Over the weekend, my mother caught me working on my Macbook and the first thing she said was
"Eh why your screen so small? The words so small after you spoil your eyes!"
I replied
"I know mum, I was seriously considering buying a LCD Monitor once to hook up to my laptop but I decided that it would be a luxury not a necessity and so I decided against buying it".
My mum replied
"What do you mean? This is a necessity lah! After you spoil your eyes then how?'
Hmmm.. I never thought about it that way... and after all, mum knows best right?
So the minute I got back to KL I went over the Low Yat and told the man behind the counter
"Give me the biggest LCD monitor the world has ever seen!"
He replied sheepishly
"Orr... ok"..

Even the new additions to our Nuffnang team were impressed.
Speaking of Nuffnang, this month has been quite an exciting month.

For the month of November alone, 5 new people have joined the growing team after our huge recruitment drive, and we're still looking to hire another two programmers.
Yesterday I went for lunch with a few of our new Nuffies like Nicholas here who took a pay cut to come in as our new Marketing Manager at Nuffnang.

Our Nuffnang team in Singapore has also made some headway. Next Monday they're planning a "no-frills" movie screening for it's thousands of Nuffnangers.
On top of that, Ming and I got a little bit of satisfaction lately.
For a long time we've always wanted that we have a complete organization that has charity programs to give back to the community and today Nuffnang is partnering with Nike to fulfill that dream.

This charity run I would imagine is the first of many things. Click here to find out what the run is all about.
Kudos to the team in Singapore on that!
Ok lah guys... I'm in the office now and it's 8.42AM... time for me to start working.
Will update again soon ok?
Have a great Wednesday ahead everyone!
PS: All the pictures in this entry are all taken by my trusty Panasonic DMC - FX33
lao nice screen... mines only 19" widescreen... lol... btw hope my fren hu applied from kch will get the chance to work for u boss... hehe...
*dream* how i wish to work for Thee...and dig on Cheezels n branded as a Nuffie.....
Nice monitor! Boss, good luck with the run!
super gentlemen: haha 19 inch already so big lar wei.. 22 inch actually makes me a bit dizzy
ricci: hahahaha awww... maybe we'll be lucky enough to have you with us one day
alex: thanks alex
I know that nicholas fella, he's a pervert. :P
Hi bossy! How many inches??? Wah two monitor! So can play cs very well now? Shoot from one monitor kill the other fellow in the other monitor???
BTW bossy any more ads very very poor nowaday! Tq very much in advance!
Have a nice day!
i second KY. nicholas is the biggest perve i know
Wah boss's business expanding! Good luck boss!! And nice monitor! But why need one that's SOOO big lar??
i still love KY and Kim.
OOI!!! boss!!!
YOU just HAD to put that retard looking picture of mine up on your blog right?
I blame your shooting angle!
*mumbles* *mumbles*
better get back to work now...
pardon me- i read ya blog but dont really comment :P.
Hie when u mentioned MING is that a he or a SHE...
boss.... u have A LOT of new toys recently. the list is still increasing i suppose
boss..so kaya wan...got alot money to spare ah?come la..i give u my bank acc no. ok?
ky: eh..... eh! dun kacau my team mate
hor ny: hahaha yah u're right!
kimberly: OI !
cbb: heheh i like to overdo things
esther: what.. nice wat!
sasi: ming's a he dude
genova: no lar... i should stop soon
belle: hahahahahaha pls lar.. i am already broke
Hey, check my site - I've tagged you for an award :).. Muahahaha
Do you use font 30 with your kick ass monitor. No syiok with big monitor small font like 8 kan. :P
although i admit having a kickass big widescreen is nice, bt when u r surfing d net, u will notice dat sum sites, especially local ones, doesnt seem 2 b widescreen compatible... d screen kinda looks empty liddat... bt d gud thing is nt all sites r liddis lorr...
I really think you should learn how to adjust the exposure of your camera... It's not going to do Panasonic any justice with those pictures... No offense k? :)
Wahh.. a new toy, kaya la u =)
You should search for a progam that allows you to just click a button to change from screen to screen.. Im using Ultramon. Its a multi-monitor utility and should be compatible for Macs =)
Budak.. aper size the monitor?
I need a bigger one for myself. The 17" is beginning to be too small for my Photoshop demands. :P
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