Remember some time last year when I visited Taylor’s College new Sri Hartamas Campus? Remember how nice it was?

Well this year they’ve decided to do something even better. Something that I have been hearing some people talk about for a while.
They’ve opened up their grand 27-acre Lakeside Campus which is around a 5-acre lake. A FREAKING 5-ACRE LAKE!

Anyway the whole point of this entry is to invite any of you potential students to check out Taylor’s University College new Lakeside Campus at the Open Day happening on the 11-13th of December between 10AM-5PM.

Open Days are like the kind of things you would go for if you’re not sure what to do after school. I was like that once. Out of school, had no idea what I wanted to do but I guess I wanted to be in finance since my whole family was in finance. So I just studied economics, accounting, stuff like that.
What I did realize later on though was that there was a lot more than that. This Open Day allows you to check out different fields to see what you’d like to do and if Taylor’s University College is the right place for you. Explore the different things you could do for a living. Whether it’s bring an engineer, a marketer, a hotel manager or even a professional gamer. Haha no I was kidding about the professional gamer part. You don’t need to study a course for that, you just need DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, HARD WORK and glasses because by the time you become good enough to be one, you’re gonna need a pair.
What I did realize later on though was that there was a lot more than that. This Open Day allows you to check out different fields to see what you’d like to do and if Taylor’s University College is the right place for you. Explore the different things you could do for a living. Whether it’s bring an engineer, a marketer, a hotel manager or even a professional gamer. Haha no I was kidding about the professional gamer part. You don’t need to study a course for that, you just need DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, HARD WORK and glasses because by the time you become good enough to be one, you’re gonna need a pair.

It wasn’t because I was doing research on how to split the atom. It was because of those damn games that still haunt me today.
Oh anyway anyway.. back to topic if you’d like to check out Taylor’s Open Day @ Lakeside Campus, click here.
Oh anyway anyway.. back to topic if you’d like to check out Taylor’s Open Day @ Lakeside Campus, click here.
Maybe one day you could play XBOX gam….. I mean… work hard in an internet company like me. *heh heh*
wahh so fast done already, i could have been working at the new campus if I didn't switched job!
oi, don't hate the game, hate the playa!
ky: hahaha yeah.. do u have any regrets yet'?
jun king: HAHA
Modern Warfare FTW! Hahaha! Have you been playing multiplayer?
jd: ahh i get my ass kicked in multiplayer. prefer the special ops missions. love missions
I really miss my college days. Those were the best days of my life (C) Summer of 69 - Bryan Adams.
I wish I had gone for a Masters.
Sure nice can go to college. I had to study in a public university ...
I want to attend Taylor's Open Day~ But i cant make it...=.=
p/s: Mr.Timothy is a game freak? XD
work hard play hard
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