Friday, November 17, 2006

My Precious (Part 2)

Alright, some people have been asking me to give an update on how far I am along with my tub of Haagen Dazs ice-cream.

But first... I have to confess that I have SHAMED YOU ALL.

This is all that I have been able to finish.*sniff* *sniff*

Please forgive me... I will TRY to have it finished by this weekend :(


electronicfly said...

almost two weeks have gone and you're only stuck there? tsk tsk..
lol! be careful of cavities!

Anonymous said...

still got RM250 to go !
gam ba teh ! if canot finish.. fedex to my house..i gip u my house addy

Boss Stewie said...

e-fei: haihh.. i know lar.. i sia sui kan u all *SNIFF*

cely: hahaha i think fedex charges will be more than RM250

Gwendolynne said...


Hey actually that's not bad progress at all! *polish shoe polish shoe*

Anonymous said...

hahahaha gwen is the bomb!
*all hail gwen*
u know wat boss?
u should have an ice cream outing, maybe go a swensons bar or somethin on tuesday! earthquake nite and have an ice cream outin with all ur readers
or..maybe u know..just send us all HGUE HGUE tubs of ice cream .. :)
i dont ask for much u know, b&j's is enough hahah! =]

Boss Stewie said...

gwen: AHAHAHAHA GWEN... don't try to make it up now!! TOO LATEEE!!! TOOO LATTEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! *salute*

J said...

Please don't torture yourself...
You don't HAVE to finish it this week laaah.

(Crazy boy)

Boss Stewie said...

anonymous: lol hahaha... wait wait almost there!

j: but but... my pride depends on it!!

earl: hahaha ok come over ... we sama sama finish

Anonymous said...

eh i thought u had ur share already ...


yuin said...

not bad wei, although if you wanna finish it by this weekend you better get a head start. its already friday wei..

voch said...

thts barely quarter of it boss. You gotto buck up or start a little ice-cream business in yr leetle dotcom! lol.

Boss Stewie said...

earl: EH!!! hahahaha i have to finish it myself to redeem my pride

yuin: hahahahah okok.. on my way

vic: haha yes... i might just inject the ice cream into my business as a current asset

Gwendolynne said...

Oi no wonder you're always offline, you block me on Meeboooo is it????
*sad panda* ;~;

Gwendolynne said...

O ya forgot got msn ... *goes to kacau*

Jackson said...

I told you man, don't pick Green Tea flavour. Pick some yoghurt flavour, goes in & out much faster ;)

Anonymous said...

so irresponsible of u.guess i will not be seeing my idol INCREDIBLE HULK{not the muscular hunk but the fat one}roaming the streets of penang!booohooooo booohoooo sob sob sob

Boss Stewie said...

gwen: pls lar.. i didn't block you at all lar gwen.. don't even think i can do that in meebo.

jackson: noooo... i reckon that if i had picked any other flavour, i would've been sick of it by now

daredevil: aiyoo.. sorry to disappoint lorrr

Anonymous said...

you're REALLY serious about doing that belly spin break dance aren't u??

Boss.. tsk tsk. *wags fingers sambil meng-guffaws* :p

Boss Stewie said...

suicidal: NOOOOoooooooo!!!!