Anyway here's 5 reasons why you don't want one.
1) You can't search for a name in your phone book to call.
That's right.
You can't. You really really can't.
To call someone, you have to open up a list of ALL your contacts, then scroll through them one by one.

You can of course jump to names starting under a certain alphabet, but the list of alphabets on the side of the screen are so small and so close together than when you try to press T you might end up pressing S instead.
There is a 3rd party application you can download for your iPhone to help you to search for your contact but every time you use it a pop-up will appear asking you to donate.

2) It takes 9 seconds just to want to read or write an SMS.
That's right. To read or write an SMS you open up an SMS application.
That application literally takes 9 seconds to load up before you can do anything. LITERALLY.
3) You can't send a contact
Say Nicholas asks me to send a contact to him from my phone book. Bad enough that I have to manually search through the whole phone book, there's no option for me to send the contact. So what I eventually have to do is memorize that phone number, and then type it out in an SMS to him.

To add to the work it takes to send a contact, remember it takes 9 seconds for my SMS page to load up?
That's 9 seconds of me saying a number to myself over and over again so that I won't forget.
That's right... to clear your mailbox, you have to manually delete each SMS one by one. ISN'T THAT JOLLY!!!!
5) Getting SCREWED by EDGE
I just found this out yesterday.
You see the iPhone allows you to hook up to Wi-Fi to check your mail. But when the Wi-Fi is disconnected for any reason, it goes to use EDGE to download all your mail automatically.
Now I get a ton load of mail in my Nuffnang work mail all the time.
So I just checked and realized that since I got an iPhone, I downloaded what was 150MB of MAIL... and I DIDN'T HAVE A DATA PLAN BECAUSE I DIDN'T THINK I'LL BE USING EDGE AT ALL.
The only mail downloading I wanted to do was on Wi-Fi! Heck I'm not using a Blackberry here!

