Friday, September 12, 2008

What Does It Look Like I'm Saying?

I was reading Adoi Magazine, the leading magazine for the online advertising industry and they wrote an article about the Malaysian Media Conference that I happened to give a speech at.

They put up a picture of me while I was giving my speech there and I thought it was a really funny picture.
It looks as if I was saying "SHIIIITTTT!!!!".

What does it look like I was saying to you guys?


KY said...

I think you were trying to say a very loud HMMMPHHHH, but stuck at the first H.

electronicfly said...

You were gonna say "Sure, I'll give electronicfly more money" right?


Zephyr said...

you looks like Hittler with a mole XD

a n n n a said...

u looked so serious. "believe me!"


Balqiz said...

You look like you're saying, "Jeeeeeeeeerk!"

Terrence Cheang said...

Definitely the word "SHIT"

Boss Stewie said...

hahahaha you guys ah!!!


test said...

Gimme lotsa money, lotsa power and err dunno!

Ãngelu§ said...

"The key to success is good dental hygiene! And a sheepish smile..." :)

Boss Stewie said...


spectre: hahahaha nooo!!! i have none of both !!

marcusan said...

Probably, "seeeeeeeeeeee..."
(shit in Cantonese)

Panache said...

something along the line that begins with C or S and followed with an H..

so it would have sounded like this..

chi........ OR


Boss Stewie said...



I think it was a
"SHIIITTTT... what was I supposed to talk about again?"

LazyBum said...

Hhhmm...a very frustrated kinda luk saying "SHITTT...WTF is dis?" hehehe

Isley Chang~ said...

i think is Bit*h

MY tiny LiFe said...

it look 80% alike tat u saying "sh*t"....

Anonymous said...

"sh...itake mushrooms!"


Brenda B said...


Nicholas said...

Looks like u said, "I'm Simba. Hear me roar. Roarrrrrrrrr"...through a gritted teeth of course

Or perhaps u said, "Sorry guys, I can't go on any longer. I gotta go shiiiiiiiiiiiiit".

Am I correct?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha Boss, tak de mic over there la!!! shame shame

Chik Yoong said...

May be a stomach "attack" due to weeks of constipation.. Hahahahaha

Boss Stewie said...

hahaha guys! keep them coming

michael: I'm holding the mic with my right hand. Can you see the top of the mic right below the mic stand

Yap Chee Hong said...




Kay said...

looks like 'cb' to me =D

Anonymous said...

It looks like you are about to say something, suddenly you've forgotten and having a hard time because you were constipated :P

hahaha. Okay that was what that came into my mind.

- m i c h e l l e - said...

With that look and expression, I would say... SHEESSSHH!

Haha, okie that's utter nonsense coming from crappy me.

Unknown said...

something to do with a 'chi' from the word chicken and 'bye' from the word goodbye?

Ai Ming said...

i have no idea why
but once i saw the picture
i thought you were gonna say..
and "bai" should be the word after that

Boss Stewie said...

hahaha you guys ah!

denise said...

the word 'chee sin ' ...and u just abt to finish the word cheeeeeee


Tine said...

"Argh, shouldn't have had that bad salmon"


Anonymous said...

I just relieved myself of constipation