Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Forgive Prince Harry

In Great Britain, you know you're a "big sausage" when people call you "Sir".

But life is such... you may be a "big sausage", but there is always a "bigger sausage"

And you know you're a "gigantic sausage" when people call you
"His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales".

Yep. That's Prince Harry.

Just like his brother Prince William, Harry is a well groomed man.

From young, privileged people like himself are sent not to normal schools, but to special schools where they teach you how to be a gentleman and carry yourself well in public.

And they have been taught well.

I remember how both Prince Harry and William held back their tears so well at their mother's funeral.

Something I probably wouldn't be able to do if put in the same position.

I would imagine people of his class would grow up learning to play polo, travel in private jets and eat diamonds for breakfast every day.

Things that normal poor people like Stewie would never have the chance to experience.That, along with the "Prince" title that they carry makes most women love them and want to do ANYTHING with them.

Of course... love should always be two ways.

So women love Harry...

and Harry loves women too...


Yes, the media in the UK is probably taking Prince Harry apart for this one picture of him cupping a woman's gigantic breast.

But lets put things in perspective.

When presented with a set of knockers the size of Australia, what do you do?

Do you say

or do you say

or even
So... Prince Harry... please don't feel bad... at least we know you're human after all.


Anonymous said...

What would Boss Stewie say?

Anonymous said...

ahaha i like this post! hahahah
i wanna be prince also!
isnt there a prince andrew?
err everyone here, do u think it'd be noticeable if i killed that prince, and took his place?
i mean, albeit yeaa i am oriental and dont look nuts like the current prince andrew...but my names andrew too!
and oh yeaaaaa, my dear boss stewie, i have a question haha before u even typed this post out, u had to search for the images im were u googling images with the heading "prince henry"
or with the heading "breast cupping" ??

Boss Stewie said...

anonymous: boss stewie would say "no no miss.. please cover them... i don't want to see them"... u believe me right?

andrew: yes... i'm pretty sure everybody would notice andrew... :P i was googling "prince henry"

Anonymous said...

boss, any link to the news??

Anonymous said...

boss, u must get tremendous satisfaction from defiling the glowing reputations that princes have in the ladies' minds, right? haha. that was one sick picture. bleaurgh.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA... i was just reading the story in the metro this morning

Anonymous said...

I like cheese

Anonymous said...

I can no longer sleep tonight...

Boss Stewie said...

invisible: ermm i'm not sure where i saw it but it should be all over the news... just google for it in google news and u'll prob find it

daphne: hey... i was trying to make everyone see that he's only human... and that princes love women too :P

bunny: yes bunny.. still reading the metro on a daily basis eh

hasan: thanks for ur totally relevant comment hasan.. i like cheese too

lance: why? because of the boobs the size of australia.. or bcuz u finally realized that princes are human too

Unknown said...

hey, i'm william toooo... and i'm not greedy, i just wan jugs size of japan can d.... or better still, japanese jugs.

Anonymous said...

those boobs are obviously fake man. real boobs don't look like two orange halfs stapled to the chest.

Anonymous said...

ya u rite, she injected 2 much edi, perhaps abt 90% injection 10% own breasts hence the standing firm look, if 50% injection 50% own breasts, it will still bounced abit, well, tats wat i heard la coz u know, loads of ppl going for tis

Anonymous said...

well, i juz hoped the princes both William & Harry not forced to married without love and suffered like prince Charles, choosing perfect pok pok chui Lady Diana for him to married but with no love juz becoz he's Prince....

Coz u know the true love of Prince Charles is the one & only Camilla

J said...

Actually those Royals also quite poor thing wan (in a way lah)...

Although get to live a luxurious life, everything is set already: what to wear/ eat/ think/ do/ etc...
... and everyone expect you to be so perfect and act "in the proper way"....

(That can probably feel very suffocating)

こうゆうけん said...

HMmmmmmm... prince... not bad... but no freedom bah...

Anonymous said...

william: i'm sure u can find a few japan sized ones if u look hard enough

anonymous: yes, most definitely fake boobs.. but as long as the prince likes them.. it's ok right?

cc_lol: yes yes.. and the best way to tell if a woman is bad or not is to check whether her boobs are real or not

j: yes yes.. really quite suffering... really.. what a life they must have.. travelling around in first class, playing polo, sleeping in rooms that have beds the size of my garage..

koyuuken: where got no freedom? see.. got enough freedom to go out clubbing at night and get drunk mah

Anonymous said...

He must be really tired of all this cupping. I'd like to volunteer to do future cupping on his behalf. My hands are free. No need to pay me a penny.

Anonymous said...

Boss Stewie, i never said tat!!!!dun make all the big-fake-boobies girls come after me!!!!!!!pls read carefully!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Boss Stewie: Oh, you were talking about the boobs?? I thought you meant the face... >.<

Boss Stewie said...

chocolat: well at least we know prince harry loved them

nicholas: get in the queue please

cc_lol: okok point taken

erin: yeah he did... just like i love lecka lecka

lance: nono lance.;. the boobs.. really

Anonymous said...

erintan - Lady Diana could hv been the most dearly loved among the royalty being virgin and giving heirs to the United Kingdom Royalty, but in the end she screw up everything tat the royal families doesnt even wanna get involved her matters anymore, tat pretty much says she "yat sau joe seng" that makes the royal families turning their back against her......we wouldnt know much abt the royalties happening but the start & the end of the fairytales pretty much sums up...

lets juz sums up that Lady Diana is like a monkey who have been given flowers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

Lady Diana, at first she was going for AIDS charity everywhere to appear the most benevolent among the royalty for wat i dunno only she self know , wat the hell, trying to outshine the mother Queen E? You think Queen E gonna like tat? After tat she becomes a slut fucking around with arab oil man? no offence but she acting like "cau for yap mo" den fucking around is totally opposite....

She is gonna be the FUTURE KING MOTHER,juz a matter of time but she asked for divorced? I think she better asked to be locked in the Royal Asylum better, at least, the royalties cud emphatized with least she is showing tat she rather be in asylum then to be outcast from the ROYALS...

But she doesnt seemed 2 care to be stripped from the royals, nor care for her sons, how is the sons gonna cried u tell me?

In tis case, the sons cant really blame Princes Charles but even they wont have any feelings anymore to Lady Diana tears, thats for sure~~~~

Gwendolynne said...

I love this post. I love this post!!!

When I saw the pic of the groping, all I could think of was ... "OoOoOo boobies!" She has damn nice tits.

Anonymous said...


I love how Prince Harry looks (and his brother too for that matter) but he acts like such a prick.