"an annual alumni of about 300 media pundits, industry specialists, and key media decision makers in the fields of media, marketing, branding and advertising across Malaysia. Amongst the speakers featured are noted personalities from Malaysia, Singapore and the United Kingdom"
Check out their list of speakers.

Now I've done quite a lot of speeches and public speaking since Nuffnang came about, (some better than others).
The largest crowd I ever spoke to was at the National Entrepreneurs Convention this January where I spoke to 500 people

Heck these are all important people!!!
And I'm probably not only the youngest among the speakers, but probably also one of the youngest actually going to be there at the conference, and all these people who have been in the industry probably since I finished my PMR are going to listen to me talk for 35 minutes.
don't stress!
*hands you chicken in a biskit*
Just speak a bit slower and you'll do just fine. :D
good luck boss
all the best :>
you can do it!~
Eh there's a Bob giving a speech :D
I'm sorry to do this...but...LOL! I find it utterly cute that you are stress over it...but I can see why though *gulps* you should feel honoured that all these terror uncle wanna listen to what you have to say..plus they need to keep up with all the in-s and they should all start a blog and join the nuffnang community! =D you'll do fine! one great word of advise = BREATHE!
good luck boss.
since you said everyone will be older, maybe not a good idea to advise you to imagine them all naked huh? :D
sorry can't help.. i'm sure i'm worse than you when it comes to public speaking..
hav a lil more faith in urself.
can do it.. no prob..
u'r THE boss stewie anyway.
Cheers!!!! ehehhe
break a leg. =)
all the best. just imagine your audience is naked and it helps calm you down haha.
Good luck bro! I'd stress too if I were you, but go get a massage or something, you'll be fine.
gambatte! jia you! tambah minyak!
(anyone else realised how many dollar signs Tim used? Heheh. Sure got meaning behind it one)
dont worry too much..u've done it so many times..y not this time??^^all the best to u..
Stay Cool & frosty! Remember those people = $$$$$$$$ & lot'sa $$$$$$$ in the future.
Wait a minute! u present after lunch, right!Just present your most popular entries to light thing up for before shooting the hard stuff(fact) to the audience! blogging industry + blogger=$$$
hehe good luck. i'm sure u'll knock them dead. :)
to monica and blogjunkie...thinking of the audince being naked does calm you down meh..? i should try it too:P
good luck boss!! you can do it! breathe in...brethe out...breathe in..=)
goooood luck!
breath in....
breath out...
you are almost there finishing your speech.
Wish u luck!!!!
Gambatei and wishing you a great speech!
All the best!! Just Do It! Timothy Tiah Boleh!
Good luck, Boss Stewie! :)
Don't speak so fast, macam the NTV7Wild blogging interview then can already. Have faith in yourself, we all know u can do it. Teehee.
good luck boss ! don't talk about nipples ! :P
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