So to return the favour, I bought them coffee later at Coffee Bean where we had a little chat among ourselves.

So much that both Eve and Ai Ling were bordering "PISSED OFF" when it came to me snapping candid pictures of them.
The funny thing about photos is that some people look different when they're posing for the camera than when they have candid shots taken of them.
Candid shots sometimes yield "Funny results".
For example,
This is how I normally would look when I'm prepared for the camera shot.

And this is how I look when the sonofabitch photographer takes a picture of me without warning.

I shall get my mother to do a similar press release for me.
The good news is that this is only the case for SOME people... not all...
Some people look the same in whatever camera shots you take of them.
Allow me to illustrate.
This is how Eve normally looks when you take a PROPER photo of her.

And this is how Eve looks... when I take bad candid pictures of her.

Or when I take even worse candid pictures of her.

This is Ai Ling when she's posing for the shot.

See the difference?
No? Because there ISN'T a difference...
Ai Ling is in the category of: immune to "looking funny in candid shots".
So there you have it.
Meet Eve and Ai Ling.
Eve: You still love me right? Right????
oh noooooooooooooooo!!! gotta confiscate your camera the next time we meet already. noooooooo! bwahaha!
anyway, it was really a nice meeting =)
u are trying to make me jelous, rite? Rite?
eh like this not nice la ... go yumcha with leng lui never call also ...
OIII cely why i post - you also post wan? i wan the 2nd spot ... why you ... why you ....
al: hahahaha awww al.. okok next time i'll make u sign a release form for the candid photos i take before i put them up on my blog ok?
cely: hahaha cely... u know u've already broken my heart.. why won't u let me move on..?
earl: hahahaha earl.. pls lar.. u so far awayy..
Lolx im jealous too!! But come to think of it, i'm too shy :P
i have to comment for the 1st time cos u r out wid my fren, aL. Hey, she looks good in anywhere anytime. Even while she's playing squash.
A great fren you should say.
Don't worry boss, she still loves you... I guess.
mae: ahhh when you do muster up the courage.. just send me an email :P
pc: ah yes a great friend... i was with her long enough to see that
lance: and what bout u lance? do u?
Maybe I should go along with mae if she decided to meet up with Boss Stewie. The only thing I've to keep in mind is to bring along an Ultraman mask in case Boss decided to get all the ugly-angles photos of mine >,<"
talexeh: ahahaha no no i promise i won't do that to u :P
Heh, the candid shots are erm... Really candid haha
I think I'm gonna get slapped for saying that lol
haha yeah we should go together talexeh! then we can whack Boss Stewie when he wants to be 'kurang ajar' by taking candid pictures of us.. Jk! :P I haven't the heart to whack you la boss.. Besides I don't really mind candid pictures. I enjoy laughing at myself. :D
Don't worry, i still love you although i'm the bad example -.-|| I know i always look sucky when it comes to candid or normal shots..haha
Maybe coz Eve is the prettier one of the two *cough cough* Don't beat me AI.
how could she not love you?
Eve go for the bloggers' meet 30th dec and take MANY the candid shots and join the wingz and whoever in sabo-ing boss!
hehehe :p
eve, you look like a friend of mine ... :)
merv: yes they were really candid merv.. and yes u're probably goign to get slapped for that :P brace yourself
mae: good... then i'll charge up my camera battery for the time we meet... i'll snap so many candid pictures of you , you'd feel like a celebrity
eve: aww but u look great in real life and that's all that matters
gwen: yeeeouuuchhh
choco: as soon as we meet up
suicidal: hahaha.. oh yes.. don't remind me about the bloggers meet that wingz is dragging me to
earl: yeah.. is your friend named eve?
boss lepton: LOL boss
earl... nice try on eve... ahhaha
and btw, boss.. keep posting more on ur meeting with leng lui..
i think i m kinda lesbian lately...
few my guys fren's blog all post leng lui pic.. somemore got sexy sexy pictures...
geram betul
To make Cely happy. I think I should post some of her photos in my blog too.
quick. Cely..send me some photos.
*lesbos with Cely*
the candid shot looks better with u in deep contemplation.............aiyaah so expensivelah the coffee,should have taken the tab at the hawker store and let these angels pay for the coffee!
yeap know why u refuse angle shots from below?i swear there is this piece of humongous snoot on the right nostril.Enlarge the pic.
Ai Ling is perpetually centred!
uh oh... me and my big mouth =X
aiyo boss, it'd be really nice if you can also join is for BBB (Blogger bring blogger) http://danielfranklingomez.com/blog/?p=306
Then I can get a share on the GT ice cream.
cely: yes cely.. send me some sexy pics of u with as little clothing on as possible and i'll put them up
maniacz: yes... put them up and before u know it.. u'll get plenty of traffic
gwen: and i thought u were a normal married woman gwen
daredevil: haha it's ok ler... dun need so calculative. didn't expect them to buy lunch anyway
mae: lol
jason: ehh pls lar! i had to go down to singapore for business.. u come this weekend lor!
meekie: huh? another bloggers meet? now won't i feel left out there :P
mahaiii!!! why you got so many lengluis readers wann??!!! All i ever get is mahlartlows!!!
wingz: hahahaa.. that's cuz u write ah beng style mahh wingz
someone gotta organize a blog meet in penang one of these days.
wingz: u look at ur avatar, even if u put steven chow also i think more girls will go see. not to mention nicholas tze or danny wu... of all ppl, sei liong kam (or how many other liong kam for that matter)
(i also got sumtaim go rojak one)
reallybites: are there that many penang bloggers?
william: hahaha.... ahh i knew it was a matter of time before someone said that to wingzz
boss stewie's a snaker!
jason: hmmphh no lar
don't worry.. i not so small gas
blake; a snaker?
cely, lu apa sibuk ar ...
Boss, set me up something ... i buy u hagendazz ... one tub - bath tub
Who wants to be normal and boring :P
all u guys are only afraid of boss stewie taking candid pictures of u?
wth...thats not rite...
im kinda more afraid of him takin pictures of my butt crack haha
he's been known to do that hahaha :P
there was a meet up at the beginning of this year i think...and there was a couple meet ups last year..each time theres around 10-20 ppl..
erm... snaker is... buaya? haha. yeah smth like that. buaya. you know... sneaky?
earl: eh? set you up what earl?
gwen: hahahaha alright.. point made
andrew: HAHA... don't worry larrr.. as long as u stay sober around me.. that won't happen
reallybites: ohh... ai cheh.. celebrity blogger meeting.. i might feel left out.. maybe i just go there take autograph only
blake: snaker? buaya? what? what?
wah, meeting with leng lui, so many commentsssssss... ahhaha
next time i meet with cely got more comments rite?
boss stewie: Oh, yes I do.
*Now c'mere. Confucius say, you been a bad boy...*
but... Cely haven't send photo to me yet.. how?!
I think Boss shud take photo of Eve from chin up.. hmmm.. candid shots of her nostrils.
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