I was reading her blog and I found this little Meebo chat thingy on her sidebar and I thought about all the naughty things I could do to her since she wouldn't know who she was talking to.
I decided to pretend to be someone trying to convince her to join Lampe Berger (something that I've had experienced over and over at many points in my life).
So here's how the conversation went
(Yes yes... another conversation post in the same week.. this will be the last for a looong time... don't worry).

lampe berger: hi
cely: hello
lampe berger: can i know ur name?
cely: cely
cely: as u see
cely: how about u?
cely: u cant be lampe berger~
cely: :P
lampe berger: my name is mervin
lampe berger: are u from kl?
cely: hi mervin
cely: yes
lampe berger: oh
lampe berger: u are very pretty
cely: really ? Thanks.. that's sweet of u
lampe berger: cely
lampe berger: do u wan make money?
cely: what ?
lampe berger: do u wan to earn lot of money?
cely: i understand ur question
cely: so?
cely: join lempe berger?
lampe berger: yes
lampe berger: if you join lampe berger
lampe berger: you can make a lot of money
lampe berger: one month you can make RM15,000
lampe berger: just by recruiting other members
cely: oh..
lampe berger: and after you do for a while then everyone will earn money for u
cely: but i m not interested..
lampe berger: all the people under you can earn money for you
cely: thanks for inviting
lampe berger: then even if you don't do anything you can make at least RM5,000 a month
lampe berger: why don't u want to join
cely: i had too many invitation like this
cely: if i wan, i would have joined earlier
lampe berger: why is it you dowan to join?
cely: not interest in pushing ppl
cely: like what u are doing now
cely: i dun mind making money slowly..
lampe berger: but i am not pushing people.. i am trying to help people make money
lampe berger: you can be very rich... my friend just last month bought a bmw
lampe berger: from lampe berger money
lampe berger: he don't work anymore also
cely: haha.. that;s the tag line u gotto say ma~
cely: nah, it's ok
cely: really.. thanks
lampe berger: what is your phone number?
lampe berger: can i call you to talk to you?
cely: No no..
lampe berger: ok why you don't want to join?
cely: i told u already~
lampe berger: you work little bit only can make money
lampe berger: just 3 days in a week you work
lampe berger: can make thousands of dollars
cely: i dun like to do what u are doing now..
cely: persuading..
lampe berger: but it is just you persuade your friends only
lampe berger: you don haf to go out marketing also
cely: haha, do u make money ?
cely: have u bought ur bmw?
lampe berger: no i don't have bmw
lampe berger: but i bought a new honda civic
cely: that's great
lampe berger: and i just do lampe berger for only 8 months
cely: hm.. i m really not interested
cely: i know how it workls
cely: i understand the benefits
cely: but i m just not interested in even trying
lampe berger: ok then will you put an advertisement for me on your blog
lampe berger: to ask your readers can call me
lampe berger: if they want to join lampe berger?
cely: Oh.. no..
lampe berger: why?
cely: that's not gonna work in my blog
lampe berger: but you tell your friends can make money
lampe berger: everyone also wan make money
cely: i told u from the very begining.. i m not doing what u are doing now
cely: persuading
cely: off coz i m not going to put lempe berger ad in my blog
cely: dun even say put an ad for u
lampe berger: ok what if i pay you
lampe berger: i pay you to put an ad up
lampe berger: for me
cely: how am i going to trust u?
lampe berger: i call you
lampe berger: we meet and i pay you cash first
lampe berger: half before you post
lampe berger: half after you post
lampe berger: ok?
cely: let me think about it
lampe berger: what is your phone number
cely: u gimme urs
cely: :)
lampe berger: 012 3358292
cely: how do u get to my blog ?
lampe berger: last time i see petaling street
lampe berger: then i write down your blog
cely: Oh.. ok
lampe berger: ok
cely: do u have a blog?
lampe berger: no
lampe berger: so will you put an ad for me
lampe berger: i pay you RM50
cely: why not ?
cely: i'll think about it
lampe berger: no can put for me now?
cely: NOW ?
cely: i guess u can look for other more famous blogger to put this ad for u~
lampe berger: ok i pay you RM200 then
lampe berger: you put for me now ok
lampe berger: you have my phone number
lampe berger: i cannot run
cely: haha
cely: i have trouble to trust you
cely: why NOW ?
cely: why cant i consider?
lampe berger: it is free right
lampe berger: blog entry
lampe berger: i will pay you
cely: seriously, can i consider it for a day?
