I had been dreaming of Roast Duck at Four Seasons in London and I couldn't take it. I had lived 3 months without it and it was getting too long.
I picked up the phone straight away and called my travel agent.

"Miss Wong, I need a flight to the UK SOON".
Miss Wong, a little startled by me calling her so early in the morning calmly and professionally replied
"Yes Mr Tiah, we've already confirmed you on the Monday morning flight to London."
I brought myself together and tried to be calm.
"Maybe you don't understand me Miss Wong. I need to get there SOON and SOON is NOT NEXT Monday. Get me the earliest flight possible! Even if it's today!!"
She promised me that she would do her best to find the earliest flight she could and she hung up.
A couple of days and a 12 hour flight later....
Guess where I am...
Here's a hint.. where I am, there is a huge huge wheel thingy called the London Eye.

duck 1 ekor
fai di!!!
4 ducks please to Nanyang Cres, NTiU @ Singapore please!
you'd better bring a duck back for each one of us or YOU will be roasted OR brought to chow kit to be the duck. nguahahahahha >:)
The word "Ta Pao" somehow seems to make me hungry...
lucky you!
i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours i am going crasy waiting for a life like yours
I kept coming back to drool at the duck, then i realised i was getting so jealous i'm beginning to hate you.
ARGH gimme my damn duck! :P
suicidelconvojunk - u are rite, he make us depress with envy for having such good life...lets leave his blog la
Goodbye Boss Stewie!!!
*tags along with anonymous*
*swaggers away with nose facing sky*
*agreeing with anonymous while still being jealous, damn*
ahhhh I wish I could be in London. How I miss that place!!! Have a fantablous time. The Four Seasons Hotel must be overjoyed to see your return..I am pretty sure their business suffered after your departure.
ahhhh I wish I could be in London. How I miss that place!!! Have a fantablous time. The Four Seasons Hotel must be overjoyed to see your return..I am pretty sure their business suffered after your departure.
i also wish i can have a jetsetting lifestyle like urs. wanna fly thn fly. yuck u suck. bleh.
anyways. haha...
jus tot u might b interested.
I wish one day I too can go to any country I want whenever I want. *Sigh* *curses boss Stewie* :P
daphne: ah thanks.. but i'm not qualified to go for their kind of events :P
and for everyone else.. dun larr be angry at me cuz of duck... i'll uhmm.. tarpau some for all of u ok?... and i'll 'try' not to eat it on the way back
Wah ... you got some strong strings there to pull. The Queen herself?!
What about the missus? She didn't follow?
i demand the entire 4 Seasons! woohoo i'm greedy i know
What they don't have duck in Malaysia? >_<
I can already see you flying here every weekend to get some Four Seasons Roasted Duck.. The first step to healing is to admit you have a problem ;)
why duck ? i dun like duck.. ahahha.. i wont jelous, wont envy.. blek!
can bring mooncake to the plane? and bring to UK somemore? ahha
its open to everyone what! haha.. i love duck btw. roast duck is yums.
LOL... this boss stewie... getting fatter now! Just because he eats ducks! :P
Boss Stewie, i dun wan duck, i want prevent-hair-drop lotion from the uk, can or not can or not
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