But not for me.... heck I love my weekdays... I love the work I do and I love the people I work with so I actually look forward to weekdays. This Monday however I started off on a slightly different foot.
See, Sunday night I realized that there was a small leak underneath the sink of one of my apartment's toilets.

Monday morning I woke up and you know what I saw.... that leak had turned into a bloody MONSOON!!!
Water was POURING out from the bottom of the sink and flooding the toilet so fast it had begun to leak into the bedroom and before I knew it... I woke up and the room was A SWAMP!!!
Has any of you ever heard of the term... "SPEED MOPPING"?
Well... allow me to introduce to you that new term.

While in the chaos I managed to grab my cordless phone and called the plumber.
The conversation basically went like this
Then after a while of SPEED MOPPING... I realized that it hadn't helped much and I had one of those light bulb moments where a light bulb lights up in my head.

Why don't I just turn off the water mains where the water meter is. I jumped out of my apartment and straight to the water meter and I couldn't remember which was my apartment and which was my neighbour's water supply but I didn't give a flying f*ck at the point in time.... I turned BOTH OFF!!!
I had a small image in my head of my neighbour in the shower covered in soap and suddenly had the water turned off before he could wash the soap off but I thought about it for a while and then just decided
"NAH!!!... What are the odds?"
After that I ran back to speed mopping with a bit more success this time and in a few hours time, the plumber arrived!
All he did was to replace a small little pipe underneath my sink and it cost me RM150.
So there you have it everyone.. my unconventional Monday morning!!!
Don't you just wish your life had so much drama!
hahaha... wat a great thing to start ur day.... xD
yes... way too exciting for myself sometimes
omg!!! u forgot to turn on ur neighbours tap... LoL...
Lol, yea! You totally forgotten about your neighbour!
i hope you remembered to turn back on your neighbour's tap haha so funny
Ooohh...poor neighbour! Hope he/she din "kill" u for it! Haha! Hilarious! :P
as for the money, nevermind la, once awhile only u need to call the plumber... hehe
Poor neighbour... What a drama monday for you eh... LOL!
In spite of all the speed mopping... you still managed to take photos! I would have either been to harassed to bother, or just simply to care. Hihi...
stewie if you'd slept in late would you have drowned?
Did you remember to turn back on your neighbour's pipe?
one of your apartments, wood flooring..haiya boss, no need to haggle la.
hehe some exercise in the morning is good for health
hahah yes lar i remembered to turn on my neighbour's water supply!
water means money. more money coming ur way! :P
HEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!! XD wonder when it'll happen to me =p
speed mopping.
now that should be an olympic event
you should have bartered with the plumber and offers him an advertorial!
wah... SO exciting meh? duno wheter i can cope onot? lol
Thats why plumbers earn so much everywhere..
Now that's an adrenaline rush jumpstart to the week! Better than coffee, no? :)
Hehe.. kidding. Glad everything turned out well. Hope you have a more restful coming Monday.
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