Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Malaysia's First Instant Messenger


Malaysia is one heck of a developing country.

So much that I’m not even sure if we should be considered a developing country anymore.

Look at what we have.

Okay we have our own Twin Towers that is one of the tallest buildings in the world (and very frankly one of the most beautiful ones too).

We have our own National car that in spite of all its hiccups, is still something to be proud of.

We have our own satellites in space.

And now we have our very own… INSTANT MESSENGER…iTalk Buddy

This is got to be interesting.

To be honest, I first heard about TM’s iTalk Buddy when they were planning a campaign with Nuffnang. As soon as I got access to the site I downloaded the messenger only to find that… IT DOESN’T WORK ON MY MAC!!!!

But I really wanted to see our first Malaysian instant messenger so I got another computer and installed it there.

I must say that I am IMPRESSED.


It looks REALLY COOL… and the functions.. heck, it’s not just a simple messenger, there is a voice chat feature like Skype and it even allows you to make calls to conventional phones.

And believe it or not, the PINK layout somehow didn’t bother me.

Now the other cool thing about the iTalk Buddy is this.


Now I am not new to Moji, as in I’ve heard about it for quite a lot and even signed up with their website ages ago.

It’s this little Tamagochi like pet that lives in a cyberworld. You have to take care of it… and it shows your mood to anyone you’re talking to.

I think the pet is ADORABLE.

Go check out the instant messenger @ www.italkbuddy.com.my. It’s really quite cool.


TheBeerCrusader said...

Malaysia boleh !!

italkbuddy boleh !!!

Streamyx still tak boleh ~~~~

Boss Stewie said...

gila: hahaha wait lar.. give sttreamyx some time!

clement said...

ha ha, can call home using that?

Cheng Chun said...

Malaysia boleh indeed. But if it is italk shouldn't it work on a Mac. These days kena con with the iProducts. Hahahaha.

Boss Stewie said...

clement: can.. got a skype like feature also

cheng chun: hahahaha.. iTalk and iMac ,iPod etc etc.. no relation ler

Aaron Tan said...

somehow can't connect thru my office proxy ...

Boss Stewie said...

aaron: you mean you can't get online using the messenger??

Aaron Tan said...

yeah.. i keyed in the proxy ip and port.. also my username and password...
still can't connect..

Anonymous said...

thanks buddy...good post...are we gonna hang out when i'm in kl? dying for a party man!! heh

Anonymous said...

Quote :
" Boss Stewie said...

cheng chun: hahahaha.. iTalk and iMac ,iPod etc etc.. no relation ler "

I am quite sure iMac and iPod has got some relationship.... hahahaha

Anonymous said...

By the way, I am also encounter another malaysian make Instant messenger which soon comes with YM, MSN, AIM and GTalk, which is the Friendplay Instant Messenger Malaysia
Check out the http://my.im.friendplay.com/