IT’S amazing what some people would do to get special invites to a Malaysian Grand Prix party.
Avid bloggers and blog-readers hunted high and low in a race that began in the physical world, which then moved on to cyberspace, before they ended up racing to a physical finish line.
The event, dubbed “Spot The Raving Blogger” began on March 1 and will culminate at one of Kuala Lumpur’s most prominent landmarks, the KL Tower.

The last clue, which read, “A coffee house in the new wing of 1-Utama” led the participants to a final location – Starbucks Coffee at 1-Utama Shopping Complex where the five bloggers were waiting to be identified at 1.45pm.
Race participants reached the location panting, after they had run all around the shopping complex in search of the right outlet. The first 50 participants to arrive each won passes to the Speedzone Tour 2007, the official Malaysian Grand Prix party.
“I think this event is a fun way to give out passes, instead of the usual slogan-writing contests,” one of the featured bloggers, Suanie (, said. “The clues are a new and interesting way to get people to join in.”
The five bloggers were selected based on the popularity of their blogs as well as their blog themes.
Suanie, who has been blogging for several years, usually writes on music, lifestyle and clubbing – which made her an ideal candidate for the contest.
The others who were involved were food blogger KY, 29 (; lawyer Xes, 26 (; accountant Fireangel, 27 (; and karate practitioner Gareth, better known as Shaolin Tiger, 28 (
One of the race participants, Nigel Low, followed the clues all the way and was thrilled to win the free passes.
“I’m also glad I’m finally getting to know the bloggers in person,” the 31-year-old human resource manager said. “This contest is a very interesting and new way of doing things.”
Low is one of the many people who will be partying at the KL Tower terrace event, on April 7, which will feature local DJ extraordinaire Joey G alongside international DJs such as D-formation, Marco V and Yoji Biomehanika.
Yep everyone!
I just happened to be there at 1-Utama that day to show a little support to Kim, Gareth, Suanie, KY, XES and the group... and look.. I had my picture taken.
Not because I'm a fehmes blogger... cuz I'm not.. but because... I'M A PARTICIPANT.
Boss Stewie is not a blogger... nono he's not.. if he is... he's too tiny to get anyone's attention.... I'm lucky to have the remaining 8 of you readers out there that read my blog.
To my 8 readers, thank you very very much for reading my blog.
Needs more posting!!!
ricadoe: yes yes u are one of the 8
gwen: hahaha sorry lar.. very busy with Nuffnang
now you have 9! you are really getting femes woi!
You're most welcomed. :P
hahah i wanna masuk newspaper also!!!!! boss u fehmess liow!!!
aiks? i tot im already reader #954134461 , no?
not bad to promote. like ala2 Amazing Race also lah but mainly on cyberspace. kudos...
Boss don't merajuk lo.. I long time already boycott The Star. Last time they came to my school cos we donated some stuff to Johor flood victims. I was one of the people standing on my tippy toes so that I could get my shot. The photographer took lots of pics (of me)! But you know what? They chose the one withOUT me in it.
By the way Boss, you don't need the media to make you famous. Your mole does free publicity for you. :P
ah pek: yeah i am getting FEHMES!!! 9 readers WOOHOOo
jed: hehe thank u
wingz: hahaha juz my picture only lar.. and it's a picture of me being a prop... i might as well be a tree
horny : u are number 6
eve: ahahha no lar! u are 7
brother wai: hehehe yes yes.. not bad eh
jason hehehe actually i was at 1-u for something else
mae: HAHAHA pooor u!!!
ehhhh... me ler? :(
huh?? 8 readers only?? *confused* your other numeric keys malfunctioning is it? hahaha dun la so modest..
*proceeds to wonder if he's one of the eight*
boss....all msia blogger mia income rely on u adi....nuffnang powderful= u powderful, when u powderful= we lagi powderful!!
ehh..what is this! of cos your popular! if you don't think so, then i think all of readers have to agree with me that you ARE famous!
you've got another reader here!
Ayam reader No 9.
makes me reader number 10~!!!
boss looks fat in the pic... sorry ya, had to state the obvious... and the truth (mommy teach one, kenot bruff)
hehehe, slack boss slack
stewie: My condolences.
mae: Yeap, he should've flashed his mole. But no... he decided to turn the other way... (Refer to pic)
Well what do you expect when you run a blog on "" ?! You have your own company for crying out loud, post your blog on your own webspace, ya lazy bastard!
At least you still have enough camwhoring skills to get in a shot, eh?
infectioner: yes yes thank u! u're my reader!
suicidal: i'm not being modest.. i'm being honest :P
ckyeo: hehehe okok.. yes yes... i will not disappoint!
simple: awww... no ler i'm not fehmes.. u're just nice... that's why u're reading my blog :P
xes: AWWwwww... for the first time u're reading my blog dude
william: hahaha okok i have more than 8 readers today... what a lucky day
boss : slack!
lance: hehehe
jason: wah u put ur address here ar!
See!!! Hmph!! So unhappy now, now only i get to sit down n read ur blog...oredi 23 comments!! :(
u not blogger, u entrepreneur only. hehe
Publicity still a publicity, boss. Did you gave your business card to the reporter?
I read your blog once I think :P
me leh?
Anyway boss, maybe you're too handsome and the reporter is jealous of your looks thats why he don't include you in his story.
vicky: eh i'm a blogger first! entrepreneur second :P
chapree: hehehe no ler i didn't... i was there for fun... not to make friends with a reporter
shaolin: ohh.. that explains why i had 9 visits yesterday instead of 8.. thanks dude
ares: hah!!!! i don't think so lorr.. the journalist was a woman :P
then i am reader number.... *lost in counting*?
yes? no?
Guys, you see... Boss Stewie has a different method of counting visits. I'm visitor number 3.72.
u got a very bad math skill.. u dunno how to count how many readers u have..
I've read about the other "co"... and boy things seem to be getting hot, very hot - like the sensation when you realised that you have eaten too much cili padis coming out from the other end! Sangat panas! Like watching a movie where the hero is trying outwit the mud-slinging villain. Like David & Goliath. Like Austin Powers & Dr Evil....oh wait that is a wrong comparison.
pink: u're reader nnumber 8.1
lance: yeah u're right!
cely: ehh.. i got A in my mathematics in A-levels.
Giovoni: hhaaha yes yes
hahah no la, been reading on and off last time. but didnt really follow. silent reader :P
xes: heheeh!!! thank u thank u
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