We've been together for almost 3 years now so I'm sure you can imagine that I've long past the "I've bought everything for her before" stage.
That's right, in a year there are at least 6 times where the boyfriend is expected to give the girlfriend a present:
"Valentine's Day",
"Baby's Birthday",
"Baby I'm Sorry Day",
"Baby I'm Sorry Again Day" and
"Baby I'll Never Do It Again Day"
Yes, the truth is... I have given her all kinds of things before.
I have given her clothes, watches, stuffed toys, a mobile phones and even jewellery from Swarovski or like the Tiffany & Co Necklace she wore for one of my earlier birthday parties before.

For example, this year she surprised me with a square-shaped wrapped present like this

So I realized that this Birthday, I had to make my Baby something with my own hands.
Of course, my friends who knew me from childhood have always known that I'm hopeless in art so they kept telling me
"Stewie, if you don't want your girlfriend to leave you, DON'T EVER DRAW ANYTHING for her..."
And I think they are right.
So I took some time to think... what is it that I could do that would require some effort on my behalf... but yet would NOT require me to show off my lousy art skills.
And in my sleep one night I had an idea!!!
My Baby and I have been together for so long and I've taken her to sooo many places in the past 3 years.
I've taken her many places from as near as Genting

Yet, I don't know if she would have remembered every moment of it.
So I looked through my computer for over 2,000 photos that we've taken since the start of our friendship.
And I found the first picture we ever took together years ago, back when I was a little nerdy computer geek and she was an innocent girl.
I shopped around for a nice photo album and I put that first picture we ever took on the front page with the words
"This is where it all began..."

Then there were the rest of the pictures.
After manualling going through over 2,000 of them and selecting them out one by one I made a trip to the photo printers and got them to print a selected 117 photos.
The photo printers gave me all the unsorted pictures in a bunch.

First, came the sorting of all the pictures from the first picture we ever took chronologically to the most recent picture we've taken.
Some of the pictures had dates on them so it was quite easy to sort them, but some didn't so I found myself thinking hard and trying to figure out when each picture was taken.
So after some sorting
Came more sorting

And after that, it was time for me to start writing the captions for each photo... that's right.. all 117 of them.

