Things have been getting insanely busy for us at Nuffnang.
As much as we've expanded our team in Penang, KL and Singapore, the workload of a growing Nuffnang is daunting and the stress level has been mounting.
Even our intern Su Ann was beginning to lose her mind.

I decided that it was time we all had a breather so right around lunch time, every one of us left the office with our laptops and walked towards the nearest Monorail station.
We waited for a train and hopped on the first one to Sungai Wang.
I bought everyone a huge bucket of FRIED CHICKEN and we all feasted away.
All of us of course, except our two Muslim team mates there who were on Puasa.
Now you must be wondering why we all had to bring all our laptops for lunch and risk being mugged and having everything stolen.
Well that's because.... after lunch, the whole Nuffnang KL team (All 7 of us) went to Starbucks to spend the afternoon there working.
It was a change of environment for once.
Rather than working in the typical office environment we have, it was a nice change of environment to work inside Starbucks with Italian music playing in the background and with a view of the busy street along Low Yat Plaza right next to our laptop screens.
Some of us sat in pairs but some of us, preferred the privacy of their own tables.
Like Su Ann here.
There we were with the small Starbucks outlet all to ourselves, with our own little tables within talking distance of one another.
Of course even when working in the relaxing environment of Starbucks, some of us decide to have breaks with packets of Chipster.
We love the Sour Cream & Onion flavour for Chipster and since Twisties is a client of Nuffnang, it has very quickly become a favourite of everyone in the team including the two Nuffies in this picture Su Ann and Samantha.
You would think the interns at Nuffnang mimic the interns of other jobs where the intern is responsible for making coffee for the seniors or photocopying 1,000 pages a day.
Not at Nuffnang... eventhough we have a pretty cool photocopier.
Our interns here work independently on hands on stuff and actually play a very important role at Nuffnang.
The best part is that our interns from now and the past have all been bloggers themselves so if anything, they understood blogs better than anyone else.
Su Ann, just like Suet Li before her,
Lance in our Penang office
and Hui Wen in Singapore
But just when I'm getting used to the comfort that Su Ann gives me.. what does she do?
So now I am INTERNLESS!!!
Maybe I'll apply for "internship" position when I am outta job one fine day...
lol... that would be never rite?
aaron:" yah! spank her! su ann is a bad girl..
You know what you should do… get a Nuffnang-branded shopping cart so the next time you go to Starbucks with the entire team, you can bring the pretty cool photocopier along.
May I add it should be called Nuffnang's Mobile Ofis. Hahaha.
never say never - i may just get fed up with work one day and decide to go full time part time... hehehe...
Hi Bossy! Pardon me but what is the actual job of an intern( I am lowly educated )? As far as I know the intern of Bill Clinton have to smoke cigar also ( or it is the other way round )plus some other 'job'! So can a guy apply also?? Have a nice day!
why su ann whyyyyyyyyyy
hinching: lol... sounds so posh.. kenot lor.. how to afford
michelle: hahaha okok gimme a call then
hor ny: HAHAAHHAHAAH u are damn funny u! what a relation
ky: *SNIFF* yah.. tell her
Hehe... the first picture of Su Ann was from the day before. So technically, you don't have any proof that "Su Ann was beginning to lose her mind"...
But luckily for you, Su Ann is 24/7 out of her mind... which makes her an awesome blogger ;)
two weeks study leave...does that mean she won't be updating her blog for 2 weeks?
hire me hire me as msia's intern!! i dont get to go starbucks!!! boss ming likes to bring me SHOPPING instead!!!
jonathan: she's like that every day!
kimberly: hahaha no la she'll still update
davienne: ok come.. imported intern from overseas!
wow! can work in starbucks during office hrs!! I prolly shd work in nuffnang also hor.........that is IF u wanna employ me, boss~! lolz....wait till i complete my education first~ ;)
eve: hahahaha okok come work with us
I wonder why ar.. 4 interns but only 1 is guy ar?..hmmmmmMmmm...
who's the cruel one, enslaving us poor interns and asking us to make blog template for you! =( and forcing us to do helpdesk!!
u go pinkpau! wtf let's mogok wtf
*looks up at pinkpau's and suet li's comments*
oh NOES!! revenge of the interns!
boss beware boss xD haha
maniacz: actually i was about to take in another guy intern but he didn't show up
pinkpau: hahahaha
suet li: eh!!!
pink: hahahaa
For a moment there, I thought you actually so hardcore go and bring the copier along to Starbucks. LOL!
Was everyone actually working or were you all doing something else?
Like posting on someone's blog maybe. *grin*
Hmmm ... is this the day after you went to my office ??
You n Samantha was wearing exactly the same clothes that you wore to my office :P Or is that your uniforms ... hahaha
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