Dad: Son, pack your bags! We are going for a family holiday again. This time to Macau.
Me: What?!? Dad... we just went to Sydney and I can't go again. I have a dotcom to run!
Dad: You run an internet company, whatever work you need to do you can do it online. We're going to Macau not to Siberia. There is internet in Macau.
Me: I don't want to go away again lar! I have things to do here! The company needs me!
Dad: We are going over the weekend, at most you'll only miss one and a half working days. That's it!
And you have a partner who is just as capable as you to take care of things while you're away.
Me: No I don't want to go! I have work to do lar!
Dad: Son, if your company can't survive without you being physically there for a few days, then something is really wrong with your company.
Me: Fine... work aside. I don't want to go traveling again! It is very stressful for me.
I would rather go end of the year with a girl friend or something.
Dad: Son.. I thought I brought you up to be a smarter man than this.
If you go with daddy, you will be staying in the 6 Star Venetian hotel that costs about RM3,000 a night.

Now tell me son, if you go with a girlfriend of yours on your own, can you afford to stay in the Venetian or will you be staying in Motel Seng Seng that costs RM50 a night and have a man dressed in a singlet named Ah Long as your receptionist?
2 Weeks Later (Present Day)...
So apparently I'm in The Venetian Macau now.
Your dad must be damn rich !!
Anyway .. Boss ! Enjoy your holiday !!
Careful of Macau ayam.. many got HIV :P
gila: really? just now I was walking on the streets I saw so many of them.. damn hot wei!
hahaha.... your father is so farny!
hey, tell me how come u're taking airasia?! your dad sits airasia with you? :D
YER~!!! your dad is so cool~
he is the one "ordering/asking" you to go on a holiday...
with my dad *sigh* its definitely the opposite.. plus my tactic requires begging
Mr. Happy should be jumping for joy... like
I will definitely NOT spend a night on a RM50-per-night-with-a-receptionist-dressed-in-singlet-named-Ah-Long-at-Motel-Seng-Seng
but RM3000 per night at a grand venetian hotel?... hmm...
too expensive :p
I'll settle for someroom that has one zero less please :p
argh! i had to cancel my holiday coz of work! lucky you!
whey! Venetian Macao, man~! lucky, lucky u!!!! btw, is that ur dad in the second pic? looks so young hor~
arghhhhhh, that's ming la, the person running nuffnang sg, his partner.
anyhow you dam lucky, i just got back from a hol with my wife and it was only total of 300 a night, hahaha, that's 10 times my price man
Wah, after reading kennysia's posts on the hotel ah, wahhhhhhhhhh i the jeles now!
nico: hahaha no no my dad flew Cathay.. :P
jason: no lar... i think he got some discount
little ray: what what? haha
jess: hahahaha... yah i guess i'm that lucky
jac: wah RM300 a night also quite a posh hotel rite
michelle: uhmm hehehe!!!
eve: no lar that's my partner ming.. when i say "partner", i mean business partner mind u.. not gay partner
bamrc: oh i'm lucky ler.. my one is MBF (Mak Bapa Finance).. if i went on my own, the whole holiday would cost RM300
fei: hehee no ler.. dun jealousss
Hi, first time leaving a comment here.
Just wanted to say that you're so lucky to get to go on holiday so many times a year! And to the Venetian Macau too!
rinnah: hello! yah i know i'm very lucky
Hi Bossy!U should tell ur daddy so what if I stay in cheap hotel with chick! I can do pokeing all night long! With u in expensive hotel how to poke???Anyway enjoy ur holiday! Have a nice day!
U also go ah? I thought only Kenny so lucky to have been sponsored to go... everything free somemore. Cheh!! I am so jelous only.
hor ny: hahaha fahney lar u!!!!
true: yah but i not as lucky to let people sponsor hehehe
How am I supposed to know if those are hookers! Not like I went up there and asked, right? :P nice..can go Macau...
can I be your dad's god son?
btw, if you're using the internet in your room, make full use of it. It is fast. Like SUPER FAST. I downloaded almost 50 cd albums when I was there.
wow..tats really fast..
kenny: hahahaa... well.. based on your gut feeling what do you think?
maniacz: lol lol i'll ask him
kimfeI: :P
Yet another photo with your Mr Happy shirt? LOL. Enjoy yourself man.
tenth: i love my shirt :P
ahlost: hehehe dun lar.. it's not as fantastic as its hyped up to be
Donger, who wants to see photos of you lah ... where are the photos of the fantastic hookers?!? blehhhh :P
50 albums?! Five and zero? Fifty?!?! Geeeeeeeeee.
what? u r in venetian! sniff sniff i wanna go too...
you ... LUCKY BUM!
brother, im just back fr macau last nite too... not a bad place afterall... u should know how to de-stress sometimes lar... it's like months i have not been seeing u also... wat ur dad say is true, not all can hav the priviledge of stayin in venetian lar... i shall blog my experience in macau soon... cheers!
ZOMG! Cha-tou!
Your Dad really knows how to persuade his son. LOL!
And damn you! So nice holiday. T_T
I can't remember staying in a 5-star hotel overseas even.
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