cely: maybe i'll answer u by tomolo
cely: u know my blug, i cant run either
cely: rite?
lampe berger: ok
lampe berger: if you put now
lampe berger: i will pay you RM1000
lampe berger: last offer
lampe berger: i give you my house address
lampe berger: phone numbenr
lampe berger: everything you wan i give you
cely: u are JOKING with me
lampe berger: i am not
lampe berger: where you work
lampe berger: tomorrow i come and give you the RM1000 cash
lampe berger: ok?
cely: :x
lampe berger: ok?
lampe berger: you put now?
cely: hahah
lampe berger: cely?
lampe berger: ok deall?
lampe berger: cely?
lampe berger: deal?
lampe berger: deal?
lampe berger: cely?
lampe berger: ok
lampe berger: ?
lampe berger: can?
cely: aiyo.. stop playing la
cely: u are not mervin or anything
lampe berger: i am
lampe berger: do you want the money or not
cely: haha
lampe berger: dowan fine!
cely: fine :)
cely: look for something else
lampe berger: actually i got something else
cely: yes
lampe berger: next saturday 14th oct we having a lampe berger convention
lampe berger: at concord hotel
lampe berger: got speaker teach you make money
lampe berger: you want come?
lampe berger: just listen only.. it is free
cely: i am not free.. i m joining a camp
lampe berger: what camp you joining
cely: ji er 30
cely: on 14th - 15th
lampe berger: ohhh
lampe berger: then the following saturday also got another eventb
lampe berger: but that wan is in sunway pyramid convention center
lampe berger: you wan come?
cely: ahha
cely: i m going sg for trip
lampe berger: then what about 28th october
cely: actually, i really not even interested in this
lampe berger: got another one in regent hotel
lampe berger: bukit bintang there
cely: do u get ppl joining from just talking online ?
lampe berger: no i also call them
lampe berger: but you don gimme your phone
cely: erm.. it just look very strange and i dont trust this..
cely: i need to protect myself
lampe berger: ok then you got any friend i can call?
cely: no.. off coz no~
lampe berger: why
lampe berger: you got no friends?
cely: just no..
cely: i got friends
lampe berger: then can give me the number
lampe berger: i call
cely: but takan i 'betray my frens' for giving out their numbers?
cely: it's not logic ..rite
lampe berger: ok then you got other blogger friend
lampe berger: that you know
lampe berger: can help me post ad
lampe berger: you got any blogger friend
lampe berger: that can help me post ad?
lampe berger: cely
lampe berger: cely?
cely: u can just try ur luck.. i got the list there in my tidbits
cely: why u need ppl to put the ad?
cely: u can just create a blog what
cely: to tell ppl what's good to join
lampe berger: ok
lampe berger: who is the most famous in your list
cely: kennysia.com
lampe berger: who else you know wan
cely: i dunno much.. i m just very new blogger
lampe berger: ok you want to go out for lunch
lampe berger: ?
cely: no.. already 3.30 la
cely: back from lunch long time ago
lampe berger: tomorrow leh?
cely: u asking me for lunch ?
cely: no need la
cely: u full time lempe berger?
lampe berger: no i working now
cely: working as what
lampe berger: i workin customer service at ibm
cely: sound like a good and stable job
lampe berger: yes
lampe berger: but lampe berger make me rich
lampe berger: normal job cannot make me rich
cely: how OLD arr?
lampe berger: i'm 24
cely: working at ibm not enough for u?
cely: how rich is rich ?
cely: earn 10k a month?
lampe berger: IBM i only earn RM2000 a month
lampe berger: lampe berger I earn RM6000 a month
lampe berger: so total about RM7000 a month
lampe berger: enough to pay monthly installment for my civic
cely: good
lampe berger: i also bought apartment already
lampe berger: every month i pay RM2000 for my apartment and RM1200 for my car installment
lampe berger: I still have so much money to spend
lampe berger: because of lampe berger
cely: u earn this much.. off coz u will spend this much
cely: and even 10k a month for u also wont enough
lampe berger: yes
lampe berger: so you want to join?
lampe berger: lampe berger
lampe berger: and be rich like me?
Ok soon after that I began to lose interest and I told Cely that it was really me.
She said she expected it but the bad news is... she forwarded the conversation to a few of her friends including Earl who then forwarded it to Anti-Lamp Berger.
So uhmm... Anti-Lamp Berger.... please keep in mind that it was just a prank and not for real...
