One of my friends gave me a call one day and met up to tell me all about the Shelter Organization and the work they were doing. He wanted to see if we could use blogs as a medium to help spread the word about what Shelter really is about and I was open to the idea.
So I paid a visit to the Shelter home to meet one of the people behind Shelter. His name is James Nagayam.

Lots of people think that Shelter homes are for kids that have lost their parents at a young age. While that is true... that is only half the story.

I'm going to start with the migrant population.
Migrant Population
The registered migrant population in Malaysia currently is at 2.6 million. Now there are NO refugee camps in Malaysia, that means refugees in Malaysia are scattered all over the country with most of them in Klang Valley sharing spaces in groups of up to 20 people near construction sites or low cost apartments.

Abused and Sexually Abused Children
Many children are not as lucky as many of us when we were growing up. Sure my Dad beat the hell out of me when I was growing up as a kid, but after he knew he had taught me my lesson he would come back and give me all the compassion I needed as a kid.

These parents who beat their children beat them till kingdom come and leave them on their own to lick their wounds.
That doesn't even bring up the sexually abused children problem!
James told me that when you talk to any of the sexually abused children who were 3-5 years old and show them a doll asking them where their father had touched them, they would point at the right places.

Then there are the kids in our prison.
Currently there are about 2,700 young prisoners in prison all over Malaysia, about 700 of them along are in Kajang Prison.
In Malaysia, a child can go to prison as long as he's 10 years old.
10 YEARS OLD!!! How could they have known any better!!
Missing Girls
About 8 girls go missing a day. That means 240 a month and 2,880 a year! Now 2,880 is the student population of my entire secondary school.
Where do all these girls go? Many to child prostitution rings. How sick is that!
While many of us grow up with ice-cream, toys and barbie dolls for the girls, these girls grow up in brothels.

Heck I met one child there who was left at the home by his parents because his parents owed Ah Long's a great deal of money and wanted to give him protection.
Another child had lost both his parents at a very young age and now only relies on the volunteers at Shelter for compassion and love.

The people at Shelter have taken in all these unfortunate kids and done their very well in putting them in comfortable homes.

Kids that are smart and creative. Just look at what they did here.

And just like me when I was young, they had little comic stickers all over their cupboards.

When I hear all these stories.
I want to be able to help and sure I don't have millions now to donate so I'm gonna do whatever I can with the readership my thousands of readers have blessed me with and shed some light on these issues.
In this entry, I am hoping to educate, not solicit eventhough Shelter's funds are audited. If any of you want to help out whether in terms of monetary means or volunteer work you can pay a visit to Shelter's website here.

And issues that one day will affect our way of life.
Thanks for your post. I've been wondering where and how do I get to do charity and voluntary work after my A level finals. Now I know and what's best is working with kids. (:
I guess we just never really thought of the other kids with those conditions.
Thanks for opening my eyes to more in-depth knowledge about kids in homes. (:
it's so pitiful. the harshest of the harsh reality.
man, i'm only 21 but looking at them and comparing to myself, life's unfair to them even more.
stewie this post is so touching. thank u for sharing with us :) it's a real big wake up call.
there're many and really many other homes like this... sigh...well, "blogs as a medium to help spread the word about what Shelter really is about" sounds interesting =)
the little boy in red is very manja! did u meet his sister? looks EXACTLY like him, macam photostat.
good that you're spreading the news.
Great great post.. i used to be an anonymous reader for a long time, but this post is really good.. so good that it made me tear..
Keep on writing!
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so touching.
Good job in spreading the words around. Better than nothing
Ganbatte ne
eugene my boy.. aren't his eyes captivating???
this shelter home seemed famous, many people been there including me :P
Pity them
Hello I am just a passer here (:
Uhhm, just wanted to say that, my (primary)school is bringing the top 20 leaders in our school to go to a shelter, like they did last year. They have chosen 23 & I'm not in there...
before I read your post I was like "nvm after all I so pai kia they choose me for what luh".
But now, I really feel like going D:
gah D:
Hopefully they have a brighter future ahead of them...
I did my internship with the KL United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and though nothing much can be done for these refugee kids, yes the UN is actually trying hard.
This situation is happening as Malaysia government is still refusing to accept refugees nor offer help. Help is only offered to the Rohingyas (Muslim from Myanmar) by giving them work permit. for the rest of the other refugees they have to seek help from the UN but due to lack of man power and finance, help cannot be offered to all. however, the UN is working hard to replace them in the 3rd country where they'll then have brighter chances of living a better life.
However we cannot blame the government for not recognizing them as refugees who can seek refuge from our country as Malaysia is yet to be really successful developmental wise and to cope up and having to juggle these will be a problem to our country too.
It is sad that this is happening and I'm glad someone has finally seen the need to see to this situation. Those who wish to help can contribute (not only financially but also man power wise!) help to the shelter organization mentioned by timothy tiah or also the Woman's Aid Organization (WAO) or the UNHCR! =)
so the kids call u uncle timothy or koko? XD
I'm so touched reading the story.
Haha....I guess your Mr Happy's shirt did make them happy perhaps??
aw, you're so sweet :)
I was there last year and the boy in red left a lasting impression on me.
He taught me a lesson that I didn't even knew I didn't know. He put me to shame. There has GOT to be More than this... but I can't find it.
I wanna give chipsters!
it's a nice post. many things that i am not aware of.
good post tim.
need anything email me beechybelle@gmail.com
i can say i cant do donation since i need that much for myself..but atleast paying a visits, spend some time with the children. i can do that.
it's already affecting us actually. where does those flashers, molesters, prostitute, murderer come about? they are usually being brought up without a family or there is nothing they can do to their life nymore.
Sexually abuse?
The toy? OMG... should tell Mr bean about his toy.. lol..
And it's great to see you helping them around.. good job!
Tim.., when you blog about stuff like this, you are really all heart :) Keep it up man and do let me know if you need help in spreading word on this.
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