Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nuffnang Looks Different!

Just a few days ago we launched a new layout for our Nuffnang site.

If you guys knew the process it went through to get to this. We basically had all the different Nuffnang teams come up with different design on how they thought the Nuffnang site should look like. Then with some 4 mock-ups or so we sent it to the team leaders in each country that Nuffnang is in and they took a vote.

The winner was this one. 

One thing about all our sites is that we thought since we were in four different countries, each site should have its own localized features.

So what we did was... at the bottom of each page, we had the city skyline of the capital of the country we were in. Nuffnang Malaysia looks like this with the Petronas Twin Towers and the KL Tower visible.
(Pay attention to the bottom of the following screenshots and click to enlarge)

Nuffnang Singapore had the Singapore Flyer and some landmark Singapore buildings.

Nuffnang Australia had the Harbour Bridge and Sydney Tower.

And Nuffnang Philippines...

The other cool part that some of you may or may not notice is that.... during the day, the sun shows in the skyline. During the night, the sun sets and the stars come up. These screenshots I took of all the other countries were taken at night. But the screenshot for Nuffnang PH was taken during the day.

You can check out the different sites here.

Notice how they look? 

Cool huh? I know I like it :)

If you're a Nuffnang member login and check out the inside too.


aiting said...

omg. never noticed. this is simply awesome!

§oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...

I didn't know it self adjust to day/night time. I always see stars! LOL...I shall make it a point to...go to nuffnang in the morning..xD

CLF said...

I'm impressed that you guys put in effort in such details, a job well done!!

Unknown said...

yah - ishiok while i see it ...

think to put back the advertisement ---

but ....

Cindy Khor said...

i think this new feature is pretty cool, these minor details are well taken care of shows that how meticulous and hardworking nuffnangers are... and i really do like the new layout, easier to navigate..

JD said...

Love the new theme.......great.

anne_jo520 said...

All the nuffies are great and talented people! Pay them well okay Boss? =)

pinkpaperplane said...

I like it! All tie back together but just enough differences.

Boss Stewie said...

hahahaha thanks guys. glad you all like it. we put a lot of work into this :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Simple but NICE ! Very nice job!

Jwxwei said...

really really really love the layout! Had a fun time visiting the different countries' sites yesterday !! xD

synical said...

Nice layout.

Reminds me of some of the Gmail Themes that also have location-based changes.

Ken Wooi said...

cool stuff!
like the new layout! =D

ch3ryl said...

i'm lovin' the new layout! *thumbs up* to all in Nuffnang.

Choonit said...
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Choonit said...

the new layout looks great...
well, it's the 1st time i give comment here though i actually have been following your princess stories.. ^^
since you're talking about nuffnang, i wanna ask.. have u ever thought about expanding nuffnang in indonesia?

Simon Seow said...

Oh I didn't noticed that, thanks for pointing that out.

Anonymous said...


Boss, i never knew bout it..
should post it in my blog too lah!!
