I don't know about everyone else but I love book stores.
Malaysians in general don't exactly have the habit of reading.
Go to a McDs in Malaysia and quite rarely you will see anyone reading a book there.
Go to a McDs in London and you'll most definitely at least one person eating alone and reading a book there.
And in case any of you were wondering... the answer is
"NO... reading the daily newspaper,FHM, CLEO and etc etc... DOES NOT COUNT as HAVING A READING HABIT".

A pawn shop owner who happens to be a watch enthusiast once told me that the watch you wear tells people what kind of person you are (because pawn shops have plenty and plenty of watches).
But I think the truth is that it's the books you read that tell people what kind of person you are.
In bookshops, some people can actually take pride in showing others what they buy.
For example,
Say you were at the Cashier in MPH paying for your book/magazine and right next to you was a hot girl looking at what you were buying. If she caught you buying Da Vinci Code years ago...

"Yeah baby... Da Vinci Code is the coolest book in town now.. and I'm buying it... so I'm cool too."
And the hot girl would believe you and might even giggle.
Or if you get caught buying a magazine like Men's Health,

Then you can stand proud and say that you are truly A MAN.
Or even if you get caught buying a book like this.

Then you can proudly say to the hot girl
"Yes... it's true. I'm a compulsive smoker and I'm trying to change."
So what reading material shouldn't you be caught buying?
I'm sure some people would say that they'd never want to be caught buying a dirty magazine by a woman.

If you ever get caught buying a Playboy... just turn and look at the woman and say
"Do you read this magazine? Man there are some beautiful women in there that are almost as beautiful as you".
How bad can that be?

In which you should turn to the hot girl next to you and say
"Oh... this is for my little brother. He kept asking me all these questions so I decided to get him a book that explains everything".
What you DON'T SAY is something like
"Oh it's not for me... it's for a friend".
Because she won't believe you.
In fact, that's just as good as saying
"I wank 3 times a day, 21 times a week and 1092 times a year. I am the Masta of Masturbation... THE MASTA!!!!".
So yes... being caught buying a book like that will probably bring you down to the lowest you've ever felt in your life in which you would probably ask yourself
"What could be worse than this?"
Well... the answer is: If you get caught reading a book like this

"Find out why masturbation is destroying your life and what you can do to stop it.
Life is very short, don't waste your valuable time masturbating".
In this case, don't bother saying anything to the hot girl.
Don't try to say you're buying it for your little brother because she really won't believe you.
Heck, don't even try to play the honest man card and say
"Yes... it's true. I'm a compulsive masturbator and I'm trying to change."
DON'T... DON'T say anything to her.
Just take your book and your receipt, turn your back and run... run... RUN BEFORE SHE CALLS THE COPS!!!
hahaha.. seems like this is meant-for-guys entry
Wow.. cant believe i m the 1st... 1st time ever !!!
any special prize? since this is my 1st time... :p bluek
cely: pls lar.. u make it sound as if this blog is like thesuperficial.com
that blog it is nearly impossible to be first
but i really never be 1st one to comment in ur blog ma.. overly happy.. haha
i stop reading books after having internet porns
cely: ok lar cely okok
anonymous: ahh yes.. things the internet has done for us
ah? u go bek to UK again har?
:lol: this is the best article i've ever read ^^
think i like your blog ;) i'll feed it ;)
Hahah, I bought Lolita yesterday and asked the lady if it was a good book. She told me that it was, and that I'd definitely enjoy it. Some part of me doesn't know what to think. ;)
But imagine if I had done that in a local bookstore in Malaysia. Anyone who even recognises the title would be shooting me dirty looks just for THINKING of buying the book!
wingz: i'm not going back to uk anymore wingz.. i'm back in malaysia for good now
efendi: thanks efendi .. hehe
alynna: i think shooting you dirty look is an understatement.. i think you'd more likely spend the night in jail
mahai u go bek yingrand also no tahpau duck for me!!!!
ha, i have the da vinci book sometime back, theni read it, i had to cover the the title ... paiseh...
Those books had better be listed on some internet book seller like Amazon or it's never gonna get sold!
I mean, even if ppl give you free (in a public area: shopping center, etc), would you take it??
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA wat if I were holding a "Sex: The perfect guide for homosexuals"???
eh no wait then i'd be gay and i wouldn't give a fcuk abt wat the girl thinks.
but what if the girl was my mom?????
ok so i shiok sendiri but i am laughing here LOL
wingz: aiyoo i said in my previous post that i got tarpau but the security check at the airport din let me bring through :P
earl: hahahaha... eh.. isn't that something to be proud of? cover for what? if u have a pretty gf... do you cover her face when u go shopping in public with her?
j: my daddy always taught me "Anything free... just TAKE.. dun ask questions"
suicidal: yes.. i think you answered your own questions pretty well suicidal.. hahahaha....
I sure as hell am not looking forward to that. Oh, I saw something today that I thought might interest you. It's the cover story of BRW. You can have a look at www.brw.com.au
If you like, I can post the magazine to you. =)
alynna i can't seem to load that url
what's the cover story about?
lol, when everyone read the book in 2005 and i bough the book in 2006, and the movie is like 2 months ago? dont think so ...
earl : to be exact.. the movie is like 4 months ago... in may.. haha
earl :ohh so late ar... so late then u're better off reading charlie brown encyclopedias
Is the second book for real??
I think I wouldn't bat an eyelid at a guy buying Playboy or FHM, but I would be intrigued by a guy browsing through the classics ;)
I've found myself sneaking glances at a good looking guy looking through Shakespeare and poetry at a bookstore before, but he had an equally good looking guy friend standing with him :P Sigh.
Cover story's entitled 'Young Rich'. Obviously talking about young and rich people. :P
'While the fourth annual BRW Young Rich list finds its movers and shakers in fields as diverse as fashion and financial services, the year’s new luminaries prove there is more to flying high than having youth on their side.'
Let me know if you're interested. :)
applegal: and let me guess.. the guys who buy books like "Learn PHP Programming" are hunks too right?
alynna: ahhh!! i am.. but i can't seem to load that page.. my browser won't load it up :(
boss stewie: Ehhh, it depends on the guy, not the book ;)
Boss, you make it sound like you only go to the bookstore to pick up girls, hmmm?? I wonder what your baby has to say about that :P
Lol, it's okay. I'll just mail it to you. Err... now if I can figure out how to get your address..
Tell you what. Sms me it. My number's +61413852698. I don't know how long it'll take to get to Malaysia, but I hope it won't take ages. :)
Now I know why that girl was standing with her mouth wide open throughout the whole time when I explained why I bought that book...
And all the while I thought she just had a Butox.
applegal: ahh.... but lets generalize a little here.. have u ever seen a hunk pick up a book on mathematics?
jackson: ermmm... she says it's healthy... uhmm.. yeah.. that... uhmm.. yeah...
alynna: u sure u really want to go through so much trouble for me? i feel damn malu lor
lance: now now lance... don't lie.. i know u'd never need to buy a book like that :P
alynna: ahh on second thoughts, i wouldn't feel good about myself if i let u send it to me all the way from aussie.. no worries.. i'll find a way to get it from here... thanks very much for the very kind offer anyway
I wouldn't know, I haven't done a stake out at a bookstore surveying which isle do the hunks gather ;)
Nice of you to put in a bit of Men's Health. Haha....definitely beats FHM and what not.
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