Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Breakfast

Every morning I wake up about 7am.

The first thing I do is head straight for a hot shower to wake myself up and to make sure that I don't fall asleep again.

Then I go brush my teeth and sit on my laptop for a while to check my work e-mails.

Then I walk out of my room and into the small dining room in my apartment.
That's when I normally prepare myself breakfast.

Breakfast for me is always simple: Cereals... either Koko Krunch or Milo cereals.
Then I grab my bowl of cereals and head straight for the TV in living room to watch E! while eating.

This morning, it was a little different.

I was watching the True Hollywood Story of Brandy when I took my first bite of the cereals that morning.

At first I thought I tasted a bit of banana and I shouted in my empty apartment

Then the taste of the banana really began to sip in and my mouth spasmed.

Now I like bananas... but I don't like eating bananas with anything else.

Yes that means I don't like banana split, I don't like banana juice and nothing of the sort.

After I puked out the milk, I went to investigate where the banana came from.

It definitely wasn't the Koko Krunch.

So it had to be the milk.

I took a look at the milk carton.
Nothing out of the ordinary.

Just the usual Hi Calcium, Hi Protein and LOW FAT milk that I drink (That's right, I drink low fat milk.. all you thin people go ahead and laugh!).

Then I turned the carton around only to see THIS.



I started beating myself up at first for buying it in the first place.. if I didn't like it.

Then I began to wonder that hey... someone else should share the blame with me.

I mean, if you're selling SUSU PISANG, shouldn't you AT LEAST put it in BIGGER PRINTS that the milk was PISANG MILK!?!?!

Heck, if I were Prime Minister, I would even push for a law that enforces



[fong88] said...

LOLX..hahahaha...i went thru b4 d..i know it tastes weird..i blame da buyers aka parents..XDDDD..but they just said da "banana flavoured" words is just too small..LOLX..

A world that i've seen said...

they changed the packaging, when first launched the banana milk, the packaging with a little banana printed, now suddenly the banana been stolen by someone else. hahahaha...
but i never try it, banana milk my mind, just few drops of banana essense into the milk? no clue. banana chocolate cake is tempting tho..not the banana milk..kekekeke

JacJac said...

Whoa... din know that banana milk existed... (NOT a modified-banana-flavored fan too)

now i gotta becareful of what i buy too.... sheesh...

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

that just sounds so damn wrong..god knows wat they did when they created this..must be damn high..

electronicfly said...

banana campur with anything is wierd. Only banana cake and pisang goreng is nice if you must cook your fruits...

Mun said...

I did the same mistake too last month when I was rushing for my grocery shopping. Realized the yellow code actually indicates the banana flavor.

So, the next time, if we see the green code, just hope it is kiwi, instead of durian flavor.

Anonymous said...

yuck. banana milk is probably like banana cake. the most disgusting things ever. the koko krunches have been done an injustice! hear ye hear ye!

slacker said...

oh yea.. i got conned into drinking that before. didn't know that the milk was actually banana flavoured cause there really isn't much indication! the flavour almost looks like a fineprint

Aaron Tan said...

you are definitely not the first one and the last one to get conned.. i kena also~!! lolz...

TheBeerCrusader said...

LOL ~ Bananas !!

Better watched out too.. I'm also a big fan of milk ~~

ViVa Milk !!

Down with susu pisang !!

Tine said...

I made the mistake of buying the exact carton too. Spitted the milk out when I had it with my cereal. Okay, whoever who created banana-flavoured milk is seriously disturbed. Banana-flavoured smoothie, yes. Milk, huge NO-NO.

TNS said...

wah, boss, now stay alone, can project

aL said...

aiyerrr~! kenot imagine lah.

banana flavoured milk... errrkkks!

Boss Stewie said...

never knew everyone also kena like me.. hahahahaha!!!!!


Cheng Chun said...

Banana milk. Errr, got banana drink lor. UK love their bananas what so everything is banana!!!

But I have to admit Malaysia's label isn't exactly big and obvious. Same with their road signage.

Nicole said...

when i was in the pageant contest, we were all given boxes of banana flavored milk. I've actually grown a liking towards it.

Boss Stewie said...

cheng: hahaha i tried that banana drink before.. bought it from sainsburys.. the most disgusting drink i've ever had

nico: noo!!!!!

Evelyncyl said...

banana milk..........

*sorry, i just don't like bananas~*

whisperingshout said...

Why need to 'hide' the fact from the consumers? Ask them to use nuffnang's service as compensation...else, boycott!!!

Belle said... taste like kotek?
how u knwo
how kotek taste like?
sweet sour? tell la!
really wanan know!

Danny said...

I wonder if this kinda would thing would allow you to lodge a complaint with the Trade Minister's Department. LOL!

But crap, they're now hiding the truth to boost their product numbers. -.-"

Eri Peng said...

ahak! i encounter on this morning also ehhh... when i first take a sip of it, i goes "what the hell? taste so freaky 1?" luckily i didn't mix it with the cereal though... if not i will throw up straight. lol it just taste so different when you have susu pisang. lol -__-" and yea, they shud have printed it in bigger font size, so that we can see it clearly. LOL

nice post. :D

YT said...
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jun said...

Lolx!! I also went through the same situation. Just that mine is coffee!!! I add milk in my coffee and at the end taste with banana-coffee. -_-"

But, taste like the Banana Java Chip of Starbucks. LOL!

Cheng Chun said...

But has anyone heard like the banana has such a strong smell that it can be absorbed into other fruits or food?

a n n n a said...

banana milk is nice wad..

[fong88] said...
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[fong88] said...

COMPLAINT.....take back customer right...!!!!!ask them replace back..print so small..they got da intention 2 cheat on customers..LOLZ..btw,low fat milk not nice taste lik that eh..jus drink normal eh and exercise more la..XDDDD

Suet Li said...

OI I LIKE BANANA MILK. damn nice ok!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, get use to malaysian style..... Speaking of which. Try to look carefully at the strawberry flavoured HL milk. Coze they use pink on the line.. and the first impression is it just a normal milk...... HAHAHAHAHA..... Malaysia