Fast forward 4 months later to now, I had lost much of my weight and gained back my toned body thanks to my religious visits to Fitness First which greets me with this sign every time I go there.

Some people who long to keep slim and practice refrain from certain indulgences still do indulge in ice-cream once in a while.
So I decided to do the same.
Yesterday, I walked into Haagen Dazs in Pulau Tikus.

I walked straight to the counter where I took my time to decide what kind of ice-cream I was going to have.
A little less than 5 minutes later, I decided that I was going to have the Green Tea.
The man behind the counter very politely greeted me and offered his help
"Can I help you sir?"
I gave him a quick look and said
"I have decided to go for the green tea. Could I please have the Green Tea for take-away?".
He smiled and said
"Yes sir... what size would you want? Pint size?"
I looked at him with a bit of disbelief and said
"No... much bigger..."
While glancing at the Haagen Dazs logo high up on the wall that was smiling down at me.

"You want Quad Size?"
I said
"No... much bigger".
Then he took out the largest container they had and said
"This is the largest we have Sir..."
Unsatisfied, I pointed at the ice-cream in the fridge and said
"That is NOT the largest size you have.
You see all those buckets that you scoop my ice-cream out of? Why don't you just sell me the whole bucket..."

Showing a little bit of confusion he said
"The whole CAN?!?! ... Sorry Sir, I don't think we can sell you that..."
I insisted and he checked with his manager who agreed.
They priced the whole bucket of Green Tea ice-cream at RM505... a small price to pay for... My Precious.
I walked out of Haagen Daz a happy man.... with My Precious...

The label on its top reminded me that I was about to eat 9.46 litres
(probably enough ice-cream to give diabetes to the entire population of a small country).

I quickly changed into my comfortable very very old t-shirt and shorts that I wear to sleep and dragged My Precious with me into the living room.
Armed with a tablespoon, I turned on the TV and got started.

