That was what I said to Boss Lepton 10 months ago before we created a blog meant for both of us to make each other laugh.
On the first day our blog was published I asked him
"Boss, why do you call yourself Boss Lepton? Just say Lepton lar.. I also put my nick as Stewie mah".

Boss Lepton looked at me and said
"You always call me Boss and I always call you Boss what? You also change your nick to Boss Stewie lar! Nobody's going to read this blog anyway... what's the big deal?"

Every morning I would wake up in my cold London bedroom and check on the new little blog we created to see if Boss Lepton had managed to make me laugh to brighten my morning.
After some time, I had even started with a little collection of my favourite posts that Boss Lepton has written like the one about parkaconomics.

On our first day, we received 30 visits .
I remember calling Boss Lepton up to say
Then the next day we received over 70 visits and I was equally as excited.
Then one day, the visits looked like it was climbing fast in the morning. My London flatmate who knew about the blog bet me that it would break a 100 and I didn't believe it.
I took his bet and lost.
Not long after that... it exploded exponentially to over 4 digits worth of unique visits every day. The fanmail started flowing in and we were both feeling on top of the world.
We were both... very very high.

We've heard comments that we were the "Funniest Blog in Asia" though I highly doubt it since I have seen far funnier blogs like Kenny Sia and Rojaks who take much effort to create blog posts that make their readers laugh every day.
Can you imagine the kind of life these rare bloggers have to live... every morning they wake up thinking
"Hmm.. how do I make my readers laugh today?"
It is easy to blog and write anything you want.
It is easy to camwhore and post many many pictures of yourself...
but it is not easy to write a funny post every day
(not to mention when they do fail... they get criticised for being "lame" when they should instead be praised for trying).
I salute both Wingz and Kenny for being able to keep up with this marathon.

One reader also once told me that his entire office reads my blog.
So why did it all end?
I guess after I graduated I realised that there comes a point in my everyone's life when he realizes that he's not a little boy anymore.
That it's okay to be wild when you're a student but less okay when you're old enough and entering the working/business world.
I decided that as much as there was the urge to write all my funny thoughts in one place of the internet... there was a bigger urge that I had to grow up and think of how people I meet in real life will take me seriously if I am known to write rubbish on the internet.
I doubt people would take me seriously if they read what I said about giving a toilet roll lots and lots of love or if they read my post teaching everyone else how to be annoying.

Reading their biographies, a lot of great people have had their wild side. For example, Richard Branson once took drugs.

I had to grow up too.
Yet many people used to tell me that I will never be able to let go of Leng Mou.
That I will never be able to let go of the 'marketing power' that the blog had brought me but I proved them wrong.
Today, it has been exactly 2 months since my last "Goodbye" post at Leng Mou.
(Surprisingly when I check the site stats every now and then I still see many people going back there to read our previous posts.)

Most of my readers have accepted the fact that I truly am going to stop blogging posts that 'try to be funny' and have left me.
But the ones that remain are the ones that matter the most to me and more importantly... I am happy.
I have finally grown up...
hey makes me kinda miss those post man ... hey do a Bosses are back post ...
Emo post siot.*dush*
We all will come to a point that we will grown up which involved many activities such as having a family, become a lil bit serious, become religious and stuff.
Fun doesn't mean wild all the time ^_^
earl: aww earl.. unfortunately i don't think that's a post i can ever write :P
chapree: ahh i should stop it with the emo posts shouldn't i... haha
u still haven get over it... u cant put down leng mou ge la...
Go ahead for LENG MOu Season 2 la...
come on !
I think your posts are still great. Nothing changes, you are still Stewie. If I can write 10% of your quality, I would be happy. But unfortunately I failed my english essay writing. LOL Be it Leng Mou or Timothy, it is still a great read.
yaa boss..time to grow it's time to put Adult Material stuff into yr
oi oi u dun hafta give up bloggin to grow up one leh ... men gets to "grow up" every morning one!
cely: hahaha can lar can lar.. just nice to remember leng mou once in a while!!
fat4: i think you're too nice... so nice that you don't even know how well you write yourself...
kmy: ok leng! next post next post
wingz: hahaha wingz.. i expected that kind of joke from u lol
But still, in this blog, there are post you try to make us laugh woh! :P
no lar jason... if got it's unintended
awwwwwwwwwwww !
no matter how you try, lengmou is still in this blog lah. Lengmou is in YOU :)
.... if you get what i mean.
*hugs to everyone!*
dear tim , whatever name you call your blog, is still you lar! you write so well! i truely enjoyed reading your blog!
yaloh leng mou is still in you :o
Yes, grown-up. ;)
I miss Leng Mou, but hey, this blog is equally great. =)
And who cares if the Celica's not very fast? It's hotttttt!
Boss Stewie, u're one helluva writer. I look forward to reading every one of ur posts
You can get Boss Stewie out of LengMou, but you can't get LengMou out of Boss Stewie
-Best in Penang, London and Four Seasons-
rightfully said, william :)
I never doubted for a moment that lengmou was here to stay (in a way la) when you started a new blog concurrently with the closure of lengmou.
both are great blogs all the same! i sukak banyak! boss stewie so funny when he emo-s and i just don't see where's the growing up. :P
bluey: awww... I don't know whether to feel good about that or not but.. thanks very much...
anonymous: i am very very moved by your little statement... thank you very much for the encouragement.. i'll keep it a point to keep blogging more
alynna: oh yeah.. i forget that girls don't really care too much about power and speed do they?
nicholas: thanks nicholas... i look forward to reading every one of your comments too.. seriously...
william: hahahaha william... then i guess it will never end unless i totally stop blogging would it?
suicidal: thanks very much.. truly appreciate the encouragement
Wah, so proud of you....
You are so "tai korr chai" already!
There you go again... I think you mistyped that.
You mean, 10% have left you. =P
j: hehehehe thank uuuu
lance: hahaha i wish that were true lance
High hits over at LengMou just goes to show what a good job you guys did over there =)
dear tim, is me again! you are most welcome! be yourself! whatever you write it has to come from your heart! ya, grown up do have emo-s right! it is ok! it is you strength man! o:
merv: thanks merv.. but i think it was more of a fluke than anything...
anonymous: yes yes.. but emo posts are not exactly wonderful to read are they :P
m.... well, it depends on individual! but i liked it! cos you are real!
after all life is not all about fun.. eat.. and play is more than that!
most people find it hard to talk about
their feeling! dont you agree? right or not!
Just as long as you're honest to yourself :)
I'm not a Boy, not yet a Man.
I love this blog, tbh just being funny alone has no substance. Personally, when I read a blog and enjoy a blog it's because it has bits of the person's real life in it. A blog to me is still an online diary, so pretty much get to see what you see, and look at how other people live. Chin up boy-o!
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