Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'm Bringing Sexy Back

One of my readers happened to say to me the other day
"Boss Stewie... you are not a true blogger because you never camwhore... real bloggers camwhore!".

And to that I will now reply...

I don't camwhore because of 2 reasons.

Because I am not a hot girl and because I am not a hot girl
(okay maybe that counts as only one reason

And also because.... lets face it... all of you who read my blog do so NOT because you want to see me snap a million pictures of myself and put them up here.

But ahhh... I often give my readers what they want.

So yesterday after work I went home... and took a few pictures for you guys.

And there you have it.

My best attempt at camwhoring!Yes... I looked nervous because unlike other bloggers... I am a little camera shy.

And of course, at an attempt to look less pretentious and more myself, I put on my big fat white cap.

Don't mind my weird smile.

It's the result of trying not to laugh knowing how stupid I look with that cap on.

Come to think of it... I think I'm going to consider making this the dress code in my leetle dotcom.

Everyone must come to work in a long-sleeve shirt with tie AND a BIG FAT VON DUTCH cap to make it look like everyone in the company from Malaysia to Singapore has big big brains.

I'm bringing sexy back...


Gwendolynne said...


Aiyo ... Justin. And so cute la you <3

Anonymous said...

Third !? (damn)

Look so Weird!!! Hahaha...
Post "Da Tou Zhao" please...

Boss Stewie said...

gwen: was that a kiss? did u just kiss me gwen?

maniacz: hahahahaha.. sure look gay... guys are not meant to camwhore :P

cely: what?? what???

Sharon said...

hahaha.. u look ermm weird.. perhaps try to be more natural next time :D

and camwhoring should be ermm.. half naked? :P

Anonymous said...

argh!!! that cap makes boss look like the whales again!!!

imagine what would happen to the world if he took off his shirt! tak bolehhhhhhh.

boss, do the world a service. camwhore nude nxt time. is there a mandatory mole in the dress code as well? muahahahahaha

Boss Stewie said...

sharon/suicidal: why do you both want to see me camwhore nude?? LOL... i'm already being generous striking a very awkward pose... and you guys want to see my fat BELLY?!! HAHHA

Unknown said...

ArrgGGhhhHhhHhhh... mch! you just contaminated my screen.... even HG looks man-lier than you... the horror...
p/s: sharon's pic looks sexy... now, that's camwhoring

Anonymous said...

boss cannot be gay lah... look at his dressing... damn tak jadi...

boss said "hahahahaha.. sure look gay... guys are not meant to camwhore :P" ... i think this is a follow up to ST's gaypop post... hahahahhahaha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trend setter!

Boss Stewie said...


sarah: ahahahaha no it's not meant to be a follow up of any post :P... it's ok... i never get offended when people call me gay because anyone who spends 2 minutes with me would know how much I LURRRRVEEE WOMEN

kmy: LOL

choc: hahaha one of my girl friends took the picture for me... she said she liked the tie...

ian: hahahahaha.. seriously... if my leetle dotcom becomes a big dotcom one day.. i might really make this the official uniform... office wear with big fat cap (not just as cap! BIG FAT CAP!!!)

Anonymous said...

haha.. very sexy in a Boss Stewie way..!! Kudos to you boss for having the guts to camwhore knowing the consequence.. ;)

Boss Stewie said...

maybe i'll spark off a "gay stewie saga"... AHAHAHAHAHA

actually.. the real stewie from family guy is supposed to be gay

Anonymous said...

If you do.. There will be many sleepless nights for me.. but at least I'll be laughing! :P

Anonymous said...

more more more..
faster go cam-whoring!!
big head picture..!!
more big head... fast

like that wont see ur fat belly.. no worries.. :p

linsey said...

omg you camwhored omg
but but, only 2 pictures is not considered camwhoring boo!

Boss Stewie said...

mae: hah! well perhaps when i get off work today and am more free... :P i'll think about it

cely: wah that wan memang kenot.. i'd rather show my belly that do big head shots

linsey: hahahahaa... two is a good start.. rite?

Anonymous said...

Since when did a Von Dutch cap equate to big, big brains?
(I want one NOW)

Anonymous said...


i have to say...look kinda gay! :)

Boss Stewie said...

alynna: well big big caps are for big big heads right? and big big heads "normally" have big big brains right?

slacker: HAHAHAHAAHAHA... notice that ALL the guys that commented said "gay" but none of the girls have said that... (yet)... ahhaha..

ahhahahaha dude... what is gay? the camwhoring guy or the von dutch cap... OR BOTH... AHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm having such a great time with this post

Anonymous said...

i don't think u look that gay.. things could have been worse if you hired me as your choreographer! :P

Gwendolynne said...

omg no lar~ <3 means heart la laf laf ... k? This post I <3 not coz camwhore la but A for Effort k? HAHA

Boss Stewie said...

suicidal: ahahha let me think about that

mae: hahahahaha it's ok mae.. i think pass for those

gwen: how does this ----> <3 look like a heart..

if you tell me it looks like a kiss then i'd believe you..

if you tell me it looks like a fish mouth i'll believe you..

heck even if you tell me it looks like A SET OF BALLS HUNG SIDEWAYS... I'LL STILL BELIEVE YOU....

but heart... i don't see it gwen .. LOL :P

Gwendolynne said...

Tilt your head to the right and look at it

<3 ... aih. You need to txtmsg ppl more.

Jackson said...

"Boss Stewie said...
slacker: HAHAHAHAAHAHA... notice that ALL the guys that commented said "gay" but none of the girls have said that... (yet)... ahhaha.."

That's cuz the girls like gay guys B)

You look a bit like Jerry Maguire with the cap on... one of those typical yuppies :P SHOW ME THE MONEEEEEEEEEY!!

Boss Stewie said...

gwen: gwen.. tilt your head to the left and look at it... or don't tilt your head at all.. doesn't it look like a set of lips

jackson: hahaha love that show

BaBy JeE said...

Timothy, you look awsomely HWaat in the Second pic... Pls camwhore more~~!!!

Anonymous said...

the camwhoring is definitely gay...

the bigass cap.. that's a combination of gayness + a whole lot of other things ..very hard to describe....

so u just watched a chick flick eh? man.. i'm starting to see some changes in u..heheheeh

Boss Stewie said...

baby jee: hahaha i think i've blinded enough guys with just those two pics jee :P

slacker: LOL... yes yes.. it is true.. i recently watched john tucker must die.. and not to mention.. step up...

Anonymous said...

<3 I'm sure this is a kiss too! HAHA. If it's a heart, it's a broken one...

Boss Stewie said...

bunny: hahahaha yes bunny

earl: hahah earl... where got?