We agreed to meet for lunch and I spent the morning thinking of where to bring the dude.
At first I thought that maybe I could bring him to a nice place like The Ship

Surprisingly, just like all 'titties' in real life, what was inside it was yummy.
One of the best mushroom soups I have ever had.
I even thought about the yummy pasta I had at Mario's...

I thought of bringing him to the best beef ball noodle in Penang but it was closed... so we settled for... DUCK (which honestly happened to suck that day)!!!

He's one of those guys that is most certainly a keeper (girls if you would like his phone number, please e-mail me at lengmoublogs@yahoo.com).
Yet, what was more amazing was finding out how much William knew about all my blog entries.
He kept making references to my previous blog posts in all my conversations with him.
He even went to the building where I bought my computer software from and thought to himself

He was probably waiting for me in my office lobby when he saw a man with a mole walk out of the lift and thought to himself
And went on to shout my name (William you bassstarrdd).
It was almost as if he's a "walking Leng Mou/Boss Stewie directory".
William brought a friend... a nice girl named... Lean Shin... (or some name that sounds close to that).

That's right... the 22 year old man travelled all the way up north...

Or like they would say in some European countries...
Oh and I forgot to mention.. William has a blog too.
Feel free to pay a visit and leave the following comment
YEs yes.. i m the first !!!
wei, out of so many food in penang.. u bring him to DUCK? u haven had enough?
i will reconsider whether to come penang or not liao...
no good food one...
cely: hahahaa why u all still fighting for being first... eh.. the duck normally is not bad one. just that day not nice only
wingz: hahaha CEO.. u are the one who should take me
wah..free publicity for william in boss stewie's blog..i also did a free publicity for him le..
Eh, read your blog + visit you in Penang = free meal?
Can I choose the restaurant?
(And bring a few friends too??)
ricadoe: i love meeting readers... just make a trip down to penang and we'll do lunch
yatz: aihh.. publicity from my blog also no big deal... considering my small readership
j: hahahaha... no u may not choose the restaurant.. but u may bring a few friends :p
i wasn't avoiding u lar jason
i had to go singapore for work!!!
appeared in boss' blog *fooooOOooOoo*
happee happeee~!!!!
dun worry boss, a very memorable day indeed
and boss, it's holiday ok, i was sooo busy these few days walking around town here and there, so busy u know. been busy keeping my tummy full.
okla, okla, boss not that free then. very busy man indeed.
And oh guys!! Boss rolls in a 3 series Beemer. In case if he still ever denies it.
I can only afford this after readong this post:
eeeeyerr! i also want DUCK...rice lah =P
and how come the duck dont looks erm..appetising wan? haha..
try the one in Lip Sin lah...sedap ooo!
My gawd ... stalker.
I'll surely drop by Penang to visit you too when - ever I get a chance to go back. Which is probably not for another few years since we're trying to buy a house. o_O
william: william william.. it's not nice to bluff everyone into thinking that i drive a car that i can't possibly afford... tsk tsk.. shame on u william :P
suicidal: afford what?
al: ehh.. how u know about lip sin garden ?
gwen: gwen.. bring ur family and we shall go for duck rice together... get ur priorities right gwen... who needs a house when u have duck rice :P
how i know...cos i stay there? muwahhahahahaha!
eh didnt know u guys knew each other! small world sial
Here also got duck. The ducks here go "Cheep cheep" instead of Quack! If you tempt me with char siu-siew yoke fan that's a different matter!!! Or HK chee cheong fun ... or asam laksa, or yim kuk kai, or ...
afford my jealousy lorrrrrrr, and no I'm not jealous of u driving a 3 series beemer. :p
wah looks like the boss is moving from women to men... or at least one of his faithful readers is hoping he is...
i wonder if he has a shrine for you in his bathroom.
al: so u're a penang blogger as well? how is it that i never knew that
max: yes max.. it's a small world indeed
gwen: ok.. here got very good laksa also
jason: i don't lar jason... i drove a vios to pick u for bak kut teh remember?
suicidal: don't be jealous just cuz u think i have something that i really don't have :P
sammy: i'm sure he doesn't sammy.. don't worry
Lipsin one only available afternoon. Go Tanjung Bungah near Maxim cakehse ler..it's nice!
eve: tanjung bungah near maxim cakehouse? har? u mean near the market? where got? i didn't know about that!
"He's one of those guys that is most certainly a keeper (girls if you would like his phone number, please e-mail me at lengmoublogs@yahoo.com)."
eh, boss..I didn't know you also into match-making business oso.
So, all single guys (including myself) should pay Boss Stewie visit to boost your popularity/celebrity status, and get a gf soon(???) courtesy of the free advertising from timothytiah.blogspot.com???
hey boss! what lah u?! remember the comment i posted up here sometime ago. i commented that the KFC you're at is the one in 1-Stop wan? u then said im a true penangite or something? hahaha.
eve and boss: its the one inside the coffeeshop wan rite? the rice stall in frontta shop wan rite? selling duck, chicken, char siew and siu bak wan rite? hahaha! opposite market =) if dats the one, ok eve its damn nice! heh!
Post deleted???
Maxim cake house ... do they have the actual Maxim magazine models serving ppl there arr ... that would be a dream lo~ omg laksa
Errr... This isn't William's blog now, is it?? ^^;
no, serious. i'm not jealous of of the 3series beemer la. i've got over tt a long time ago.
now i'm jealous of good ol' william. hehehe
suicidal: I'm pretty sure if u bring a busload of ppl to hunt down stewie in penang, he wouldn't run away. u might even get to go to the ship
I'll be going to Penang too, when I go back...
maniacz: haha the truth is... appearing on my blog might actually act as a woman repellent rather than bring more girls to you.
al: ohh sorry sorry.. pai seh ahh
gwen: hahaha no no .. unfortunately maxim cake house has nothing to do with the magazine
lance: u bastardo!!!
suicidal: there is no 3 series beemer to be jealous about.. so pls don't be
ian: look me up then
leon: ok nig
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