet! Tim, you are the luckiest man on earth now...=)

WilYeo said...

GOD is fair...

Your Princess is blessed with big eyes. :)


Ken Wooi said...

nice =)

MsXeRoZ Nicole said...


Yea, you r lucky to have her^^

Boss Stewie said...

hehehe yes i am lucky indeed

Wear, Show & Tell said...

HAi yo.. all you men. When you guys travel with a woman, why are we always the one that fills those departure forms. Dave asks me to fill the forms out too and he uses the excuse "Cos your handwriting is better".

AND with that suspicious smile... she's probably filling out your form to say " HI, I am Tim and I am a Terrrorist!" lol...

Hmm maybe I should do that on Dave's form when we come down! hehehe...

Jaclyn [Yian] said...

LOL~ That's really, really cute! Came back from Aus but didn't realise that the counter is actually that high :p

celina said...

hehe.. nice shot. u both make a really cute couple =)

Daniel T said...

no questions.. You are the most happy guy in the world.. haha.. mind to tell what's your secret? haha..

Eri Peng said...

LOL~ u both are funny! XD

ahlost said...

Not cute not cute !!

I'm sure my bf will do the same if I were at the counter cos I'll look exactly the same like Princess !!

Yue Huan said...

hahahah so cute!

Anonymous said...


i had the same kind of trouble at the same counter too T_T