When we were still students, we used to get high all the time and do rather silly things to keep ourselves entertained.
But in the past year, all of us have ceased student life and started on the new working life.
Since then we noticed that our social life has slowed down.
No longer do we find the energy in ourselves to go clubbing or drinking till late at night.

Over the long Raya weekend, we decided that things had to change (even if it was just for one night).
We got everyone over to my place one night for a drinking and karaoke session.
The night started out slow.
Everyone was being... "grown-up".
But 1 and a half bottles of Black Label later, the alcohol started to take effect.
Everyone was high... and happy.... until one of my friends suddenly fell to the ground.
Now when your friend falls to the ground seemingly because of excessive alcohol consumption... what do you do?
Step 1: Pretend to be a caring friend and help him up.

Step 2: Bring him to the nearest toilet bowl and get him to puke.

Step 4: Take turns to take pictures with his butt-crack.

Step 5: Upload the pictures on to a blog to share with the world...

Ahh... I feel young again...
yes yes yes @!!! today i m the 1st !!!
wont cross the line la.. still ok ma..
u masaic his face.. i dunno if he is indian or chinese also.. :p
Dangerous to have friends like you lah!
So naughty!
(Pssst... better keep those photos safely though: They will come in handy when that friend of yours decides to get married! Then you can do one of those "Endearing yet embarassing slideshow of the bride and groom" sorta things....)
evil evil
the power of the BLOG (!)
That indian fella in blue, he often come to my hse.HAHA my brother's friend =P
Need to be careful to have friends like you -.-||
cely: hahahaha well maybe he's both indian and chinese.. chindian
j: yes yes... and now that i have posted the pictures up here... all of you have access to the pictures to blackmail him next time.. ahh the power of the internet
stev: or.. the power of alcohol :P
eve: ehh.. who is ur bro?
i couldn't help but notice how seamlessly the lower waist turns to the butt crack.there seems to be no distinction. are you sure that's not cgi?
HAHAHAHAHA boss u're young again!
suicidal: yeah.. maybe i got the graphic desginer in my leetle dotcom to steal company time just to design a butt crack right? ishh...
& that's why i don't drink... haha. Fun...
CEO! your buttcrack dem sexy ler~~~
joash: joash oh joash... if u only knew what u were missing... like having ur butt crack posted up on my blog :P
wingz: eh not mine ler!
Relabels 18SX Blog with 8SX Blog.
Now, that shouldn't be too Parental Advisory would it? =)
I'm not in it. How sad is that? If I'm around, should be better right? You said Penang's never the same without me. :p
so, u all make sure dun get drunk in front / back / center / middle / bottom /top of Boss Stewie, if not ur butt-crack, ass -crack, whatever crack can end up on the net.
Hahahaha, at least you guys didn't stick things down his butt crack like pencils or vegetables:P
thank god my friends are a bit more caring when someone passes out...pictures come but no butt cracks pls! hahahaha
eh boss stewie!
wa ai zho lu eh pang yu! hahahaha
got see any taugeh or not?
i know whose butt crack it is!!! hahaha...
erin: hahahahah i'm sorry erin...
lance: 8sx? hahahahaha no no... kids shouldn't be reading my blog
eric: okok when u come back to penang i'll put your butt crack on my blog too ok? don't be sad ok?
applegal: or taugehs :P
andrew: are u saying i treat my friends bad? :P
yuin: hahahaah no fortunately NO
ahpau.. yes.. we do don't we :P
jed: ahhh... u caught me there
boss stewie: Hahaha, as long you don't see a mushroom growing there! XD Ewwwwwwwwwwww!
applegal: I LIKE MUSHROOM.. especially enoki mushrooms
ROFL!!! Why didn't you stick a flower between the butt crack and take the photo????
boss stewie: Eee yeerrrrr, I like mushrooms too, but not enoki mushrooms at the moment!!
ian: if we're going to stick something in there.. why stop at a flower?
applegal: so u would rather have taugeh over mushrooms? shame on u applegall!!!
boss stewie: That's not what I meant! I meant for eating, not which I'd rather see coming out of a butt crack! XD
Yet another male butt crack. People get blinder every day with these unhealthy activity. ROFLOLOL :p
Not to mention the infamous "Rate My Shit" post in LengMou... >_>
ha aha haha ahahahaah ahahaha
*dies laughing*
Sounds like so much fun.
applegal: ok.. i'd still rather not eat taugeh.. ewwww
chapree:who said it's unhealthy ? :P
lance: WOI!! hahaahha
gwen: if u were only there gwen
Yoh! Not my @rse on the net. It's the fun, mate!
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