Let me start from the beginning...
Yesterday morning (in Singapore), my partner Ming met with a car accident on his way to pick me up for work.
His Volvo XC90 went up the arse of a local taxi that looks something like this (but in blue).

all put together in the same place.
It was like a shopping mall but only instead of having retail shops in the shop lots, there were BENGKELS in each and every one of them.
Now even your car can go window shopping.

I couldn't believe what I saw.
I was like
But Ming replied
"What? This is normal lah! You mean you don't have something like that in Malaysia?".
I was tempted to lie and say
"Oh yeah... we had something like this in Malaysia in the 1980s. Now we just have a little car teleporter that beams the car we want to repair up into space to let our space monkeys work on it quickly under zero gravity conditions and then send it back down to us again in only a few minutes".
But I knew he wouldn't believe me so I didn't.
Anyway, we got to our designated workshop and the guys checked out the damage on Ming's car.

We worked out the cost of the repair in half an hour and left the place.
Yet, even after we left the "Auto Mall", I glanced at Ming to see he was still nearly in tears.
So to cheer him up... we went to the Red Light District of Singapore...
1st @@ long time din get the 1st..
the 'automall' damn cool wo.. i think sooner or later also will have that in malaysia ge la..
but i wonder is every shop earning, when everyone is doing the same business... hmmm
Walau keng ... so nice.
Holy crap, Boss must actually know where I live...
Damn that's cool... LOL!
cely: i don't think malaysia can have that lor... everything is too spread out all over malaysia for now
gwen: even in america u don't have that huh :P
lance: u mean u live in the midvalley of cars... or in geylang :P
ian: glad i'm not the only one who thinks it's cool
This is definitely better than those individual benkels hogging 2-3 shoplots and reserving 5-6 public carparks to themselves.
well said. sensual sophia.
That's actually pretty cool.
... for Singapore.
actually in malaysia it is unnecessary to have such a mall as there are plenty of land.
If you look at the way how Malaysia works, a lot of car workshops are located next to one another or near each other in johor bahru. should be the same elsewhere.
sensual: yeah! i hate those! though they claim they actually buy the lots
maniacz: hear hear!
j: yeah it is... haih..
fat4: yeah but we could use that for penang right? we're an island too!
just out of curiosity. do you take your pictures with a camera phone, do you really bring along your camera wherever you go (you probably have a small one that fits in the tiniest of cracks, right..:P) or do you go back to the place again to take pictures? :)
What happens if your car's damaged so badly it just stops midway up the hill?
17? Aljunied there already loh woh... Let's go eat some Frog Porridge and Kuey Chap!
ricadoe: red light district lar wei!
anonymous: the camera on my phone is horrible.. i bring a small digicam with me around sometimes... :P
applegal: oh.. then u might just have to push :P or take the lift.. or escalator :P
jed: frog porridge... ewwww :P
wahhhh, that dent on the XC looks 'sakit the hati' uih...
haha, the shot of the golf looks like from those pimp my ride workshops ready to be worked at. *neons, bass, amps etc.*
william: yeah except that.. i think the golf was only getting a tint
you're soooooooo in the wrong area of geylang if u were really looking for the red light district. but we all know now that you're just faking your ignorance don't we? muahahahha :p
One driving a 'leetle' BMW... another driving Volvo XC90...
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