Today, I just got word from another ex-SXI friend taht Rayson's sister got kidnapped today.

What the hell is the world coming to now such that you can't be a woman and go to work without fear of getting KIDNAPPED by 3 guys who want to do who knows what with you!
The poor girl's name is Dora Goh Wei Wei, 25 years old and 155cm tall with curly hair.
If you see her or have any idea of where she is please call Rayson at
016-4611896 or 019-2677698
it happened in penang itself or kl?
there are no place dat is safe anymore...
in glenmarie, shah alam, Selangor (KL)
fong: it happened in KL :(
i also just see this from some where else..definitely will help notice..since my place is just nearby to Glenmarie there..
As much as it's commendable that you have chosen to help your friend publicize the search attempt, I cringe at how you've slanted it to seem as though a rape must have occurred. Sound like sensationalist news, which almost feels like a mockery of the incident -- which admittedly probably wasn't your intention at all, but sure feels this way.
Couldn't you have just posted something about it, without projecting what she is currently going through? It sure does not help her, nor her worried family.
/moral high ground.
omg, i saw this from the Y!m fwd msg, never tot that is ur friend's sister!
WTH is wrong with these ppl man kidnapping a helpless girl!!!
hope she is alright ler :(
she is my friend's gf .. everybody was still looking around and wish there will have a miracle then . the world is just sick ~!!
Hope this helps..but i got this info from Christien's Cbox... The Camry's number plate is said/claimed to be 7641.. But im not sure if this is accurate though...
oh my god.
thoughts and prayers with ur friend and his sister.
are the cops doing anything about this?
Pity. Such a pretty girl.
I hope she's gonna be ok.
I know i cant really help a lot here.
But i will pray really hard for poor Dora. I hope she is safe.
Just to let you know, the kidnappers did call up Dora's dad a few hours back and are asking for a ransom. Apparently she's allright and will be released once they get their money.
Dora's a friend of mine too and works with my best friend.
yea.. i received the sms too..
latest updates @ 07:30am 29/11/07
Dora been released & picked up by her bf & family members safely @ CHERAS ! please inform frens that been worried about her . THANKS !!
that's the shorts good news received this morning from her bf though!!
great news!
tats a miracle!!! glad to knw tat she is safe,Boss.
good to know she's safe. god bless
uncle sha dangerous lah..well good to know she's okay..hope she feel better now too.
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