Boss Stewie is NOT to be disturbed this weekend.
Obesity... here I come....
sweet mother of mary! Sugar coma.
long time no see yuin
I can't believe you actually bought the whole tub!!! You will be one sick (green) man come Monday...
WTF?!!! -_-"" RM505 i can make kenduri to feed the whole kampung ledi ....
your UBS buy is subsidising your Precious
your analogy of 'My Precious' is at are suppose to slip it out of the fridge intermittently to lust,greed,envy,wrath,sloth and pride over it,not GLUTTONY!
i like that wicked smile when u are embracing MP.ever thought of auditioning for the role of Golum in 'The Hobbit'?
Why green tea?Hoping the nutritional value will nullify the adverse effect of the whole barrel?
What, no Lecka Lecka?
And of all the flavors... Green Tea, honestly 8-)
ricadoe: ahh don't worry.. haagen dazs is not as good as they say it is :P
angelus: ahh a sick (green) man.. that's a good thing isn't it
wingz: that's small money to u right? :P
daredevil: ahahaha stewie as GOLUM...
jackson: i tried getting toffee creme but they didn't have stock of the whole bucket
Ahh the comments are back on... sorry the comments of the blog were down for the past 24 hours guys...
Don't worry.. i read all ur comments on the tagboard about My Precious :P
Whoa! RM505 worth of ice-cream. I think you gonna replace your blood with cream!
Oh Man, I live within walking distance from a Haagen Dazs, but i've managed to keep away for weeks....muuuuusssttttt nooootttt sinnnnnn....
*at awe*
And that is only going to last you for one weekend?
omfg!! rm505 worth of ice cream! cannot bliff u lah dude. siao siao...haha. y dont wanna buy rm505 of many many quads? 1 flavor nia syiok meh?
You freaking son of a .... i thought u were just joking at 1st, but only to see you holding the BUCKET nicely eating away. With RM505, u know how much food i can get? Not only for myself, even can share with soo many other ppl. You son of a ....
this time u din make me GREEN with envy.... but you made william madddd.... reallll maddd.... grrrrrrr~~~!!!
p/s: i dun think so that boss is really gonna eat that all alone by himself. the IC in the pic showing him eating from the tub is still untouched. its a prank! definitely a prank!
Penang TIMES: A man in 20s bought a whole tub of Green tea flavoured Haagen Dazz as a reward after spending enormous amount of time training at a gym. This man has been later identified as blogger, Timothytiah. He also is the man behind the blog There have quite a number of incredible feat done by this young man. One of them being his price-slashing skills which can even rival the aunties in market,another one being posting his friend's butt crack on his blog and etc.What other incredible feat can this man perform? We'll just have to wait and see. Stay to this channel.
MaN|acZ reported live
from Penang TIMES.
eric: hahha yeah i think our body has something like 8 litres of blood. so yeah.. that ice cream would be more than enough to replace my body's blood if i wanted to :P
slinky: hahahaha but u sin in other ways right? like chocolate
june: ahahahahaa well.. actually i think it might last longer than that.. for my own good.. it had better last longer than that
al: hahaha it's not so much the eating.. it's the fun in the carrying of my precious home... you should've seen the look on the haagen dazs guy when i said i wanted to the whole tub
william: oh... hahaha that was my first taste of it william.. notice the sides were touched.. i go around the sides first before the middle
earl: ahahahaha can earl.. be my guest.. we share share
maniacz: i thought u were going to say something like
Penang Times: Idiotic 22-year old man kills himself with 9 litres of ice-cream over one weekend. Doctors are calling it a rare case of "Instant-Diabetes".
as much as im hoping the same thing could happen to me, i still think its crazy. but coming from stewie's mind of uncharted territory, it could possibly be real. arrrghhh... i dont know.. the dilemma~!!!
OMG! i was THIS close to calling you crazy :S but then again a lot of people would probably already think that!
do update us if you really finish the whole tub over the weekend LOL
the manager must have been very happy to make a good profit from you LOL
1 whole bucket!! speechless...
william: why would u want the same thing to happen to you? why would u like to be fat like me?
sharon: hahahaha ok.. it's sunday and.. i haven't quite finished it yet
eve: :P
I really dont understand why u breakup just like that.I tell u wat.It is really hurting for girl who put all her love on u.I just hope she is not.
SO DISSAPOINTED WITH U...i will never read ur blog anymore..
fat nation lalalalala
First reaction: OMG 1 TUBE!!! Second reaction: Hmm..1 whole tube? Third reaction: I want a tube of Ben & Jerrys COUKIE DOUGH!!
Ben & Jerrys tha best!!
i want ice cream...
i want penang ice cream...
is penang br better than pj br?
i wanna eat chocolateeeee
not green tea,my goodness eww
hahahahaha :)
505 on green tea...mad i tell u, mad!
at least chocolate laaa haha =)
Can share share makan anot ???
I think I just lost my manhood...
ROFLMAO @ anonymous comment ... read, don't read ... doesn't matter. You're one tiny squishie ant among a nation of Stewie lovers. F-Off.
OMG so expensive! Not logical for me to get a tub that big thanks to freezer constraints. Green tea is the bestest! When I first saw it, I was like "omg he's not really going to buy the big. .... oh wow he did." Terror. New respect. Now show us the aftermath of the weekend~!
OMG, I also want!!
Share share la.
Don't kiam siap. ;)
Hungry dahhhhh!
may: OOH ME LOVE BEN N JERRY"S TOO... now i just have to find a way to get a whole tub of that
andrew: EH! green tea is healthy!!
audrey: yes.. i'm still single...
ellone: can share can share... come come
lance: lol... why would u lose ur manhood over me buying ice cream
gwen: ahahahaha yeah... the haagen dazs guy was a little surprised when i bought the tub... hahahaha
alynna: can alynna.. make a trip to penang and i will share share
fat fat fat
Actually it's stupid of the guy working there to make you go through all that trouble just to obtain the tub of ice-cream. What if you wanted it for a party? Who knows right? Other people would have just gotten pissed off and walked away.
gwen: ahahah well in his defence.. it said "Trainee" on his nametag :P
Boss, why din ask trainee to check ur blog? :P
after eating so much, ur stomach no problem ar? or... when u sh*t, it comes
pretty smooth izzit?
u could have use those money to come down to KL and CHIA me eat crab la...
si rich kid!
Movenpick is better than Haagan Daaz, but you can't buy the huge tubs here unless you know the Swiss Ambassador (they have huge ass tubs imported here regularly for their own use).
For the record, you are supposed to eat HD when it is partially melted, not straight out of the fridge. Some impatient people microwave to soften it, but I prefer to wait.
try pouring some milk over the top, about 2 inches of milk, and then scoop up the ice cream, it freezes the milk into little crystals and is a blast to eat
cely: ehh... that would've cost even more cely
shiny: it doesn't take long in our climate for it to soften up does it?
gwen: 2 inches of milk on that 9 litre tub of ice cream... that's gonna be a whole lot of milk gwen
yor.. stop these la.. i hate u all...
gwen somemore teach him to pour some milk.. i keep on imagine it nowwwwww
sui la gwennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
i dowan to read anymore after this...
cely: ahahahah cely... dun lar
come penang i share with u
ahaha cely <3
505?! My meal for 1 whole month!!!
Boss actually come to think of it.....
we should do a karaoke session with ICE CREAM!!!
LENG!!!! the challenge is finish that 1 tub within 1 karaoke session
singing while brain freeze.... woooo
lol kenny
boss: leng!!! bring it on
ok, that tub of ice-cream shocked me to comment, r u sure u gg to finish the whole tub on yr own? wkend got bikini-babe-ice-cream-foam-party is it?
n is julia dap? :p
linda: LOL... unfortunately no bikini-babe-ice-cream-foam party as much as i would love to hold one...
to get through SPM, i bought the same size of Coffee Haagen Dazs ice cream. it's finished halfway. :)
babybluey: owh purleaasssssssseee-lar ppl buy oso u wanna buy... pirahhh, save it!
Tim! You are definately a Brother!
Why didn't I think of that!?
I'm gonna do the same thing
but with a tub of Pralines & Cream!
I'll give you the address of the hospital when they pump out my stomach and try to save my liver.
ahhhhhh, i'm jealous! u're such a lucky guy. i love love LOVE green tea to death! btw, i worked in bellisa row hd before and i've been told that a guy bought whole bucket of ice cream from there. guess its u =)
and for RM505! -_- very good, I see you enjoy life's sweetest remedy. :D
Green tea?? wow....
Macademia Caramel is great too.
I didn't know they could buy it off by tubs.... isn't it great that one could go home from work, stressed out and just take out that dessert waiting in the freezer?
But i had those from Baskin Robins..and they are good...two thumbs up!o_O
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