Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bloggers' Year End Party

The Ah Beng named Wingz from Rojaks is planning a blogger gathering for the 30th of December 2006 (Saturday) which I think will be great fun.

It's going to be held at Federal Hotel in KL.

Now my schedule looks pretty busy for the end of this year so I wasn't supposed to be going especially since it's so near New Year's Eve.

But according to Wingz, I told him earlier that the date was okay and also according to him he planned some kind of surprise for me so if I didn't attend it, I would ruin his plans.So fine!

I am going... it's going to set me back by another RM100 but I'll still go.

There you have it... if you ever want Boss Stewie to go anywhere with you, just convince him that he promised you before (even if he didn't) and he will go.

And I'm probably going to have to take a flight from Penang or Singapore to KL, but I'll still go... ISH...

So if you guys want to go and watch me being left out in a company of bloggers, check out Wingz's post here.

Note to my PA: Julia, please put this down in my schedule for the 30th of December 2006.


Anonymous said...

oh.. ok..

i think i m not joining :)

such big event.. not suitable for me (small potato) to join :)

Will wait for the event pictures :)

YES !! i am the 1st!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Btw, 30th Dec is a Saturday...the poster has a small printing error...

Boss Stewie said...

cely: ahh that's what i told wingz also.. but he insisted i go. i'm gonna be so left out there

anonymous: yep.. wingz is aware of the printing error

Wingz said...

duh how can u be left out laaaa ... if u go sure got lotsa girls wanna go also geh!!!!

Boss Stewie said...

ricadoe: yes.. i will keep to that promise .. seriously

wingz: hahah! don't keep ur hopes up on that wingz.. u might be disappointed

Anonymous said...

rm100??? rm100 for the party??

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you forget that promise a long long long time ago to one day bring me all the way to London for that All-You-Can-Eat-Duck-Sponsored-By-Stewie at Four Seasons?

Boss Stewie said...

reallybites: yeah that's what i said at first but oh well.. it's a hotel ballroom with food

lance: hahahaha !!!!

Ianfluenza said...

In any case, I'll still pay you a visit when I go Penang. Rest assured. HEHE!

Boss Stewie said...

ahahaha ok sure ian

Gwendolynne said...

There's going to be a gathering in Augusta, GA on 24th January 2007. If you don't come for it (since you and I will be the VIPs) I will slit my wrists. K?

Anonymous said...

talk about advance booking; are you even sure you can commit to the booking Mr busy busy?

Anonymous said...

Wahhh, got surprise! So lucky! ;)

Boss Stewie said...

gwen: HAHAHAHAA wait.. how bout we change venue to penang.. and if u don't come.. i'll slit someone else's wrist

choc: hahahaa aww come on.. u wouldn't come anyway would u ? :P

bunny: ermm well i guess i have to now bunny... just like how u HAVE TO come to penang now :P

alynna: well we don't know yet whether it's a good or bad surprise ... so lets not keep our hopes up ok?

J said...

Sounds interesting...

Not sure whether to go or not - usually Blogger events are quite scary (in a sense.... There will most probably be more cameras+photo taking than chatting+eating+etc)


Will plug it on my blog anyway.
(Just in case anyone else wanna go)

Mz said...

wah wah wah... blogger meet. haven't been to any, perhaps becoz i'm not very social.. :P cely, go lar, then u can have ur take of blogging about the meet.

i agree with j, i think it would be quite scary, but haven't been to any, so can't say anythin. hehe

J said...

to mz:
Psssttt. Don't be mistaken: I also haven't been to any Blogger events b4...
... but seeing all the posts from ppl who went... erm.. well, it looks scary lah..
(I think I saw one photo where there were digital cameras overflowing on a table, in between more than a dozen other photos of everyone taking photos from every imaginable angle)

Gwendolynne said...

Yeah but that someone I don't know doesn't matter right? It'll just be like reading everyday news :P ...

Boss Stewie said...

j: aww come on J... u go to bloggers meet to get to know other bloggers so that u won't feel left out at other meets (should there be any)

mz: u'll still be in australia then anyway rite?

gwen: that's nasty gwen ! :P

Anonymous said...

phwoar I can't wait to see what they've lined up for u (too bad I won't get to see it in person)! muahahaha i hope it's nothing less than what you did to your lucky indian friend who got his buttcrack publicised! :p

Kenny T said...

Sounds like fun... a meeting.

But what do bloggers do when they meet? Isn't it enough that they speak of nonsense or their own agenda in their blogs... it must spill to a mass gathering?

Like a previous comment mentioned, wouldn't it turn out to be lots of picture taking and it will most likely end up (see this is Mr B from this blog, this is Mr C from the other blog... ha ha ha).

Oh jolly, sounds like fun when you're the topic of the gathering... or if you're a A.D.D (attention deficit syndrome) sufferer... or a blogging debutant trying to make it big in the shortest time possible.

For the rest of the 95% of the bloggers out there... the blogs signify "enuff said" attitude.

Or at least, that's what I think.
