Came across this campaign running on Nuffnang. I checked out their site a week ago to see some countdown they're having for something they're coming up with I suppose.
Then just today I remembered it and checked it out again only to see that it's still ticking with 4 days left to go. Gosh when you actually count the minutes, time doesn't pass fast at all.

Only to come back as a ghost to haunt me.
Nice Princess... nice...
it's all good so long as u're not afraid of ghostsss
ky: nothing scares me more than little girl ghosts in ghost movies...
hahahaha u so cute u
Don't worry, as long as she doesn't kill herself wearing red dress, you're safe boss. LOL.
boss very loyal 1..hahaha!
shock* then what bout the 2nd wife? will she haunt her too?
"productive stuff"... Wonder what that means...
Wow. It looks like she's holding on no matter what. I can understand the haunting part. Otherwise, there'd be no reason for her to die. Then you'll just be happy moving along & maybe adding a third one into your collection. She's short, but smart.
Hahahaha.. So cute !!
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