But she looked at it and said
"I thought you said you hand made the present? CHEHH!!! This is cheating WAN!!!"
My heart broke but I guess maybe deep inside she did like it... at least that's how I still get myself to sleep every night.
That's so sweet of you. hahaha
Uh.. sorry to burst your bubble but you look about the same in your first picture and your most recent picture.... But Baby looks more chun! Happy Birthday!
eve: :P
nicole: lol.. ok.. thanks for the non-compliment
jason: really? awww.. thank u..
she's such a lucky girl!
*runs to the closet and hides until my knight in shining armor comes to rescue me*
haha if that was the case, you should have gotten something form pixart ...hahaha alot easier man ...
while pixart stuff look REALLY nifty, nothing beats making something on your own. some more something so fantastic looking! i've only one sound to make.
baby is a very very VERY lucky girl.
and you is looking the very very very the nerdish in the 'this is where it all began'. hahahahaha
sharon: awww sharon.. i'm sure he'll be there soon...
earl: haihh din say earlier lorr u
suicidal: what? nicole said i look the same!
ahhh... that's sweet. Especially writing captions for EACH photo... that's quite a tough job. Well done Tim. I'm sure CG loved it.
Ohhh...that's so loving!!
*looked into my photo album and found out, shucks i dun even have 2000 photos of my ownself*
sigh...sad but true..
Bunny: aww thanks bunny
gin: hahaha ginnie.. nvm come i take more for u
hehehe...yes,i love it!
Now,i will flip through it everynight before i sleep.
it really brings me back so much memories.....
muak....thx again,my first hand made present from dear....
love you!my dear.....
hey! nothing better than a handmade gift like that man..i wld love to do something for a significant half too, but yea i've never been with anyone long enough to uhhh take 2000 pics. hahahaha unless i shoot a video and take out the still images ah. yaaaa hahaha thanks for dropping by my lil blog :)
I feel... fuzzy.
Awwww...how sweet!!!!
Happy belated birthday to Mrs.Boss!!
That picture album thingy..I did it once for my best fren on her 21st. Oh yes I understand wat u went through. choose,develop,arrange,caption etc etc...Can go nuts! Definitely not an easy task...
baby: hehehe
sarah: well that could be very much a blessing in disguise... so u never have to do things like that :P
erin: yes erin... that's what digital cameras are for... for u to take lots of pictures.. even those that u don't need :P
lance: awww lance.. one day i'll make a photo album for us both ok?
pau: hehehe... yes yes.. hope u're keeping well in russia
boss, ur baby is getting prettier, and u... getting WIDER? emmm....
Happy belated to boss's baby :p
haha... :) so sweet la the present. im sure she loves it. heh. my bf's idea of a romantic present is like, fixing the leaking pipe in my bathroom before i get home from work.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! =D
tatssss choooo cweeeetttt of yewww Tim!!!!
i mean,i know guys okay..its damn tough for them to hand-make sumthing oout of nuthing ok..
at least u tried n u did an impressive job! =D
cho cweet boss stewie! Gud job! ;)
trust me, she'll feel really touched and impressed. no worries about that, dude.
cely: haihh.. u're right... just a matter of time before my baby leaves me cuz i'm fat hehe
daphne: but that's such a romantic present!
menotjess; aww thanks for the baby talk jess
julie: thank u julie :P
Dude,.... the photo album you used looks like a wedding album.
(Is that the effect you were going for?)
Anyways, so sweet of you to do that.
Both our babies seem to have a mean streak tho.
I did a similar present (but not so many photos) for my baby for V-day and all he said was :"OMG, a photo album? Do you think we are in high school or something? Haha"
He retracted his statement later and claims to LOVE the present but the damage is done....
OMG! That's so sweet and thoughtful of you..!
*Jealous* Wondering if my bf would even think of doing something as such..
awWWWWwwwwwwWWWWWW! Baby is so lucky! hahaa..that's just so sweet of you. not many guys can do that ya noe =p
j: sniff.. yes.. the damage has been done :( and uhmm no... it didn't occur to me that it looked like a wedding photo album.. definitely not :P
christine: i'm sure ur bf would... :P
al: hehehe thanks al..
My bf once made me a bouquet of ferrero rochers stuck onto a sphere lamp lit by a torchlight. It was really sweet until I had to finish all the 99 rochers, which i didn't at the end n threw some away after more than 2 yrs. I appreciate wat my bf has done for me, but I'm never gonna eat another rocher EVER!
It's really a good present, wat u did, at least they'll last a lot longer than the rochers. Good on u, mate! Wondering wat u'll get for ur baby's next b'day. Haha Keep up the good work! It'll all be worth it. ;)
NO LAR where got same? last time u were typical thin computer-geek-lookalike. now you so fat, that when u swim in the sea... the whales sing "we are family! i got all my stewies with me!"
muahahahaha i'm so mean.
mz: i had a gf once who was crazy over ferrero.. maybe i should've bought her those 99 rochers
suicidal: maaahaaaai u... make fun of a fat boy will u?
peace boss! V ^_^ V
heyyyy at least now people think you're hensem right.. and you're family with the whales! watever the chinese says about 'bully mountain but never bully water', you can proudly snub it in the face! :D
peace peace peace.. ahahahaha
One word: Jealous...
Some people just have the.. ahh.. forget it... good for you boss tim
buy pixart mahhh more chun leh!
OMG kesian nya ...
I would so totally appreciate something like that. So painstakingly done. *sigh* You're so perfect aren't you?
*creeps into your bedroom in the middle of the night and lurks*
Lucky u mate! My gf got me a...keychain yesterday. haha but i'm not complaining :)
suicidal: lol suicidal...
william: eh what issit wei?
wingz; yeah i should've done that hehehe
gwen: lol ... i wish i was truly perfect... but i'm not
awwwwwwww... that's sweeet :)
since this year's my last year in school i've been trying to get everyone presents. Meaningful presents.
And teddybears with "I Will Miss You" hearts seem .. lame. -.-"
God Help Me.
Maybe I shall "borrow" your idea ~ cos its a good one.
Lots of luck to everyone else who are sitting their SPM this year!!!!
We're going to need it.
p/s : Stewie still looks geeky ... no difference WUAKAKAKA
bluey: thanks for the compliment!
Hi Boss Stewie,
Can I borrow your idea for my 1st year Anniversary? I've been with my husband for 4 yrs before we're married, so as you yourself experienced, I have given him everything that I could think of, funny gift, memorable gift, useless gift, very useful gift, stupid gift, annoying gift.. and i really want to give a memorable gift for our 1st year.. borrow your idea can aa?
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