I personally don't like Lamp Berger or any other MLMs but my judgement shouldn't affect anyone else's.
Lucky I didn't put my real phone number when Cely asked for it.
i won the boiling point !
gimme my usd 100 !
cely, i'm surprised u'd go on n on about not being interested. haha i would have stopped talkin to "mervin" within 2 minutes.. keke
haha.. coz he sound funny... i wanna see how far he can go..
mz: awwww... is that what you would do? now i know what to expect if i ever were to prank u
earl: hahahaha earl.. i can't believe you fwded it to anti lamp berger and posted it on low yat! wart a joke!
hahaha wingz
eh take the prank to the next level la ...
by the time you messaged me on msn i was already trying to look for other hate sites too, hoping for that phone number was real and there are lots of free people out there who would take the initiative to harass the fella - hahaha
You should consider to change your name to "Lamp Berger" legally :p
After that conversation, I feel like joining Lampe's Burger... McD anyone? =)
oh...it's a joke...
hmmmm...i thought it was for real..
sweat. you memang bor si cho.
Was directed here from your other Leng Mou blog. Very entertaining. :)
P.s. I think you know my brother Jia Jer. Small world.
boss stewie , u damn free ar?...
mz: HAHAHAHAH!! mz... carefull.. i might just prank u one day.. and it'll work :P
earl: LUCKIILLYYY I DIDN'T PUT MY REAL PHONE NUMBER... i was considering d0ing that in case cely wanted to call me
chapree: ah yes.. change name in IC
jason: and i have jason's number too.. 012...
lance: hahahaha u want to join? and be rich like mervin?
steven: yep.. sorry to disappoint u.. but i think we all have had sales pitches like that before
suicidal: so u wouldn't have joined lampe berger to make me rich? that's not nice of you! :P
bodicea: ahhaah yes i am too free
jia mei: ehhh yah.., i know ur brother hehehe.. and i remember u.. his leeetle sister!!!
maniacz: yes yes.. it's true.. i am damn free
lol smurfette
although it's just a prank, but it's so real... just like how lb ppl talk.. haha.
Thank goodness I haven't kena before. I imagine their logo to be some lighted burger. Perhaps a change of name might benefit them. :D
wtj: lol.. yes cuz i kena from them all the time
albert: why don't u make a suggestion hahaha
jason: WOI!!!
ok i would. that makes it all the more embarrassing. damn. lol
jason, gimme.. or earl, he will forward to anti-lamp berger... whahahah
gimme gimme.. i give hitz fm to prank him
Hi, my name is Ah Beng. Join Lampe's Burger. Very good wan. You give me money first and then we give you money and a free cheeseburger. Then everyone happy~! =)
*Lance, after joining Lampe's Burger*
Waaa, Cely, you're so patient! I wouldn't have lasted even halfway!
Haha yeah, it's such a small world.
And I'm not so 'leeetle' alright, heh.
Were you at my brother's surprise party this year? I don't really recall. He has too many friends I swear.
nahahah.. stewie, don't prank me lar, i so so so far away, prank liao no fun. summore i'm a nobody.. hahaha
lance: AHAHAHAHAHAHA U ARE SOOO DAMNM FUNNY... always never fail to crack me up
cely: HAAHAHAH u cannot gotcha me wan.. cuz i every day listen to rudy & jj's voice in gotcha so i'll know it's them if they call me
suicidal: come come. we join lampe berger together.. no wait.. i join first then i recruit u... bwahaha
applegal: yes.. cely would indeed win mtv's boiling point tv show
jiamei: no i wasn't there cuz i was in penang working :(
mz: hah...okok.. i won't prank u anytime soon ... or anytime yet...
hahaha.. saw this conversation @ her blog.. so funny lar... u arr... want join Hitz.fm breakfast crew arr? ^^
I also demand money, like Cely. For a waste of time reading this post!
Why are you so immature? :P
j/k j/k the post was interesting, esp her reactions.
april: hahaha u're not the first person to ask me to join hitz fm morning crew..
gwen: awww... i know you're just joking.. you're one of my favourite readers
wei, boss... they wont call u in the morning during their show la... pre-record what...
is the morning crew pre record? u think?
no ge meh ? dunno ah.. haha.. i just think they pre-record it... i seldom listen to hitz fm nowadays
cely: oh yes.... u listen to MY FM don't u?
no.. i seldom listen to FM ! mauyahahah.. come prank me again la.. bun !@
hah! u wait!
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