I love those kind of weekend drives. Nice, relaxing... soothing.. gives you the best opportunity to listen to some of your nice classical music... unlike the kind of traffic we face on weekdays like this.
I slowed down and kept to the left lane to allow him to overtake when he came up to my right side and started honking me, staring at me and pointing at me.
I shouted to myself
Ahh road rage at its very best.
The driver then sped off.
A few minutes later, another car came to do the exact same thing to me and I showed him the finger, which was enough to shoo him away.
After a while I started thinking to myself...
"Hmmm... maybe they were trying to tell me something... like maybe my petrol tank was open.
So I stopped the car by the road side, got down and took a look.
My petrol tank was closed but my tire was punctured.
Miraculously I could still drive my car without much of a problem so I decided to head home to change it.
Now EVERY REAL MAN knows how to change his car tire ok?
If you're a girl and don't know how to change your car tire, no big deal... but if you're a guy.. what can you possibly do?
If you're stranded by the road side, are you going to flag down a cute chick in her pink VW beetle and say

"Excuse me miss.. uhmm.. I donno how to change my car tire wor.. can you help me?"
and what do you think the cute chick will say to you?
You think she'll say
"Sure... it's quite normal that men don't know how to change their own tires.. I'll help you out."
or do you think she'll say
So if you really don't know how to do it.
Listen hard.
First, find the tools to jack the car up and remove the bolts.
You will find it in the back of your boot.
In front of the rear tire, there is always a hard spot where you can place the jack on. Make sure you put it on that hard spot, and not anywhere else, or you will effectively punch a whole in your car.
You can start removing the nuts and when you remove it, you will see this.
And replace it with the spare tire in the trunk.
And voila.
Your job is done!
See? So easy...
Except that I realized... that in the midst of replacing the tire... I DIRTIED MY NUFFNANG SHIRT...
Not only that, I even got some dirt even on my face.
Don't ask how my forehead managed to come in contact with the tire. Even I don't know.
at least the new specs look good on you :D
sigh boss.. we have our car woes
I think the dirt on your forehead was from your hand la...
i still think beetle is an ugly car, hah!
jac: hahaha yah.. but your wan more serious than mine
fei: yah must be right? how else could it get therE?
nico: no i think it's a cute car!
boss... i want that nuffnang shirt... i'll pay for it... XL
boss.. u nampak lain lah in the last pic. is that really u?
michael: hahaa why leh? that's limited edition.. but if you guys all want.. you want i can see whether we can get more made.
al: haha yah it is me
you sure it's dirt? not your sexy mole multiplying? :P
WOW !!
Boss !! I thought you were driving Waja ?
How come it's a BMW ?!
gila babi, since when got waja before?
boss, if u guys are planning on making more of those shirts, count me in too buddy! and you so free hor? while changing tire can snap photos, camera also dirty liao ><
I think I'd rather flag down the cute chick in her pink VW Beetle and just say I don't have a spare tire anymore.. Hitch a ride and let the AAA take care of things :P
well lucky u drive beemer lor..drive any old proton car..and u prob don need ppl to honk u..ur car prob cant move d if really puncture..so how much does a piece of that tyre cost?
hmmm i just had a puncture this morning.....gahhhh, no need to change the whole tyre la, can just patch it 5 dollar max
simply because I cant differentiate moles to stain, I think you've got two moles in the last pic :P Lolx
absolutely *lllllloooooooovvvvvveee* that pink VW! so cute! =D
Wah! Bossy drive a BM!!! So classy!
whispering: ARGH!!! IT'S CONTAGIOUS!!!
gila: my waja has BMW rims
william: okok i make one for u lol
jackson: clever boy!
joe: do you thikn it matters? it's just the tires
bacmee: eh mine cost RM15 to mend
mic: yesyess.. i do have twoo
eve: hehehe cute leh i also like
hor ny: no lar it's not lar.. u mistaken di
LOL ~ I read in Your posts a while ago with a Ferari and BMW and a Nissan Skyline one .. You said you were driving Waja ma .. :P
You look tired after the change of the tire. :)
You forgot to mention how soak is the t-shirt after changing the tire in this blistering heat. :P
i thot ppl bully small cars only but yr car kena bully also?? must be from a kancil owner...hehe
boss, spare tire is for you to use when u cannot find a workshop. When you have a workshop nearby, just ask them to come n fix it la boss, u're in the middle of the city
oiii boss!! why u wear ur nuffie shirt to change tires?? later other people think nuffnang is some car workshop how?? :(
To change car's tire can be considered ok compared to changing my bike's rear tire. Need to take out exzos. I'm not bs-ing you.
Oh, hi btw! It's been a while XD
JL from the competition sabo u la. Put nails where u parked it.
Time to upgrade. The new 3 comes standard with runflats.
u have to remember to tell your readers, after changing your tire, make sure you fix the punctured tire...the tire doesn't fix itself in the trunk. If you don't fix it, the next time you puncture your tire again, you will have no more tires to change :D
bossss!!! i know u might eat me i very scare!! but u really look fat!
gila: oh i do drive a waja
cheng: yah damn tiring
danny: yah!! you have no idea
johnny: i also small car wat
boss: it was a sunday lar boss
whee: hahaha Bengkel Motor Nuffnang
chapree: it's been a while dude... how r u
dan: lol lol
shireen: yah yah hahahaa
innocent: hahaha okok hear hear!!!
belle: i...am...going..to.... kill... you...
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