Some questions... kinda really weird and not really about much and some questions... repeated by people over and over and over and over again. ISH!
Okay I'm gonna start answering some of the questions now, the first 10 at least.
1) "As a popular & famous blogger & rich & also a CEO, how do u feel with all the attraction u get from hot chick??? Do u have any POKEING session with any of this hot chick???"

I'm also not quite the CEO of Nuffnang, I'm the Executive Director though I do run the Malaysian side of Nuffnang.
So with all that in place... I can't say that I get plenty of so called 'attraction' from hot chicks. Haha
2) "I know this question is going to be a bit formal but I am going to study Economics in UCL in September and I was wondering whether u can tell me more about your experience there."

Yet from the first year to the second year that I was there, 5% of the straight A students in my course didn't make it to the second year. From second to third year, 15% of the course didn't make it.

So have fun at UCL. And when you go to Four Seasons Roast Duck at Bayswater, please ask for "Ah Fei".

I actually bought it when I was in Sydney. It's quite common there. There was this brand doing all these shirts but I think you can find some of them in the flea market at The Curve on the weekends.
4) "Ever thought of making it into CLEO's 50 most eligible bachelor like kennysia?"
Kenny Sia is on a wholeee different league from where I am. He's someone who has already made it in life and truly is eligible.
To begin with, I don't think I have the looks to make it for CLEO's listing. Besides, under the pressure of my parents, I've been trying to slow down on the media attention unless it's absolutely necessary or about Nuffnang.
Just yesterday I was in an article about blogging celebrities for Nuffnang in the Sunday Times.

I agree to a certain extent but in the past year, Nuffnang has been lucky enough to be in so many newspapers, magazines and TV slots sooo many times that I think before we set the expectations higher any further with all this hype, we all need to get down to pushing Nuffnang to the next level.
5) Why are girls so fascinated by guys' leg hair?
Uhhh... I didn't realize that happened.
6) Who do you want a blowjob from,brad pitt or an ugly transvestite?
Brad Pitt please.

7) What is the best pickup line/cheeziest line you ever said to a girl?
The best pickup line for me... "Hi!!!"
The cheesiest/worst pickup line for me.... "Heeeeeyyyyy.... you're actually quiteee prettyyyy"... (In my defence, it sounded a lot better with some tequila shots in my blood).
8) "Why are you called Boss Stewie and not Boss Timmy since Timothy is your name?"
Well Boss Stewie came from my Leng Mou days. Back then I was crazy (and still am actually) about this character in Family guy named Stewie.

I asked Boss Lepton why he had "Boss" to his nick and he said it was because we called each other Boss all the time in real life.
9) "If you were a hangbag what kind of hangbag will you be? What colour, material, special features and price range."
Dammit! How do you expect a guy who knows nothing about handbags to answer a question like this.
10) "Who is the model you shagged before?"
Wah this one I cannot say cuz she reads my blog and she'll come after me :P
yay finally answered ur 1st 10 questions! :D
wah u shagged a model b4? :|
omg, so you really shagged a model!!!
walao... u really shagged a model b4?
errr... if i were a guy and somebody asked me question #6... I would have said neither lehhh... your answer is really... hmm... *raises eyebrow*
Alamaakkkkk.... #6. Hehehehe... Careful boss. Won't be suprised if suddenly gays give u their number and telling you," I am better than Brad Pitt". Jeng jeng jeng.....
Oh tidakkkkkkkkk....
next question is, how much would you sell your iphone off for if one of us have thoughts of buying it..
Boss. I think you better expand your list to 100 questions leh. This 20 is too little la... :P
waaa...shagged a model before...
waaa... willing to take blowjobs from BradPitt...
and really meh?... do girls get facinated by guys' leg hairs?
*long pause*
ah yeh... we do at times stare at it and totally lost in thoughts
now i realise that oso..:p
hey.. how come u din answer the one question everyone is waiting for, first?
ahhaha kantoi!!!! now i think we have another question that u must answer
What about a PRETTY transvestite who looks jap?!?!??!
interesting. next 20 pls
I'm new, don't know where to locate your e-mail for the question.
i have one question after i read your last question.
You can't tell us which model u have shag.
What about telling us which model you haven't shag.?
Then we will know who u did. You didn't mention her name.. She would not blame u .
Yeah, list 20 model names out and just tell us which one u did not shag, Yet.
I've been to Four Season's in Bayswater b4, boss! so nice can!!! gee i love tat roast duck rice!
same michelle, same mouse.
Wah! Bossy tq very for choosing my question ( No.1 )!!!Really no pokeing session arrrr???
Have a nice day!
gahhh Four Seasonsss yummy...
u shagged a model!?!? >.<
gahhh Four Seasonsss yummy...
u shagged a model!?!? >.<
gahhh Four Seasonsss yummy...
u shagged a model!?!? >.<
gahhh Four Seasonsss yummy...
u shagged a model!?!? >.<
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