Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Clubbing Girls

Just a few days ago, Cely sent me an e-mail titled
"Bistro Pub in Penang"

and attached to it were pictures of girls dancing and going wild in clubs like this

She then asked whether these pics really were from a club in Penang, so to all the readers I have that are from Penang, take a good look at the pictures in the post and tell me if you think it is?

I personally don't think any of them are from Penang except maybe these few
Because at Glo in Penang, as part of a contest, girls sometimes pour water on themselves when dancing on stage and that's the only club in which I've seen that happen.
But the MC behind the girl in this picture doesn't look like the one we're familiar to in Glo.
So why do I not believe that these pictures are from Penang?

Well... okay let me tell you a bit about the clubbing experiences I've had.

In London, we walk into a club with a group of friends and go straight for the bar to down a couple of Tequila Shots.

Then straight to the huge dance floor to dance until the alcohol wears off then we go back to the bar to have another couple of shots (not necessarily Tequila again)... and then back to the dance floor again. So most of the time we have is spent on the dance floor.

In Penang, most of the clubs have most of their space used up for tables and stools and they reserve only a tiny space for the dance floor.

So what happens?

We walk into the crowded club, get a bottle of whiskey and sit on the table.

Then we hold our whiskey glass in our hand and pretend to dance when all we're really doing is wiggling.

That goes the same for almost everyone else in the club. Only few people really dance and those who do dance at the tiny crowded dance floors that we have do the "worm dance"... meaning they wiggle (since that's all they can really do given the space we have).

Which is why in Penang, you'll seldom see things like this

And even more seldom that you see things like this

And almost NEVER do you see things like this

As for this last picture... I'm a little confused at what the woman on the left was doing.
I can't tell if she was high on something... or trying to launch herself into space.

Or maybe it was a combination of both. Maybe she was high enough to suddenly think that
"Hey! Why don't I try to launch myself into space? I've never been to space before".

PS: For those of you who're interested in some entrepreneur articles that I haven't really been writing of, check out Leon's blog here. He wrote a pretty interesting article about Richard Branson.


Anonymous said...

Lol, where in the world did these pictures come from?!! Send them back! Tee-hee.

Actually, in the last picture, she looks like she's in pain. :P

Anonymous said...

You're right! I wonder if that even happens in KL as well. Looks more like Singaporeans to me. lol!

Boss Stewie said...

alynna: cely sent it to my email... u want me to fwd them to u? there are a few more that i didn't put up :P

erin: yea... my guess is that they're singaporean... singaporeans know how to party

Anonymous said...


why not u make a post of the 'latest' email that i sent u? a lot more interesting la that one...

Boss Stewie said...

audrey: you would know wouldn't u :P

cely: HAH... cely.. u just lurrvee sending me porn!!!

Anonymous said...

recently i received an email titled "redbox penang" of girls going very very wild...of course i cant tell if its really redbox or not since i've never been to the vip rooms before.

and in pg,i think ppl go to clubs to drink more than to dance.e

Anonymous said...

Wah... so many pretty girls =P

I dont think any of the pictures are from Malaysia.

Wingz said...

eekkk!!! can see teteks wan geh!!!

Anonymous said...

if those are really happening in Penang, I'm so heading over to Penang whether or not u want me come december.

and i'll make u go clubbing with me! HoooOOooOOOOOOooOOOOOOo

Boss Stewie said...

reallybites: ahh the VIP rooms in red box don't look much different than the normal rooms.. just a little bit bigger and a little 'dance floor'

prawn: yeah i think they're from singapore

wingz: where gott

suicidal: hahaha no ler.. i hate to burst ur bubble but i really doubt it's from penang

Gwendolynne said...

The chick with the wet breasts look XXXX HOT XXXX ...

But some of the others, um ... some too skinny, I think if I sat on them they'll break in two. And I'm not -that- fat k? I've lost my appetite for Asian women. *sigh* Give me a nice hot redheaded Irish woman anytime.

Boss Stewie said...

gwen: somehow.. only asian women turn me on..

Eve said...

I don't think it's from penang too. When they splash water on to the girls in Glo, they use green buckets ler.

In Penang, we don't dance. we just vibrate on the spot cos it's sooo crowded everytime. hehe

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure the pics are from penang. i can recognize a few girls...

Boss Stewie said...


tr: what? are u serious? which ones? the one with the wet t*ts?

Anonymous said...


Eve said...

yalor, somemore from opposite ur school want =P

Unknown said...

Bossssss...... u MUST bring me clubbing when i reach penang next next week if the one with the wet t*ts IS from penang.... send me the email *evil laughter*

Anonymous said...

Hey, Boss Stewie, I'm Eric, not Erin!

Boss Stewie said...

loong: mama!

eve: u mean u're from cls? or u're from glo? :P

william: haha.. don't get ur hopes up in seeing girls with wet tops

eric: aiyo sorry sorry eric... pai seh

Eve said...

CLS la...-.-|| ur school opposite a club?

Boss Stewie said...

i was from sxi

Anonymous said...

boss stewie: the girl in black where her undies can be seen

Boss Stewie said...

i thinnk she knows that tr :P

Anonymous said...

dude, timmy, finally something interesting. How come I didn't see this in Penang?! Better than Gunball.

Anonymous said...

holy momma......I am going to Penang to club!

Boss Stewie said...

hasan: hahahaha... because you didn't want to go clubbing with us in penang remember?

mister cheah: come penang and look me up!

Anonymous said...

Hahah, not interested in going blind, thanks. ;)

Mischique said...

lol god that's some hilarious pictures..yea i don't like penang clubs coz you dont have enough space to dance!!!!!!!!

Boss Stewie said...

alynna: now now alynna.. how could u turn down pictures of girls who try so hard to make everyone happy

brenda: so you club in SP instead?

Anonymous said...

looks like what Zouk ppl would do tho

Unknown said...

tats not the real gurlz of glo!!
bcoz i am the emcee every nite
its not the real deal

Unknown said...

tats not the real gurlz of glo!!
bcoz i am the emcee every nite
its not the real deal