I looked online to find if there was a way to turn off EDGE on my iPhone and realized that there were many other people who had fallen victim to the same trap as I had. All being slapped with huge data charges.
So I called my friend up at Maxis and asked him how much this 150MB is gonna cost me and he said
"Oh only 1 sen per 1kb".
Now do the math, 1 sen for every 1 KB is RM10 for every 1 MB.
150 MB = RM1,500.
FARRKK!!!! I AM SO BROKE NOWW.... I think I need a second job.
Anyone hiring?
I will work hard hard for you wan!
get unlimited data package for Rm99....
*OUCH* That's a could have bought something better..*pat pat*.
Time to tighten the belt for a month. lol
janice: yeah i know about that... but i didn't think i would need it.. i mean hey.. any time i needed to donwload my email while on the go, just stop by at a starbucks or something and download... didn't think my edge would be doing it behind my back
alex: *SNIFF* i think tighten belt for more than a month :(
and they say iphone is keng n stuff...
*pat head*
I do remember you say u were broke when u bought it and now u are broke again when u use it. then what next? Hahahaha...LOL
Kaya bread again ?
chill boss.... next time bak kut teh on me!~
juz sell off ur iphone, it's nice to see but useless to use.
yours has the Wi-Fi already? because apparently the first batches has got EDGE only...Wi-Fi ones coming/came out later?
one of my client's "complaining" about not waiting for the Wi-Fi one...
ouch, boss. really ouch!
OMG!!! rm1.5k! why did iphone bcum famous in d 1st place anyway?
Lolx, last time u said that is good,so now u can sell off your iphone at there and buy back your old phone lor since the iphone is so ma huan...
1.5k.... omg... i very good wan, i use rm150 to buy the iphone from u k?? den i might help u save anthr 1.5k =)
nyways more and more 3rd party softwares are coming out already, so don't worry so much
1.5 K..better get a new phone with the amount. can delete mass email, can send contact, can search name and no need to donate any money hehe :D
See? Succumb to peer pressure samore lah! My iPod Touch + phone with built-in flashlight PWNS your iPhone! :D :D :D
Me too feeling regret after buying the phones, having difficulty in typing sms, battery wont last whole day beside cant be change, all 3rd party application shows pop up also...
quickly call maxis now and tell them about your story, I think they will be kind enough to let u sign up the unlimited package?? even they tie u down for 12 months...99X12, less than 1,100....still ok hahaha...
1.5k can get a new phone d.... haha.. what happen to 20 questions?
gosh... that's a deep hole in ur pocket. i think kaya n bread oso will cost too much now. :P
eh where're the ans to ur 20 questions? hehe.
the pain of peer pressure, it does hurts (the pocket)
hey timothy. check ur facebook using a computer cos i added u :) glad i didn't buy the iphone then lol.
for fun's sakes by monday, i'll have ur answer for u regarding what u told me hehehe.
oh my gawd. thanks for telling us...................
I always wanted to tell you this after watching the latest episode of MDG, and here come the chance...
Ask if ShaolinTiger is hiring any assistant for his photo shoot. I see you made a good job by holding the reflective thing when he's doing the portrait shoot XD
boss.. bummer lo..
learnt your lesson d?
not all branded items are good..
take it as a lesson ler ^^
cheer up ;)
i shall not pestered my dad to get me the iPhone anymore! *sigh*
wow iphone sux :X
Maxis be next AT&T in malaysia.
Giving free Iphone also untung lah like this..
Haha. Kena juga.
I had this problem once. I went to Bangkok with my family. Being the blog addict I am, I badly wanted to post. Since it costs RM15 to use the comp for an hour, I just decided to be kiamsiap and hog my dad's HTC TyTN II.
Bad move.
Although he was on the unlimited plan, it wasn't applicable out of Malaysia. In the end, it cost me RM850 just to write THIS
Sakit! Never again, man. I'll spend RM15 from now on.
shit. I think its best you give maxis a quick call and ask them if you could sign up for the unlimited package right away before the next bill comes and if you can convert your current usage into the package.
You can turn of the EDGE you know. Its under setting.
Hold on to your Iphone first, the next software upgrade (version 1.4)is coming soon. I hope it fixes the contact search problem. Otherwise, trade it in for a Ipod touch and use a regular handphone at the same time.
The shops are selling the cracked Iphones cheaper now as they know the legal ones with the new software upgrades are coming to Malaysian shores soon. For 8GB one, now only RM1850.
hahaha.. after read this post, i gonna think twice for getting myself a iphone.. :p
Ermm I'm sure you can get maxis to at least waive off 30-40% of the cost lor if you take the trouble to ask persistently =)
They won't allow you to convert your current charges to an unlimited data plan , but what you can do is just explain the situation to them and see if they are willing to waive off something for you lo =)
just like what Janice Chan said..
Get unlimited data for RM 99.
Don't worry.. i'm the same bummer as you are.. :)
I surf-ed the internet with my phone as modem and I was given a slap of RM 300 fine for not knowing the Maxis Unlimited Data package of RM 99.
Bossie. Told you mah to get a HTC Touch. Something like iPhone but much user friendly. See with your RM1,500 on emails can already buy a HTC Touch already. :P
If you did read the reviews on the iPhone and HTC Touch, users prefer HTC. iPhone is just for the design. Looks cool but user friendly-ness no.
Well bossie all the best with yer phone. :)
That's why I say, iPhone is overated. Nice to look, nice to touch but not nice to use. My Sony Ericson also can't search the whole word only can go to the Alphabet.
simon, depends on which model of SE you're using.
SE k800i can search the whole word leh.
go back to SE boss..haha
hahahahahaha kesian kesian :P RM1,500 for downloading mails only la la la~
tot U can use the WIFI to do that?
next time..don't use a pirated/cracked stuff... U noe it will hit you hard
azrin @
U might wanna check out this site... Its about this company who offers applications to help u find your contacts & all that...the only catch is you have to pay...its NZ$10 per app...which is arouns rm24...
But I think there are certain applications u can add for the ones here
hey, thanks for sporting some errors in iphone.. I totally agree about can't searching the contact and can't massive delete sms.. -_-"
am also using iphone too.. 1 more thing I don't like about Iphone is that can't tell the log whether is dial or received. Have to touch the blue arrow..
Is it possible for you to complain and not pay the 1.5k? You have the consumer right to NOT BE SCREWED you know.
No kidding? Those are really 5 good reasons not to get in on the iAction for sure. Yours is the first post I read that does not exalt the phone in some kind of shrine or something...
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