Just a few days after one of my readers sent me a BLUETOOTH HEADSET after hearing that I lost the previous one to the washing machine, I got another present by one of my readers.
An envelope delivered right to our office in which one of the nice ladies at Nuffnang brought up to me.
In that envelope were two of these.
It's actually a custom made NUFFNANG touchpad mouse protector.... custom made for my MACBOOK!!!
See how it FITS EXACTLY on my Macbook!
And yes, my mouse still works perfectly well after slapping on that protector.
The worse part of this is... unlike the bluetooth, this time I really don't know who to thank.
There was no return address or name on the envelope.
All there was to it was this sticker and address.
Someone with the nick Bernard also left me a comment in one of my previous entries about sending me a present and I'm guessing this must be it.
Bernard, whoever you are... thank you so much for this very very thoughtful present!!!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
first....... ya know......
hahaha lol boss!
chehwah...getting all the freebies edi ah..
eh! Mr people behind skinstyler, I also want one. tq tq. I promise I will plug your company url big big!!
lol. boss is getting spoiled.
who knows your iphone dream is coming true next.
You got it wrong, it's an eye patch for you to stick on your glasses so that you can be a nuffnang pirate!
wahlau eh..someone come to my blog and give me free stuff also ler..hahaha
so nice the protector!! Good to feel spoilt by yur readers ya!
You lucky lah boss! Hehe, you must be doing something right to deserve such treatment.. =)
i also want present can?
Wah, so nice to be a blogger, especially a famous blogger, always get present from readers.
Walao..next thing you know your dream iphone come up leh boss!
fei: yah i'm so lucky!
dan: hahaha!
genova: haha i wish!!!
ky: a nuffnang pirate.. ARR!!!
joe: hahahahaha that don't happen all the time which is why i'm lucky!
mummy: yah it feels nice :P
siao: no ler.. just lucky..
michael: hahahaha!
hui yi: pls ler.. i am not fehmes
cbb: hahaha no lar!!
soon, sumone send u a gurl to keep u company..lol..ur so damn lucky, ur bloggers sayang u ..*envy, envy*..nw anyone care to send me anyting ??
u sure it's Bernard??? thanking the wrong person would be funny...
hehehehehhehehe that would be real funny
eh actually it was me la!
why u so dumb got it all wrong edi wtf. i sengaja put that address so u won't know it's me cause if put US u sure know ma. sigh rahsia terbongkar edi WTF (my BM still so good =D)
pfftttt ... show off...:P
That can become a good merchandise for you actually.
hey, you're the guy who set up an agency thats giving us bloggers more pocket money. ppl love you for that u know ;)
My laptop's name is Bernhard. Thank it :P
you lucky SOA*%$&^*%...
gee i want one of that pad too.
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