Now on its cover is our beloved leader for many many years Tun Dr M.
So naturally... as a proud Malaysian, if you ever see a Malaysian on the cover of TIME Magazine... you don't ask questions.. you BUY IT.

Now there is one thing I really love about TIME Magazine.
Within the first few pages there is always a column that states numbers... for example
1.65 Billion is the amount that Google paid for Youtube in shares.

1.3 Billion is the population of China alone.
38 is the number of people who read Boss Stewie's blog every day.
or even
2 is the number of testicles the average man has.
This month's issue had numbers I really liked.
First it said
1,508 Average number of condoms sold per day by South Korea's Family Mart convenience stores.
and then it went on to say

So it IS TRUE... people have sex more often when they are more stressed.
In times of recession, people will spend less money on most things but MORE MONEY ON CONDOMS.
Which brings us to the next question?
Why do condom brands like Durex bother to do any advertising at all?
(Ok we don't see much Durex advertising in Malaysia but I saw plenty while in the UK).
They should focus their efforts instead on creating more stress for people all around the world!
PS: I have set up a little Meebo box on the right so that I could get to know some of my readers so that some of you could tell me what a fat bastard I am.
It's going to be up for a limited time only and please keep in mind that I might not be able to reply everyone instantly since most of the time that I'm online... I'm at work. :P
UPDATE: Ok... I know many of you have been sending me messages through Meebo but I haven't been able to reply on time either because I'm working or I'm away from the computer and by the time I get back... you guys are gone.
My apologies for that.
2 is the number of testicles the average man has.<--???
I mean.. it can't and 1 and half right?
or 2 and half?
meebo uuuuuuuuuuuuu
SHIT u are half correct with regards to the condom.Know why the Koreans are snapping up condoms?not only are the condoms fireproof it's radioactiveproof as are GOOD,DAMN GOOD!
there is a blanket censorship on condom as our wawasan 2020 is 80 million in population!...........and of course the hypocrisy that to dabble in it is like promoting sex.While our younster are falling by the roadside due to HIV/AIDS.
maniacz: yes... the AVERAGE.. so for every man that has 1.5 testicles... there is another man with 2.5 testicles...
cely: eh?
daredevil: radioactive proof condoms.. LOL
You dun buy TIMES for Dr.M. You buy it regardless who's on the front cover. Trying to bluff kids ar you. *shakes head*
err actually, the rubbers are used in the production of the nuclear bombs...thats all i can tell you all
its not for protection...
dot tell anyone k, freakin confidential wan ...
I always thought TIME was a very lousy magazine what with biased reports and all.
Now it's even trying to use statistics to bluff the minds of innocent corruptible old fat minds like yours.
*men-jealous the koreans*
Sorry Daredevil... I hate to delete reader comments but I had to remove your comments that I felt could be offensive to some.
Don't take this the wrong way.
ricadoe: no ler.. nothing to do with Dr M.. he was featured in an article later in the magazine
william: noononono.. if a malaysian is on the cover.. MUST buy..
earl: oh yes.. that must be why the south koreans were stocking up in condoms.. to build their a bomb made of condoms
suicidal: ahahahha!! aww come on.. for all u know they're not getting any as well.. maybe they're just stocking up on condoms like what earl said...
i thought the rating of this blog has been elevated???
i guess from now on just' Alice in the Wonderland 'comments?
OKOKOK revised n TONE down version
ricadoe-Dr.M and condom?i have fond memories of his EXPANSIVE national policies.Basically we must have HUGE family to encourage a healthy economic growth.SO do not SUIT up with rubbers
so Mr.Timothy,satisfy?or censorship?
hehe 6 nov my bday :)
no, its actually a propellant, they spent too much on the developement, now they got a nuclear bomb but no propellant...
so they are making a giant huge catapult like which looks like a huge lastic ... which is capable to launch the bomb all the way to the US ...
feels like Disneyland ain't it?
earl: i was just about to say that.
vulcanized rubber in condoms can stretch 800 times their own length before breaking. so the nuke can even travel twice around the world before landing if the trajectory is right. muahahahaha...
18th Nov my birthdy too!! :P
thanks a lot Daredevil, but was waiting for boss to wish me belated one. hahaha..
Thought that counts!
and btw, its the same date as the real Mickey as well. google it if doubtful
daredevil: ok i'll let that pass.. thanks
meekie: happy belated birthday :P
earl: hahaha or they might "miss shoot" it to Penang...
william: okok coming coming william
tenkiu tenkiu. :p
meekie: and what else can i do for u on ur belated birthday ? :P
ricadoe: oh pls dun worry bout that
wth laaa
my first thought when i saw the first picture loading "oh wow dr. M. This next post must be very mind-bogglin and full of good and useful information about our country and our ex pm's thoughts on it"
manatau rite, its about hahahahahahaa
And I thought this was gonna be a political post... Whee~!
i guess i'll just have to make do with that assumption then. *sigh*
*looks wistfully at condoms*
You really slowly went and counted your individual readers is it? LOL What about those lurkers that don't post comments wan leh?
andrew: hahaah sorry to disappoint u.. but if u're hoping to read something that would make you a better, smarter person then uhmm.. hahahaah this might not be the right place :P
lance: hahaah no ler.. i stay out of politics
suicidal: haha!
gwen: well okok the truth is... i didn't count... i just simply picked a number... according to my sitemeter i get a leeettle more than 38.. but sitemeter lies.. THEY LIEE!!!!! :P
awwww boss...sooo sweet of u. can I have a share on the big green tea ice cream bucket?
boss, meekie only wants the bucket! i wan the ice cream IN the bucket can ar?
okie, i missed the "IN".
Dear Boss Stewie,
Could I have a share on your super mumbo jumbo green tea Haagan-Dazs ice cream?
meekie/william: okok we share altogether!!!
boss, i think u just reveal ur msn contact enough lo.. let everyone contact u there... since u are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy to reply msg there...
cely: eh... i am at work mah! my full time job description is not "MSN Chatterbox"
it's not that durex aren't "bothered" to advertise in Malaysia - they can't. rules govern that condom can't be advertised ler..
LOL ... the Censorship board would rather have unwanted babies in gym bags than advertise safe sex. Good fucking game. I don't see why it should be such a taboo, since most everyone already does it. It's kind of like having periods. So Kotex can't advertise maxipads or something now is it?
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