I'm here in Singapore for business and also possibly to catch up with a few Nuffnangers here in Singapore. Dammit it feels like forever since I was last in Singapore. Time sure flies.
I actually happened to read Pinksterz's blog this morning and happened to notice that she posted up one of these fun applications for anyone to apply to be her boyfriend.Which actually reminded me of something!

Months ago during some drinks with friends and after being teased repeatedly for being 'married-to-my-job', my drunk-self was STOOPID enough to agree to a bet with my friends that by 31st December 2007, I will have a girlfriend.
What was I thinking right? I mean, there I was thinking that hey... how bad can it be, it's so many months from now and I'm sure by then I would have found the time to find someone.
Well... I just realized that I now have ONE month left to New Year's and I ain't got a girlfriend yet!
And it doesn't help that Samantha here keeps rejecting me by flashing cameras in my eyes every time I border the subject!!!

So everyone, before it's too late and I lose the bet (which is actually a bottle of expensive whiskey. I know quite fahney right my friends... making a bet when drunk... but betting for more alcohol to get even more drunk.)
Please NOTE that it says GIRLfriend... so guys... don't try to be funny!!!
(No I'm kidding guys, go ahead and apply to be my 'girlfriend'.. it'll be funny and I might even post your applications up hahahahahaha)
I apply.
hmm..i smell something fishy..
jason: don't be ridiculous she's not... ohh... hmm.... hmm..... ok.. i didn't catch that
skyler: hahahaha okok... We Shall revert to you in 2 working days on the status of your application LOL
jenkin: what leh
I am thinking if I should apply.
any benefits?
monthly allowance?
mileage claims?
phone allowance?
annual bonus?
any ESOS?
annual leave?
after all, it's a job :P
nicholas: hahaha !!
russel: hahaha no epf socso and all.. but got free meals every time we go out :P bwahahah
u know the part where pinksterz put treat like credit card ?
I suggest to her !!! She din credit me... hmmph !
hey Timothy, not in KL?
Its friday again; karaoke?
neh, if samantha rejects u again, den go try d lesbo gal at velvet lahhh... use ur sexy mole as d bait, n wait for d magic words~~~ "im nt lesbo" LOL... den dere u hav it... hahahz...
eh boss.....why she keep on rejecting u la? u must treat her nicer ma. be more caring and all ma.
and ya lo...why is she holding her boob in the pic?
no wonder i checked with nuffnang i got hits from ur blog! wakakakaka! -.-
come we start a club of singlerz! (sounds so wrong and retarded) HAHAHAHAHAH!
freethinker: sorry lor. i forgot la. put it liao. T_T
the photo really leads to something la..n for me..i would rather go pinkster blog to apply tat..lol..sounds weird if i click urs apply to me by girfriend..LOL
Wah Laueh! BossyI click in & fiil up the application! Wah is real wan!!!!! Luckily I close the windows!!Aiyah! U should have warn first mah! Oh btw if really cannot find gf by that time, my friends tell me that u can 'buy' gf at greylang in S'pore! Maybe u can ask Ming to help u out!
Have a nice day!
Just flash your cash around in the bar adn you will be bombarded by woman. =P
Credit card might works, but a signed empty cheque will work even better...
MM...boss, not in kl can apply?...
I've applied.
*read last two words*
freethinker: hahah!
eric: hahaha kenot ler bro. i in penang now :P
super: hahahah!!! ok i shall go velvet again next weekend
vic: hahaha i don't know the answer to your latter question, maybe u should ask her
pink: ahhaahha oh so you check nuffnang stats often huh
kimfei: lol!
hor ny: hahah buy gf!! kenot lar!! i wan normal gf!
david: first i would need the cash to flash right?? :P
sour: hhaha can!!! anyon can
nico: hahahahahaha lol lol okok
wahh... samantha really looked like she is cupping her own boobie... ^__^
alamak. boss
since when did u get so desperate?
Gut feel. Samantha and you make a good couple. :o)
can i skip the "apply" part and head straight to the last step "interview"? =P
Should I or shouldnt I?
btw cool blog... very famous wor..
hurhur. i've applied! WHY DID YOU CALL ME SOOOOO LATE?!
princess: hahah!!! i'll let her explaint o u
genova: hahaha!!! since i only have one month left!
mun: u think so? hmm
michelle: hahahaha then it would be unfair for the rest of the applicants right?? bwahahaha
blue: pls lar.. this blog is not fehmes lar
nadnut: uhh.. SOli lor.. i was in singapore only for a day
should add a special benefit scheme ma..benefits also dun have...besides makan...how much can a girl eat worr??
erm..i also think sam is holding her own 'b**b' :s
boss i suggest you to try harder for samantha ;)
I'm too old to apply .. it's game over for me anyways .....
so..so...so ... is samantha applying? *grin*
GO go go!! Boss can wan!!
You advertise like this ah. Not bad boss. Your mole makes you so sexy leh. :P
*think you might run away from me from now on. Hehehhe*
When i enter my age, it said i am too old to be your gf!
good luck with your mission of getting a gf . haha
LOL @ Cely's remark. Tim, you really shouldn't judge by age. After all, love is blind. So, any good applications yet?
Ooo. Big Man Boss hitting on his own employee? Scandalous betul. So come on and hurry up with the application post. =p
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