Today I experienced an EPIC traffic jam in KL. It was raining cats, dogs, dinosaurs and hippos during rush hour and my destination was somewhere off the LDP. I could seriously use one of those flying cars the Jetsons use to get around.
Anyway this will be a short entry. Some friends came together last weekend for a long lunch at Delicious.
Goodbye Jia Jer! We will miss you!
Trivia: My friend Jia Jer whom I've known for many years is actually the elder brother of Princess' good friend Jia Meei.
Such a small small world!
Small world ride in Disneyland Hong Kong! Whee...
Speaking of a small world. Let me tell you another story.
Years ago while I was studying in London I knew this guy (whom I will refer to here as) Alfred. He was a nice guy and all but he was going through a tough time in his life. He had broken up with his ex-gf (whom I will name here as Susan) for like... 1-2 years or something and he was still hung over. Like he couldn't stop talking about her and tell people how much he loved her and all that.
One day Alfred told me about how Susan's best friend had actually sent him a really nasty e-mail scolding him for something he (wrongfully) accused Susan and telling him to fuckoff and leave Susan alone (you know standing up for her best friend). Being a fellow guy-friend of his I just shook my head and said "What a bitch!".
3-4 years later I had already gotten together with Princess.
One day I was telling her about this friend of mine (Alfred) who was heartbroken over his ex and how his ex's bitch best friend had sent him a nasty e-mail to scold him. Princess gave me a rather peculiar look for a while... then I realized that Susan's "bitch best friend", was actually Princess.
What a small world indeed!
PS: Alfred has happily moved on now and has had other girlfriends :) He knows I'm dating the "bitch best friend".
definitely a small small world!!
LOL... char dou.. at least nothing bad turned out cos of this :)
Its always little coincidences like that that makes you feel like hey, I actually "knew" him/her longer than this! haha
Haha, now you have a cute "beach" gf ;p
Coincidence is everywhere
goingkookies: yes... a very small world!
tummy: yes... msut be careful next time hehe
jean: yah i guess i did!
tian chad: yes i do... a cute bitch best fren gf hehe
HAHAHAHA! So farnee wei. Indeed it is a small small world.
Haha.. at that time when u found out that was Princess must be very funny.
Its a VERY small small world. I totally wanna see how Princess look like when she gave you that peculiar look. It must been like this lightbulb going off in both yours and her head at the same time. =D
HAHAH! YENG AHH!! YENG DOU BAO.. XD!! i wonder what was audrey`s expression when u told her that? hahah! *thumbs up* bitch best friend! XD!
sounds like tvb drama... must be fun when u guys discovered that! ;)
Don't you think it is scary that the world is actually sooooo tiny!
is that Kennenth sitting with the white ???
LOL !! ..This is real funny ~ .The world is small. =)
yaahh KL traffic jams are terrible. makes you wish you had an Apache or a tank.
Very sad i not there....... Kuching is evil
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