Let me just tell you about what fun we've been having.
Yesterday morning, I received a Christmas card sent by mail from an anonymous person.

The only thing there was a taped up envelope with the words written
"No Money Buy Glue"

I opened up the card to see the sender's beautiful hand-writing that said
"To Boss Stewie & Gang, Season's Greetings and best wishes for a Happy New Year".
And then written additionally on the card was
"This is by no means BRIBING (reverse psychology).

The card was signed off as
"From: Ex-unemployed & Office Dota Player"
Which reminded me of a blogger I know who used to go to work and do nothing but play Dota, my dear friend Kai Yan.
Thanks for the card Kai Yan.
Ok moving on, I left for a lunch meeting later on and came back much later in the afternoon only to see a huge Christmas Present waiting for me in the office when I came back.

Everyone in the office was waiting for me to come back before they ripped it open to see what it was so the minute I got back they were all jumping around like little children saying
I bent closer to the box and looked at the writings on it.

It said
"For Nuffnang Children Only" "Contents: Happy Boosters"
And a warning at the bottom left which said
The sender signed off as
We decided that we had enough of exploring the box on the outside so it's time to find out what was on the inside.
Esther ripped open the box only to find .... a BOX FULL OF JUNK FOOD... ME LIKEY!!!
To the person or people who sent this, thank you so so much for feeding us at Nuffnang!
It certainly made us all happy.
Allow me to illustrate.
BEFORE THE PACKAGE CAME, Yat looked like this

AFTER THE PACKAGE CAME, Yat looked like this

AFTER THE PACKAGE CAME, Esther looked like this.

AFTER IT CAME, he looked like this.

Once again, thank you so much for the present.
The 10 of us in the Nuffnang KL office here needed it soooo badly!
Check it out okay.
Really worth watching... especially for the beginning part when Firdauz was teasing Esther.
Once you watch it, please tell me how the hell Firdauz managed to steal a candy stick from the box without us noticing.
At 0.33, he stuck his hand into the box along with the girls.
Woah! It must be very very nice to work in nuffnang! He! He! Any vacancy for a 'horny' fellow???
Have a nice day bossy!
wah! very sharp eyes, terrence.
before your comment, i thought probably the candy cane fell out of the box and he picked it up.
MY GODS.. you put on youtube!
haha.. got to admit that i was REALLY EXCITED opening the box... :p
and FIRDAUZ very nottie... keep teasing me when i was opening the box.
-.- i look like i'm digging gold.
haha a very nuffie xmas to u boss!
i want a candy too :(
eh... saya mau jugak....
see kai yan! boss second-ed what i told YOU about YOUR beautiful hand-writing :p
and yea hor! how in the world did firdauz got the candy without me realizing -.-' ?!?
I want candies! T_T
Eh boss belanja me some la?
how i hear is timothy wa wa wa in the back -.-
Wahhhhhh.. yummy.. now... I WANT TO GO TO SUPERMARKET TO BUY CHEEZEL!!!! Oh so hungry....
candy cane.........
i wan one boss........
you all were like kids... and the person who went "waaa...waaaa..." sounded lagi like a small kid :p *teeheehee*
undenialble the nuffnang consists of sweet lovers :p
Wa mau satu candy cane :p
yeah, at 0.33 to 0.34, damn fast.
Seriously.. those hard writing was good ??? Sure bo ?
Eh. Is the one who said 'wah wah' boss?
(-.-III why my face so ugly one..oh oops..i slept late the night before..
by the way..thanks to the sender..now got things to eat at 4pm when i get hungry XD
yeah... he is really fast n 'panjang tangan' la...hehe..:D i need to watch it twice to catch his hand...wat a lucky day 4 all of u...
I oso wan la, can donate some 4 me Boss???:p
Did I saw the girl just handed over the candy to Firdauz without realizing it?
At 11:19, he returned suet li's heart
"Take it back la, dowan to miss you anymore"
Man, I sure hope you pay your staff well for the trouble they had to go through.
I saw Firdauz sticking his hand in as well. His hand was above Esther's a for a short time but you'd notice it if you only watched the video.
Probably from all the excitement, you guys wouldn't have noticed. :P
Anyway, I bet there's going to be plenty more a coming.
He dipped his hand in as soon as the box was open. 0.33slash0.34's just about right. Very quick. If you couldn't tell which was his hand, pay attention. Look out for one slim tanned-skined hand. Haha. It's the only one. =)
And wow. It's sure nice being one of you guys.
tht was fuacking fast woh!!!!!
arggh.it is just very sweet of dem for the pressie and card.btw, boss, i saw you in 1U with your orange happy t-shirt. but you were walking so fast!!don't even have the chance to say hi..=p
What can i say ... Merry Christmas :)
hahaha you guys have such sharp eyes!
saw ur youtube acc,(that mos taipei,WOW)was wondering when ministry of sound kl opening and the location,any idea?
Merry Christmas..I love junky food..can i have some?lol
merry xmas boss tim! I am ylva. just a normal nuffnanger =)
i wanna work for nuffnang too!!
Wow ... hellalotta junk food! Any, merry xmas to everyone at Nuffnang (KL and Spore!)
Wow ... hellalotta junk food! Any, merry xmas to everyone at Nuffnang (KL and Spore!)
*gasps!* .. i want one!
and yeah, he stuck his hands in with the girls ..
btw will you be in Penang end of this month?
Heheheh awww.. that's sooo sweet. I send present also...Super nice too..
Send on facebook yah ^_^ tell em which one u want and i send over to your tree heheh
Hahaha I just saw the video,... this time round... and Hahaha seriously Firdauz ur hand.... mana lu....
"I want this one" Hahhahaa funnny man
Shock betul working at nuffnang hehe
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