Saturday, March 17, 2007

Nuffnang is Hiring!!!

Alright... alright it has only been a few weeks since launch and things have been going great so far thanks to all of you guys who supported us from Day 1.

Now we're looking to expand and we need more programmers!!!

So if you're

1) Based in Penang (or willing to work in Penang).

2) Excellent in PHP/MySQL

3) And love to eat Cheezels.

E-mail me your CV at timothy [@] nuffnang [dot] com.

We're also looking for web designers so write in.

One thing I have to clear up though (since a few people have asked me this before), everyone at the Nuffnang has excellent academic results, with even one of our programmers scoring a CGPA of 4.0/4.0.

But that does NOT mean it's a criteria to join us at Nuffnang.

What we're looking for is passion... not how many words of your textbook you memorized before each exam at uni.

If you share the same passion as we do (and you love Cheezels)... you'd fit in just fine.


MaN|acZ said...

I only have the fulfill the last requirement.

Hmmm. I'll give it a try. :P

MaN|acZ said...

2nd!!! kekekeke

Admin said...

does cheezels go down well with Stout?
if it doesn't, I'm out.

electronicfly said...

If fulfilling only one criterion is enough, I'll work even in Arab! Cheezels!

QuWetHeY said...

sigh....... i fail the criteria...... again sigh......

Wilson J Q Quah said...

oh that was me

Anonymous said...

wa!!!! I LOVE Cheezels!!! one criterion enuf or not?? and i've got so much passion i'm bursting!!!

*looks down at busted shirt buttons*

*then sees Boss's non-existent shirt buttons*


Lance de'Cypher said...

I love Twisties...

yoyo said...

Isn't the site all done and launched now? How come you need more programmers now that its all done? What would they be doing?

Anonymous said...

I only meet the last criterion at this point but if you let me stay with you, 2 out of 3 isn't bad :D

Eve said...

i dont have 4.0 nor good in SQL, but i promise to eat lots of Cheezels!

Boss Stewie said...

suicidal: did u just call me fat?

lance: hahaha i love cheezels more

david: there's much to improve on the site :P we're not even 10% there

skyler: hahaha okay okay.. 2 out of 3 is not bad at all

eve: ok u're hired! hahahaha

MaN|acZ said...

ehh. boss no reply my mssg.


electronicfly said...

maniacs: boss din reply my msg oso.

*sulks in a corner*


*steal all the cheezels in the world*

MaN|acZ said...

*still sulking*

*steal some from her fei-ness's share of Cheezels. *

Boss Stewie said...

maniacz: eh sorry! i mustve had missed it out

feiness: sorry sorry... i don't know how i must've missed the both of u out

nalini said...

kekeekek let me know when you're looking for freelance/part time IT support... if you do eventually have one ;)